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  1. 'Snowball Earth' might have been slushball by University of Cincinnati, April 9, 2023 The open access paper is: Song, H., An, Z., Ye, Q., Stüeken, E.E., Li, J., Hu, J., Algeo, T.J., Tian, L., Chu, D., Song, H. and Xiao, S., 2023. Mid-latitudinal habitable environment for marine eukaryotes during the waning stage of the Marinoan snowball glaciation. Nature Communications, 14(1), p.1564. Researchgate PDF Yoru, Paul H.
  2. The strange race to track down a missing billion years Zaria Gorvett, BBC News, September 1, 2021 A billion years have vanished from the geological record – and over 152 years after this was first discovered, scientists can't agree on why. Some papers: Peters, S.E. and Gaines, R.R., 2012. Formation of the ‘Great Unconformity’as a trigger for the Cambrian explosion. Nature, 484(7394), pp.363-366. Keller, C.B., Husson, J.M., Mitchell, R.N., Bottke, W.F., Gernon, T.M., Boehnke, P., Bell, E.A., Swanson-Hysell, N.L. and Peters, S.E., 2019. Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(4), pp.1136-1145. Open access Marshak, S., Domrois, S., Abert, C., Larson, T., Pavlis, G., Hamburger, M., Yang, X., Gilbert, H. and Chen, C., 2017. The basement revealed: Tectonic insight from a digital elevation model of the Great Unconformity, USA cratonic platform. Geology, 45(5), pp.391-394. Yours, Paul H.
  3. Earth's oldest asteroid strike linked to 'big thaw' Curtin University, January 22, 2020 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200122100546.htm the open access paper is: Timmons M. Erickson, Christopher L. Kirkland, Nicholas E. Timms, Aaron J. Cavosie, Thomas M. Davison. Precise radiometric age establishes Yarrabubba, Western Australia, as Earth’s oldest recognised meteorite impact structure. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13985-7 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-13985-7 Yours, Paul H.
  4. Ancient ‘Snowball Earth’ thawed out in a flash By Lucas Joel, Apr. 2, 2019 , 10:50 AM https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/04/ancient-snowball-earth-thawed-out-flash The paper is: Zhou, C., Huyskens, M.H., Lang, X., Xiao, S. and Yin, Q.Z., 2019. Calibrating the terminations of Cryogenian global glaciations. Geology, 47(3), pp.251-254. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-abstract/47/3/251/568701/calibrating-the-terminations-of-cryogenian-global?redirectedFrom=fulltext An earlier article is: Ancient Earth froze over in a geologic instant By Lucas Joel Jun. 7, 2018 , 4:40 PM https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/ancient-earth-froze-over-geologic-instant The paper for this article is: MacLennan, S., Park, Y., Swanson-Hysell, N., Maloof, A., Schoene, B., Gebreslassie, M., Antilla, E., Tesema, T., Alene, M. and Haileab, B., 2018. The arc of the Snowball: U-Pb dates constrain the Islay anomaly and the initiation of the Sturtian glaciation. Geology, 46(6), pp.539-542. http://www.princeton.edu/geosciences/people/maloof/papers_pub/54Maloof.pdf Also, there is: Rooney, A.D., Strauss, J.V., Brandon, A.D. and Macdonald, F.A., 2015. A Cryogenian chronology: Two long-lasting synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciations. Geology, 43(5), pp.459-462. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/fmacdonald/files/rooney_etal_geology_2015.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alan_Rooney https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275523064_A_Cryogenian_chronology_Two_long-lasting_synchronous_Neoproterozoic_glaciations Yours, Paul H.
  5. Researchers suggest missing crust layer can be blamed on 'Snowball Earth' January 3, 2019 by Bob Yirka, Phys.org https://phys.org/news/2019-01-crust-layer-blamed-snowball-earth.html Around the world, miles of rock are missing. Could ‘Snowball Earth’ be the culprit? by Julian Rosen, Los Angeles Times, January 3, 2019 https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-snowball-earth-geology-20190103-story.html the paper is: C. Brenhin Keller et al. Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1804350116 https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/12/26/1804350116 Yours, Paul H.
  6. Belo are a great series of lectures (2016) that summarizes what is known and unknown about the Cryogenian. Earth Dynamics Research Group CCFS sponsored short course on Snowball Earth https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n Snowball Earth Lecture 1 - Snowball geology Earth Dynamics Research Group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxFmcgjXtgI&t=0s&list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n&index=2 Snowball Earth Lecture 2 - Snowball climate dynamics Earth Dynamics Research Group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZTR-DaT-w0&t=0s&list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n&index=3 Snowball Earth Lecture 3 - Snowball geochemistry Earth Dynamics Research Group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfC-YRLCKGU&t=0s&list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n&index=4 Snowball Earth Lectures 4&5 - Snowball geobiology & The origin of Laurentia Earth Dynamics Research Group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrjmSVcIGo0&t=0s&list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n&index=5 Snowball Earth Lecture 6 - The Great Oxidation Event and a Siderian snowball earth Earth Dynamics Research Group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2zXLswH02s&t=0s&list=PLb5FFe99h_Lg_t5_67MG1OIKMjOPqFS4n&index=6 Yours, Paul H.
  7. Oxytropidoceras

    Australia's Extreme Geological Past

    Five places that mark Australia's extreme geological past By Dr. Tom Raimondo, ABC Science, July 22, 2017 http://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2017-07-22/five-places-that-mark-australias-extreme-geological-past/8728928 Also, the Australian government released enormous amount of sea floor mapping and other geologic data, which was generated by the MH370 tragedy, to the public. MH370 Search Data Published Reveals Ocean Geology, Shipwrecks and Fishing Grounds, ABC News, July 19, 2017 http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/missing-jet/mh370-search-data-published-reveals-ocean-geology-shipwrecks-fishing-grounds-n784281 MH370 - Phase One Data Release http://marine.projects.ga.gov.au/mh370-phase-one-data-release.html "The search for MH370 involved the collection and analysis of large volumes of marine data from a remote area. The data obtained during the first phase of sea floor mapping is now available to the public." Yours, Paul H.
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