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  1. Notidanodon

    Ichthyosaur tooth

    Hi guys just wanted to see if anyone could identify it past the current label thanks! @pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon @Praefectus
  2. Geo-Reinier

    Unknown fossil/ Bone?

    The dense bone, with a heavier than usual specific gravity to what you would expect from a bone. It was found at 0.5m below ground level within weathered Langport Member, Blue Lias Formation and Charmouth Mudstone Formation.
  3. KittyandCece

    Fossil I.D. Please, Somerset, UK

    Hi all, new to the site, just hoping if someone might help us find out what this fossil is? Found with my daughter in Somerset, UK. Thanks in advance
  4. World's earliest fossilised forest discovered in Minehead, Somerset By Greg Brosnan, BBC News Climate and Science, March 6, 2024 Earth’s earliest forest revealed in Somerset fossils By Sarah Collins, University of Cambridge, March 7, 2024 THe open access paper is: Davies, N.S., McMahon, W.J. and Berry, C.M., 2024. Earth's earliest forest: fossilized trees and vegetation-induced sedimentary structures from the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) Hangman Sandstone Formation, Somerset and Devon, SW England. Journal of the Geological Society, pp.jgs2023-204. Yours, Paul H.
  5. A series of articulated Ichthyosaur vertebrae collected from a shale block at Warren Bay just west of Watchet, Somerset. This was by best find from the trip and I did not expect to find something this good on my first visit to this locality. upon closer examination, I also discovered that there was more bone hidden within the shale, so hopefully I can remove the matrix and expose it. First, though, I'm going to have to make sure that pyrite decay doesn't set in.
  6. Interesting piece found in the junction bed Jurassic layers in Somerset. Bone like texture. Possibly ichthyosaur?? Any help much appreciated. Found amongst Jurassic ammonites layers.
  7. rocket

    giant ammonites from Britain

    10 years ago we have seen this huge ammonites in Tucson. Size was around 35 cm, as I remember Forgot the ID..., I think it was Coroniceras from somerset, but? what do you think? e.g. Britain is not 100%, I remember it was, but now it is 2023 and I am older than 10 years ago
  8. Kieran_shawn

    Is this bone?

    Hi everyone, I found this near Hinckley Point, Somerset. Anyone have an idea what it may be? I thought the texture looked a bit like the inside of a bone. Thanks, Kieran
  9. Just spotted this on the beach, thinking it looks like ichthyosaur shoulder bone or something, don’t want to carry it if it’s just a lump of wood though. What are your thoughts? Already seen a rib in one boulder, a vert in another and collected a piece of possible jaw and another bone. Thanks for looking. IMG_1730.MOV
  10. Kieran Shawn

    Bone ID

    I found this bone yesterday on the surface of a boulder on the beach just East of the slipway at Blue Anchor, Somerset, UK. No idea what it is, anyone recognise it?
  11. My daughter just picked up this unusual looking nodule on the beach at Lilstock, it split quite easily to expose a tooth shaped item. Could it be a tooth or perhaps some kind of shell? Thanks for looking
  12. Somerset fossil hunters 'need to be better informed' BBC News, July 27, 2021 United Kingdom Fossil Network Yours, Paul H.
  13. Hi all, I am trying to identify this fossil from a photo taken at Blue Anchor, Somerset. It shod be Triassic or Jurassic. At first I thought it might be a marine creature but it, doesn't look like a skeleton, so I thought possibly a large plant? It is perhaps 0.5 to 0.75 metres across. Many thanks.
  14. jvpartin

    Fossil Identifications

    Thanks beforehand. My young granddaughters (8 and 5 yo) have went fossil hunting in their backyard around Lake Cumberland in Kentucky and as I am not experienced in identification and cleaning techniques I appreciate all help given to identify several examples of what we collected.
  15. dhiggi

    Unidentified bone

    I recently bought a bit of a job lot of things online just to get an ichthyosaur tooth for my daughter’s collection. Along with the tooth, an ichthyosaur bone and some acrodus teeth was this. The seller stated that it is from the Rhaetic bone bed in Somerset and is triassic. It looks a lot like the other ichthyosaur bone in the lot, but is anyone able to identify it? Thank you for looking
  16. ntrusc

    Ammonite table.

    From the album: Jurassic stuff uk

    A resin table made with British ammonites.
  17. Scylla

    Fossil Found By Dogs

    Ok first off this "65 million year old" fossil that comes from the "Jurassic" period just shows how ignorant the author is. I had trouble reading any more, but I had no trouble enjoying the pictures of the fossil icthyosaur. https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEIJqm_wITm06zKsQ0oo0ZOUqGQgEKhAIACoHCAowzuOICzCZ4ocDMPX1qQY?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  18. Scottym

    Fossil id, uk.,somerset

    Could anyone help me identify these fossils i found them on kilve beach somerset hoe do i upload pics
  19. kentucky_mike

    Noob from Somerset Ky

    Just now getting into fossils with my 6 year old son. He is enthusiastic and excited, but finding I am surprised as to how much I am enjoying myself as well. I've always found fossils interesting but never really invested any time in learning more about them. Not many discoveries yet but still searching my area and looking online for information of locations in KY. Planning a trip to Tampa next week and hoping to check out Venice Beach or Peace River although I am reading that this is not a good time of the year for Peace River. Will try and upload a few pics of what we have found so far in a few days and i will have a few questions which sadly will have probably been asked before. Go easy on me.
  20. fossil_sea_urchin


    I found this tooth is Somerset, it is probably modern, does anyone know what it is?
  21. Bobby Rico


    From the album: Bobby’s ammonites

  22. Bobby Rico


    From the album: Bobby’s ammonites

  23. Bobby Rico

    Dactylioceras Cf Athleticum

    From the album: Bobby’s ammonites

    Dactylioceras Cf Athleticum with a worm tube Ilminster Somerset.uk
  24. Bobby Rico

    Harpoceras Falciferum

    From the album: Bobby’s ammonites

    Harpoceras Falciferum Ilminster Somerset ,Uk probably the best specimen I have seen for liminsrer. Not rare but perfect.
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