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  1. When I caught wind of @jnoun11's traveling exhibit coming to Canada, British Columbia of all places, I made sure to book it down to the Vancouver Aquarium immediately! It was the most incredible display of Moroccan fossils I have ever seen and far greater than any permanent museum galleries! Of course I spent most of the time at the mosasaur section, finally getting the chance to see the marine reptiles I work on fully reconstructed in all their glory! The best part was seeing the species of mosasaur @pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon @Praefectus and I named on display for the whole world! Such a great feeling! The skull of Hainosaurus boubker stood proud along side Thalassotitan atrox and the skeletons of Mosasaurus beaugei, Halisaurus arambourgi and Zarafasaura oceanis (plus some turtles). The murals in the back illustrated the diverse community of the phosphates in an active, warm sea environment which made you feel like you were right there swimming with them! The info boards were great and very informative with a fun "Monster Level" gimmick to show how fierce these predators where in their environments and times! Unfortunately Hain and Thalass were still under their pre-2022 names of Tylosaurus and Prognathodon anceps (plus using their smaller size estimates) which hopefully one day will be updated. I purchased a seasons pass just to revisit this display several times this summer while it is still around! Here are some photos of the mosasaur section (plus Spinosaurus) I took with my good camera!
  2. Joe Jordan

    Spinosauruid or something else

    Hi all found this tiny tooth at Hastings today it's early Cretaceous period 145myo Don't look like the normal croc I'm thinking spinosaur
  3. im guessing the tip isn’t from the same tooth but what about the root? it’s a very nice looking tooth though. thanks in advance
  4. Joe Jordan

    Baryonyx or something else

    Hi all I'm new to the group my name's Joe hope someone can help ID a tooth.. I Found this tooth at Hastings it has serrations right upto the tip both sides.. Any info would be great
  5. Hello beautiful people, I would like you to help me label the following specimens, which come from Morocco. In theory, the 3 teeth in photo "A" are from juvenile spinosaurs. Those in photo "B" deltadromeus. And finally those in the photo "C" Tylosaurus. As always, very grateful for your responses!
  6. Recently I bought a spinosaurus tooth that had obviously been broken and glued back together, poorly. Do you recommend any particular glue? I had looked it up, and the glue I have apparently will work. Will it?
  7. M3gal0don_M4n

    Part 1 of my fossil collection.

    Hi, everyone. this is part 1 of my growing fossil collection. I will show more of my collection later. Images: 1. Carcharodon Hastalis ( found by me) 2. Scylirhinoid vertebrae (found by me) 3. Unknown Theropod tooth (bought) 4. 13.5 cm (5.34 inch) megalodon tooth (bought) 5. Tiger shark tooth (bought) 6. Bull shark tooth (bought)
  8. M3gal0don_M4n

    Newest addition.

    Latest addition to my collection.
  9. About half an hour ago, I bought a Spino tooth from a shop filled with many random things near my holiday property. I just noticed this tooth has a white chip in it and it led me to slightly doubt if it is real. I think it most likely is real.
  10. jikohr

    Extra Carina on a Spino tooth?

    Hi everyone! I was going through a batch of Spinos I got recently and this one stood out. It measures just over 4.5 cm and appears to have a second carina on one side. It reminds me of those really rare pathological therapod teeth I've seen with parallel sets of serrations except it's Spino so the serrations are.....not as prominent. So I figured it would be a good idea to ask for a second opinion before labeling it as that. What do you all think? Any insight is greatly appreciated as always!
  11. Today I went to a pretty famous and professional fossil shop in the UK, which had a quite big collection of various fossils. To my supprise, they also had a number of dinosaur teeth, including species such as Carcharodontosaurus, some Tyrannosaurids such as Gorgosaurus and Daspletosaurus, as well as several teeth of Suchomimus and Spinosaurus. Especially the teeth of the latter were actually not as expansive. [prices removed as per forum rules - staff] Now, I have to admit that I am a bit sceptic. When I look on the wikipedia page of Spinosaurus, I read that only a handfull (namely 6) partially complete individuals have ever been found. Furthermore, they list a number of other known specismens, which "consist mainly of very fragmentary remains and scattered teeth". However, when I google, I see that spinosaurus teeth are not only available in this little shop I went today, but apparently can also be bought online, in hundreds of different places (amazon, ebay, etc). They are literally everywhere and very abundant. So how is this possible? Some possibilities: 1) Teeths are indeed very common and wikipedia just refers to fossils in which also parts of the bones have been found. 2) All these teeths one can buy are actually just "prints" (like gibbs prints or whatever) and it is simply assumed to be so clear that it is not mentioned in the shops/online markets. 3) Most of them are fake (although I don't believe this, since the shop in which I found some of them was quite well-known and professional).
  12. Hi everyone! I have my eye on a Kem Kem spino claw and was hoping for a second opinion on the potential presence of shenanigans. The top looks great, but the bottom has a pretty clear difference in coloration between the tip area and the back. Although that doesn't seem to go beyond the bottom so it might just be a fluke in the mineralization or just differing levels of exposure. So what do you all think? Any insight is appreciated as always!
  13. Kim Eun-hyang

    Are these Spinosaurus teeth?

    I purchased a tooth, but I want to know if it is a crocodile tooth or a spinosaurus tooth. Thank you.
  14. Hello,there I Spinosaurus tooth that has no repair or restor as mentioned in the introduction, with a crack. After receiving it, I found that the crack was continuous and it seemed entirely possible that it was broken. Later, I used acetone to wipe the cracks, and the cracks showed white dentin. After thorough wiping, the teeth did not break (acetone removed the glue). I want to know if this tooth has repaired crack? How can a complete crack appear without breaking? Thank you for any viewpoints.
  15. Hello, may I know how Spinosaurus replaced its teeth? After this tooth broke, I found that there seems to be a replacement tooth inside Thank you
  16. Hi Everyone! I acquired this Kem Kem gem a few months ago. I'm pretty certain that it's a Spinosaurid Caudal, which would have been really cool by itself since it's one of the better ones I've seen, but what really sticks out (or in) is a very large unique looking hole on one side. The bone is about 9.6 cm long and hole by itself is roughly 3.5 x 2.7 cm wide and 1.3 cm deep. Damage on Kem Kem material isn't uncommon, but the bone surface flows into the hole as if it was made before fossilization. The big question I have (aside from a second opinion that I'm not just seeing something much cooler than what is there), is pre or post mortem and potential causes. I don't think it's a bite mark. While I have seen really big Spino teeth with that cross section there isn't any damage to the other side and I feel like a tooth that size would punch a hole straight through the bone rather than just leave a 1.3 cm deep hole. Same with potential injury from a large spike of some sort. I don't think it's cancer since there's no excess growth. The main thing that comes to my mind is a really nasty infection with a large abscess, potentially caused by a minor injury that got infected (Spinos loved swimming in some nasty swamps after all). But as with any claim like that it's pretty important to seek out a second opinion. So what do you all think? Any insight is appreciated as always!
  17. Location is kem kem beds, seller said less than 5% restoration. I know nothing about claws but this one almost looks too good to be true and too perfect but I’m not sure how to definitively tell if it’s real or fake
  18. I got this Mosasaur tooth and Spinosaurus Tooth but they broke apart (I think they broke during shipping). Should I glue it or leave it like that?
  19. LordTrilobite

    Kem Kem Vertebrae ID Thread

    So, lets figure out vertebrae from the Kem Kem beds. As many of you know the Kem Kem beds has a pretty enigmatic palaeo fauna. There is some literature about it, but not a whole lot. Some of it is behind a paywall and much information is pretty scattered. So I got this idea that maybe we could combine our knowledge and information to collectively get a better picture of which bone belongs to which animal, in this case, vertebrae. I know some of you have some fantastic specimens in your collections, if we combine these in this thread we might be able to see some patterns. We probably won't be able to put a genus or species name on each type, but perhaps assigning certain vertebrae to a morphotype might be possible. With that I encourage everyone that has any vertebrae from the Kem Kem beds to share photos of their specimens and post them here so we can use this thread as a sort of library as well as an ID thread that everyone can use to better ID their Kem Kem vertebrae. So please, share your photos! And it might help to number your specimens for easier reference. I will be updating this first post as new information arises with examples to make ID easier. Theropods Spinosaurids Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Spinosaurus is known for it's tall neural spines, which are pretty characteristic. Unlike Sigilmassasaurus, Spinosaurus does not have the ventral triangular rough plateau on the centra Spinosaurus mid cervical vertebra Spinosaurus dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae Caudal vertebrae Nearly complete tail from the neotype specimen of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis Sigilmassasaurus is a Spinosaurid that might be closely related to Baryonyx and Suchomimus. It differs from Spinosaurus in that it has a ventral keel on many vertebrae and a triangular rough plateau on the bottom back end. A is Sigilmassasaurus, B is Baryonyx Sigilmassasaurus cervical vertebrae From anterior to posterior Sigilmassasaurus dorsal vertebrae Indeterminate Spinosaurid vertebrae Not a whole lot has been published yet, some bones can probably not be ID'd on genus level. Spinosaurid caudal vertebrae Anterior caudal: From LordTrilobite's collection Mid-posterior caudal: From Paleoworld-101's collection Mid-posterior caudal: From LordTrilobite's collection This caudal vertebra is less tall and more pinched in the middle of the centrum than the one from Paleoworld-101's collection. Likely due to a slightly more posterior position. Mid-posterior caudal: From LordTrilobite's collection Carcharodontosaurids Due to an old paper Sigilmassasaurus vertebrae are sometimes misidentified as Carcharodontosaurid. These vertebrae should be identified on the basis of the original description by Stromer. Two species of Carcharodontosaurids are known from the Kem Kem beds at this time. Carcharodontosaurus saharicus and Sauroniops pachytholus. Carcharodontosaurid cervical vertebrae Deltadromeus agilis Anterior (left) and mid (right) caudals better examples needed Abelisauroids Indeterminate Abelisauroid distal caudal From LordTrilobite's collection Abelisaurid dorsal vertebrae From Troodon's collection Sauropods Rebbachisaurus garasbae Not a whole lot is known about this titanosaur, as only a few bones have been found. Notice that the vertebrae are very extensively pneumaticised. Rebbachisaurus dorsal vertebrae Sauropod mid caudal vertebra. Possibly Rebbachisaurid. Unnamed Titanosaurian mid caudal vertebra Crocodilomorphs more examples needed Kemkemia This crocodile is only known by a single posterior caudal vertebra. Kemkemia caudal vertebra Turtles examples needed Pterosaurs Azhdarchids Azhdarchid (probably Alanqa) posterior fragment cervical vertebra Azhdarchid Mid cervical vertebra Sources Spinosaurids https://peerj.com/articles/1323/?utm_source=TrendMD&utm_campaign=PeerJ_TrendMD_1&utm_medium=TrendMD http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0144695 Sauropods Jeffrey A. Wilson & Ronan Allain (2015) Osteology of Rebbachisaurus garasbae Lavocat, 1954, a diplodocoid (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the early Late Cretaceous–aged Kem Kem beds of southeastern Morocco, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 35:4, e1000701, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2014.1000701 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304214496_Evidence_of_a_derived_titanosaurian_Dinosauria_Sauropoda_in_the_Kem_Kem_beds_of_Morocco_with_comments_on_sauropod_paleoecology_in_the_Cretaceous_of_Africa Kemkemia sisn.pagepress.org/index.php/nhs/article/viewFile/nhs.2012.119/32 Pterosaurs https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thefossilforum.com%2Fapplications%2Fcore%2Finterface%2Ffile%2Fattachment.php%3Fid%3D432009&fname=journal.pone.0010875.PDF&pdf=true https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/RIPS/article/view/5967
  20. Flashlight

    Kem Kem Beds Vertebra (Spinosaurid?)

    Currently working on cataloging my fossil collection as best as I can, and am uncertain on this one. I don’t doubt the authenticity of the fossil itself or stated region based on other examples, but the “Spinosaurus sp.” given by the plate it came with feels awful presumptuous, so I’ve currently settled on a sweeping “Spinosauridae” classification. Does anything about this point to something more specific, or something more vague? Can provide more/better images if needed.
  21. Josh_irving

    Kem Kem Mystery Vert

    Hi all Was wondering if anyone can identify this vertebra for me. Comes from the Kem kem beds in morrococ my guess is either Croc or spino. Thanks in advance,
  22. We have a lot of Spino-teeth in our stock, most of them are nice and "common". Some show fantastic details like fine folds and very difficil structures. I show some pics of one I did pics last days showing this structures better than all the others complete tooth has approx. 15 cm or a bit less
  23. ScrungusGrungus

    Spinosaur VS Crocodilian Tooth

    Curious as to weather or not this is a Spinosaurus tooth, as advertised, a misidentified Crocodilian tooth, or a fake. I'd also like to learn about how to tell the difference between the three so any/all tips and pointers are greatly appreciated! It's from Morocco (as I'm sure just about every "Spinosaurus" tooth that's commercially available is from) and I picked it up at a local rock shop. Huge thanks in advance to anyone/everyone who takes a look! IMG_3879.HEIC IMG_3880.HEIC IMG_3881.HEIC IMG_3882.HEIC IMG_3883.HEIC
  24. Still_human

    Spinosaur bone?

    Can anyone help with IDing this as a potential spinosaurus bone? It’s from morocco, which I know is the appropriate place, although I don’t know what site it’s from, but assuming it’s from the correct place, can anyone tell if this could be spinosaurus? I feel like the color seems a little weird for being from Kem Kem, but I don’t know any more than just what I always see that is apparently from Kem Kem, is generally a different color. Thanks so much for any/everyone who responded and could give any info on the subject!
  25. Fullux


    I was given these teeth by a friend many many years ago and they were identified as plesiosaur teeth. They are from Niger, Africa. I looked and found no record of plesiosaurs ever being found in Niger. I also did a bit of compairing with other plesiosaur teeth and found no match. One of them looks to me to be from a suchomimus or some other spinosaur (judging by the grooves on the tooth). The other two look to be from some sort of crocodyloform, possibly stolokrosuchus.
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