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  1. JamieLynn

    Texas Cretaceous Micros

    Since I have gone "down the rabbit hole" of Micro Matrix fossil hunting, I'm going to start a series of posts on the main time periods and locations I am collecting. I'll start off with the Best Of and then add in new finds. Of course, Texas Cretaceous is my primary interest, but will also have posts on Texas Pennsylvanian, Permian, Eocene and Pleistocene. Plus other posts on various locations around the country (and world!) SO if you like Micro fossils, keep an eye out for them! So Texas Cretaceous Best Micro Finds to start! Most of these are 1/8 inch (aprox 3mm) a few being up to 1/4 inch (aprox 6mm) 1. Ammonites -Del Rio and Eagle Ford Formations 2. Heteromorph Ammonites - Del Rio and Eagle Ford Formations 3. Bivalves - Del Rio, Glen Rose, and Ozan Formations 4. Corals - Del Rio and Ozan Formation 5. Crabs - Del Rio, Eagle Ford, Glen Rose, Corsicana and Walnut Formations 6. Crinoids - Glen Rose, Eagle Ford, and Del Rio Formations 7. Crocodilians - Aguja Formation 8. Dermal Denticles - Ozan, Aguja and Eagle Ford Formations 9. Dinosaurs -Aguja Formation 10. Echinoids - Del Rio and Glen Rose Formations Glen Rose Formation Glen Rose, Walnut, Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Formations 11. Fish Teeth - Ozan, Del Rio, Aguja, Eagle Ford and Glen Rose Formation 12. Foraminifera - Ozan, Glen Rose, and Del Rio Formations 13. Gastropods - Del Rio and Eagle Ford Formations 14. Mammals - Aguja Formation 15. Marine Reptiles - Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Formations 16. Rays - Del Rio, Wolfe City and Glen Rose Formations 17. Sawfish - Eagle Ford, Ozan and Austin Chalk Formations Aguja. Eagle Ford and Ozan Formations 18. Lamniforme Sharks- Ozan, Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford and Woodbine Formations: Ozan, Austin Chalk, Del Rio and Eagle Ford Formations: Del Rio, Eagle Ford, and Ozan Formations: 19. Non-Lamniforme Sharks - Ozan, Woodbine, Aguja and Eagle Ford Formations: 20. Ptychodontidae Sharks - Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Formations: Austin Chalk Formation' 21. Starfish - Glen Rose, Walnut and Del Rio Formations 22. Vertebrae - Aguja, Del Rio, and Eagle Ford Formations 23. Worms -Del Rio, Corsicana. Ozan and Eagle Ford Formations
  2. JamieLynn

    Starfish Jurassic UK

  3. JamieLynn

    Starfish Ossicle Jurassic UK

  4. JamieLynn

    Starfish Jurassic UK

  5. JamieLynn

    Starfish Jurassic UK

  6. Hi everyone! I recently acquired these two at a fossil show at a pretty good price. Thing is, I'm not super familiar with starfish and brittle stars. They're Moroccan so I figured there might be some funny business because, Morocco. I suspect three of the arm ends (in the upper left pic they are the upper right and left and lower right arms) on the starfish and the very tips of the brittle star arms, but if anyone sees anywhere else that might be fake or restored or if those areas look okay it be great if they can point it out. Any insight is appreciated as always!
  7. Hi all. This is from Swatara State Park in PA (ordovician/devonian). Many shell imprints, which are hard to see the way I took the photo, but my son and I were wondering what the little starfish would be. It's very small, maybe 5mm. Anyone have an ID? Thanks so much!
  8. Kane

    Ceraurus globulobatis and starfish

    From the album: Trilobites

    Coll. by KB, purchased. Ontario.
  9. Mochaccino


    Hello, This is another old collection piece without provenance, and I was hoping someone could tell me if they recognize anything or guess its age. It's a plate of bryozoans, but I think I see a couple starfish peeking out from underneath.
  10. When visiting the region of Erfoud in Morocco, we got some years ago a very unusual starfish. Devonian chalk, perhaps the layers with Cupressocrinites? Do not exactly know. It looks like Helianthaster, but there has nothing been published about starfishes like this one. What do you think? Does anyone know this starfish or has new literature about them? Size is around 10 - 12 cm (original diameter)
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