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  1. Is this trilobite a real or fake fossil
  2. SusanLB

    Is this a fossil?

    Hello. Does this look like it’s a fossil? I’m waiting to hear of the location from the person that found it.
  3. Andreas68

    Stone or fossil?

    Good day, I’ve found this stone in Italy, Genoa località Staglieno on a grill during a walk. It measires about 15cm in lenght and 8cm wide. I have no idea what it coldplay be. Can you help me to know more about it? Kimd regards Andrea
  4. Daniel1990

    Stone tool ?

    Hi What's is it ? Found: Babimost, Western Poland Best wishes Daniel
  5. Majesstic

    Petrified mushroom

    I think this is a petrified mushroom cap I found it in the kings river above camp 4 1/2. Here are some pics.
  6. Hello, I am trying to find some information about this item or point me to a direction where I might have some idea where to look. It is six inches in length and four inches width, weight is 4 pounds. It is petrified with chert and crusty type sides. My grandchildren are scared of it, but I think it is beautiful and it makes a great doorstop. Thank you.
  7. Baxta76

    Fossil found when walking dog

    Hi, I just found this stone, which I think is a fossil, whilst walking my dog round a recently ploughed farmers field near Norwich. Just wondering if anyone could give me any idea of what it might be, Thanks.
  8. I have this unusual item that I found. Tt is stone on outside with strange looking bottom and sides. I hope someone can tell me if it is fossil, tooth or just a rock. Item is five inches in width and weights 11 ounces. Thank you
  9. Kevin McNamara

    Fossilized or petrified egg

    I acquired this piece with the label attached. The dimensions are appx 10in long, 6in wide .
  10. Suffolknewb

    What is this please

    What is this, We have no idea , found on Suffolk beach
  11. h8cru

    Coral fossil?

    Hi there, I´m all new to the forum and on the search for the ID of a little white "stone" I found. Unfortunately I´m not sure where I found it. If I remember right it was on the balearic island of Mallorca in 2023. But I have no more details on it, as minerals normally are not in my focus. This one was quite strange, so I took it with me. Do you have any ideas what it might be? I would go with some kind of fossilized coral, but I have no clue Thank you and best regards, h8cru
  12. JIMMFinsman

    Native American stone effigy

    Believe this to be a native American stone effigy. Too right you have two worn grooves for the eye, to the left and under the eye you have a small nose, another carved groove for the top lip, and a groove for the mouth and chin area
  13. livingwater

    Stone or Petrified Wood?

    A while back I went to an estate sale, the deceased owner had a lot of rocks and some petrified wood in his backyard. I bought several petrified wood pieces. I am certain they are petrified wood but don't know where they came from. I also got this piece but it may just be layered or banded minerals sediment. It has green, red, black, rather cool looking I think. It's about 5 inches long. Anyone have opinions if it's just a rock or petrified wood? And where it may have came from? Thanks.
  14. Ahmet

    Mercan fosil

    Türkiye'nin Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde bulundu. Tahminen tersiyer döneminden.
  15. Labadal

    stone or...?

    Can someone tell me whether it is worth preparing this stone further or is it really just a stone? Found a few weeks ago on the Baltic coast on the beach in the marl between Fehmarn and Heiligenhafen
  16. Marcinhio

    Meteor ?

    Hello everyone, I have a question, what do you think about this mysterious space stone? is it a meteor? greetings to you
  17. Daniel1990

    Ichnofossil or stone?

    Hi Is this ichnofossil or stone? Best wishes Daniel
  18. tom999w

    Very strange rock

    Hi everyone, newbie here. I was walking through the woods along a creek in upstate New York and found this rock in the creek. I've never seen anything like it, so thought I'd show it here and see if anyone can figure out what it is. It's about 12" high. I'm thinking it may be a rock full of fossils, but I surely don't want to break it open because I don't know what I'm doing, and don't want to destroy it. I've also searched on the internet for a couple hours and didn't find anything that resembles this
  19. Mayorman

    Michigan fossil

    Found in a ditch near in the western lower peninsula of Michigan. I'm guessing stromatolite. What do you think?
  20. matthew textor

    what kind of rock is this ???

    Hi this is matt again can any one tell me what kind of rock this is ?? here is a photo
  21. Found several of these on a beach in Grand Marais, MN on Lake Superior. The light colored part is a bit rougher feeling and the red/maroon knobs or nodules are quite hard and smooth and raised. I can’t find anything on them…someone mentioned in another forum possibly Rapakivi Granite or Granite Mica Schist but I think they seem a bit different than the images I saw of those. The largest one has a few tiny pockets of crystals. Thoughts?
  22. fossils4fun


    Hi, I find these now and again, different sizes but similar in shape. Is this just a rock or a fossil? I'm from northwestern Arkansas, thanks.
  23. Found this walking the beach. I assume it’s sandstone. After a closer look I noticed either a feather or fish fin stuck in the middle. Not sure if anyone can see it clear enough to help identify what it is. Sorry, I took the picture with my phone.
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