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  1. When hunting road cuts and the like, how can one tell which formation a certain rock or fossil came from? I know that there is different stratigraphy and certain formations yield specific fossils and contain specific rock types, but in my experience so far, there is a lot of overlap. When hunting a road cut that exposes several formations, is there a sure fire way to be able to tell what formation a rock came from? I'm asking because the road cuts I have looked at so far are fairly jumbled, and rocks obviously fall down and erode over time, so they are not always where the formation is suppose to be. If anyone could help me out, that would be awesome. I know it isn't as easy as looking at a rock and 'just knowing', but I am willing to learn and eager to hear back from more experienced people than me. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone! I'm heading to St. Louis to observe the Solar Eclipse this week, which is likely to be clouded out. I'm trying to salvage the trip by looking for Trilobite fossils as I have read they can be plentiful in this area. Can anyone share tips on what to look for as far as formations? I think my best bet is to look for rock cuts on the highways in the area. Any help and even general locations to search are much appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Missourian

    Backyard Trip

    My folks have a nice lake behind their house. It is relaxing to spend a warm evening watching a heron spear fish or geese fight each other. Or watch silt slowly fill the lake bed. Across the street, a housing developer stripped off a bunch of soil down to the bedrock, but ran out of money before building on the land. This has resulted in some significant erosion and sedimentation in the lake, but this cloud does have a silver lining. I soon noticed a thick bed of shale exposed on the hill. So it was only a matter of time until I make the short trip to the top. The hill, with exposed shale, can be seen on the right. No, I did not hunt that day. A few weeks ago, I drove up there and poked around the Pennsylvanian strata. The Island Creek Shale is the first bed encountered: There are thin beds of calcareous sandstone within. Oh look, ripple marks: And trace fossils: I've found fusulinids and brachiopods where the shale thins several miles to the south.
  4. Santa came early here in the north country. I've been after one of these for a while and I finally got one in the mail today. It's an early, transitional form, Palaeocarcharodon orientalis. Very coarse serrations near the root fading to almost smooth at the tip. One root tip was glued back on as these teeth are very prone to damage, but I can ignore that because it's almost 2 inches long, and they don't get much bigger than that.
  5. The Amateur Paleontologist

    Fairly recent bit of opal fossil research

    After learning about Weewarrasaurus, I thought it'd be nice to report the 'lesser-known' recent bit of research about the opalised fossil site Lightning Ridge (New South Wales, Australia) It's basically the most up-to-date paper dealing with the geology - including age, stratigraphy and lithology - and vertebrate paleontology. The paper provides many new details about the Griman Creek Formation (GCF), a Cenomanian (mid-Cretaceous) formation which crops out in the area around Lightning Ridge. The GCF is a formation especially known for its diverse vertebrate paleo-ecosystem; of which many species are represented by quite a few opalised fossils The paper is also rather neat as it contains a nice overview of all the vertebrate groups represented at the GCF - an overview complete with a comprehensive (and up-to-date) list of vertebrate taxa, and several nice pictures of opalised vertebrate fossils Finally, the paper also indicates that a new ornithopod genus (Fostoria) from the GCF is soon going to be published Bell, P. R., Fanti, F., Hart, L. J., Milan, L. A., Craven, S. J., Brougham, T., & Smith, E. (2018). Revised geology, age, and vertebrate diversity of the dinosaur-bearing Griman Creek Formation (Cenomanian), Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Abstract: The mid-Cretaceous Griman Creek Formation (GCF), which crops out near the town of Lightning Ridge in the Surat Basin of north-central New South Wales, Australia, is noteworthy for its opalised vertebrate fauna. The fossil assemblage comprises remains of aspidorhynchid teleosts, lamniform chondrichthyans, dipnoans, chelid and possible meiolaniform turtles, leptocleidid-like and possible elasmosaurid plesiosaurians, anhanguerian pterosaurs, titanosauriform sauropods, megaraptoran theropods, ankylosaurians, several forms of non-iguano- dontian and iguanodontian ornithopods, crocodylomorphs, enantiornithine birds, and stem and true mono- tremes, making it one of the most diverse mid-Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrate faunas in Australia. A detailed stratigraphic survey of twenty subterranean opal mines provides new information on the geology, age and pa- laeoenvironment of the main fossil-bearing beds. Vertebrate remains derive from the ‘Finch Clay facies’, lat- erally-extensive but discontinuous lenses of claystone that likely accumulated relatively rapidly in near-coastal but freshwater embayments (i.e. lagoonal conditions), and probably represent a single, roughly con- temporaneous fauna. U-Pb age dating of detrital zircons extracted from a distinct layer of volcanogenic claystone immediately overlying one of the opalised fossil-bearing layers yields a maximum depositional age of 100.2–96.6 Ma. These new dates confirm an early to mid-Cenomanian age for the fauna, rather than Albian, as has been reported previously. The GCF at Lightning Ridge is therefore equivalent to the middle part of the Winton Formation (Queensland) and several million years older than the sauropod-dominated fauna at Winton. For those who want the paper, PM me your email address and I'll send it to you -Christian
  6. Hello. I am terribly bad at stratigraphy and was wondering if I could get some assistance demarcating the cut off between the Waynesville and Liberty Formations at South Gate Hill on Indiana 1. In particular, after looking through a decent number of threads online, I have found that the "Butter shale" has been ascribed to both formations, and I'm just wondering which it belongs to. Thank you, and I apologize that I do not currently have an image of the hill to contribute to this question.
  7. The latest Chronostratigraphic Chart from the ICS. https://stratigraphy.org/news/143 Numeric Ages altered: 2022/10 - Jurassic: numeric ages of all stages updated to comply to GTS2020 - by request of SCJS (Angela Coe) Tithonian 149.2 +/- 0.7 Ma (was: 152.1 +/- 0.9 Ma ) Kimmeridgian 154.8 +/- 0.8 Ma (was: 157.3 +/- 1.0 Ma ) Oxfordian 161.5 +/- 1.0 Ma (was: 163.5 +/- 1.0 Ma ) Callovian 165.3 +/-1.1 Ma (was: 166.1 +/- 1.2 Ma ) Bathonian 168.2 +/- 1.2 Ma (was: 168.3 +/- 1.3 Ma ) Bajocian 170.9 +/- 0.8 Ma (was: 170.3 +/- 1.4 Ma ) Aalenian 174.7 +/- 0.8 Ma (was: 174.1 +/- 1.0 Ma ) Toarcian 184.2 +/- 0.3 Ma (was: 182.7 +/- 0.7 Ma ) Pliensbachian 192.9 +/-0.3 Ma (was: 190.8 +/- 1.0 Ma )l Sinemurian 199.5 +/-0.3 Ma (was: 199.3 +/- 0.3 Ma )l Hettangian 201.4 +/- 0.2 Ma (was: 201.3 +/- 0.2 Ma )
  8. Dblackston

    Niobrara Chalk Trip

    Hello all! I managed to secure access to some private land in Gove County somewhere near to Monument rocks. The peoperty has plenty of the chalk canyon type outcrops to explore and I couldn't be happier! I won't make it out there this summer but hope to next summer. I had a few questions that I hoped you all could help with, or point me in the right direction before I head out there. One, I know that the chalk is notoriously difficult to determine stratigraphy in. The chalk I have access to is both higher than and lower than the capstone on Monument rocks. Does anyone know what bed(s) I would be in above and below the capstone layer? I also was curious if fossils in this region are more predominantly found above the capstone layer, or below, or if they were pretty evenly distributed. Secondly, I wondered if there was a good resource that explained how to jacket specimens in the chalk? I have found some strings of vertebrea previously that would look good jacketed and hung on my wall. I would like to be prepared for my next trip out and ready incase I find another decent string. Third, I wondered where is the best place to look in the chalk? As mentioned we have found teeth and vertebrea. These have always been strewn about in the flatter areas. I don't expect to find a Xiphactinous or a Mososaur in my adventures, but I do notice that alot of people mention it requires alot of digging to get them. I take it that means they are looking more in the vertical walls and washes than the flat areas? Can people that hunt there provide some In-situ photos of their bigger finds? Lastly, I wondered if outside of fossils there were any cool rocks or minerals to look out for in the Niobrara or the Rocky Mountain Outwash? I plan on taking my niece out there for a visit and to help her collect fossils for her 4H Geology Project. Here are some photos from her first/only/last year trip out to a location about 10 miles's west of our current access. I can't seem to get the photos to rotate and stay rotated on my phone. My apologies!
  9. ThePhysicist

    Austin chalk

    From the album: Austin Chalk

    The Austin chalk as its name suggests is primarily composed of chalk beds with interspersed marls. Here you can see the transition from chalk to marl (light towards the top, grey towards the bottom). I at first hoped this was the Eagle Ford contact horizon (which is a shale with cool shark teeth), but alas not.
  10. While staying in North Texas I made stops to a couple local creeks such as Fossil Creek in Fort Worth. I've been trying to narrow down the identification of some ammonites and other things but despite the popularity and attention the creek receives I have had a difficult time determining what formations outcrop in the specific area. It's complicated by the fact that I'm not used to the stratigraphic characteristics of the formation of the area. I strongly suspect most of my fossils to have come from the Weno based on stratigraphic descriptions. However, I have read one source that leaves the Weno undivided with the Pawpaw and the Denton so the difference may not always be clear. Is anyone familiar with the specific formation(s) for Fossil Creek? Are there any key indicator species that can make delineating the formations easier?
  11. @Scylla was nice enough to send me these two Hindia specimens from the PCS Quarry in Schoharie NY. But we're not clear of the geology. Apparently more than one formation is exposed there. Does anyone know if the formation/age can be narrowed down at all, based on the taxon and location? Also, is the granular texture (esp. the one on the right) indicative of spicules? The one on the left has a depression, as if it were a spherical vase shape with an opening at the top. Is this what Hindia would have looked like in life? The other one has no clear depression, and I wonder why.
  12. Hello, I am searching for geologic time dates for some formations. Most are named in the 1800's, so the names may make no sense. Europe Maybe France? carboniferous limestone of borlton, County of La Couronne Ireland, Lower Carboniferous Limestone, Ireland Calc carbonif Armagh? Formation and locality: Mountain Limestone, Armagh England, Ticknall Formation, Mississippian, Ticknall, South Derbyshire, England carboniferous limestone around Bristol Carboniferous Limestone: Oreton, Shropshire. United States Kansas, USA Plattsmouth limestone, Oread formation, Virgilian, upper Pennsylvanian, in a quarry in northwestern Franklin County, Kansas Indiana, USA Keokuk beds, Bono, Lawrence county, Ind. Clark and Harrison. counties Illinois, USA Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa Chester limestone, Chester and Pope county, Illinois. Worthen used the name Chester limestone for the same beds which Hall called Kaskaskia, but included this Chester limestone with the underlying sandstone in what he called the "Chester Group." In the limestone above coal No. 8, Upper Coal Measures; near Springfield, Illinois. In the upper beds of the St. Louis limestone; Alton, Illinois. Pennsylvania, USA a stratum about one foot thick, black, carboniferous, and calcareous, head of inclined plane number 3 of the old portage railroad," which crossed the Alleghany Mountains from Hollidaysburg Ohio, USA coal measures of Cambridge, Ohio. Limestone near Cambridge Nebraska, USA Upper Coal Measures, Bennet's mill, near Nebraska City.
  13. Troodon

    The 2020 Geologic Timescale

    The 2020 Geologic Timescale from stratigraphy.org is out: http://stratigraphy.org/index.php/ics-chart-timescale
  14. Missourian

    Show Your Strata

    What do the strata at your collecting sites, or in the vicinity, look like? What type of fossils do you find in them? What other interesting geologic features are present? I will post some images as soon as I can get to them....
  15. I've just purchased a fine slab of belemnites from Holzmaden and the stratigraphy is given as Posidonienschifer, Lias epsilon II-102. I know that epsilon is Lower Toarcian but please could anyone enlighten me about the II-102? I particularly want to correlate this accurately with Yorkshire, if possible! @belemniten ? EDIT: I've just checked the seller's other material and one that I'd expect to be from the same beds is given as "II-12" - so @oilshale is almost certainly right with his answer below, and it seems to be near the base of the Bifrons Zone.
  16. As they said in school the only dumb question is the unasked one. So here goes... Instead of wasting field time fumbling around trying to figure this out, could someone please tell me how to read these sorts of section descriptions? Is the top of the printed list the top of the rock layer or the bottom?
  17. I made my first trip to the massive Ordovician roadcut near St. Leon IN yesterday. Had a good time. One question I had was about the different formations present there. If I understand correctly, most of the Richmond Group is exposed there, and bottom to top is the Waynesville, Liberty, and Whitewater formations. I really couldn't make out any clear divisions in the exposed rock though. From what I've read, the butter shale trilobite layer is the Liberty formation. I spent most of my time collecting on the second terrace, which appeared to be made at the top of the butter shale layer. So that would be the Liberty formation? I also collected some hash plates on the way down, which I suppose could have been either Liberty of Waynesville, but also could have been scree from any place in the roadcut. Should I label my finds as just coming from the Richmond Group and not worry about which specific formation?
  18. What Fossils Alone Can’t Explain About Dinosaurs When time is measured in 10-million-year blocks, the lines between ecosystems and animals that would never have coexisted can get blurry. Laura Poppick, The Atlantic, August 17, 2019 https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/08/paleontology-precision-problem/596176/ Yours, Paul H.
  19. Ancient ‘Snowball Earth’ thawed out in a flash By Lucas Joel, Apr. 2, 2019 , 10:50 AM https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/04/ancient-snowball-earth-thawed-out-flash The paper is: Zhou, C., Huyskens, M.H., Lang, X., Xiao, S. and Yin, Q.Z., 2019. Calibrating the terminations of Cryogenian global glaciations. Geology, 47(3), pp.251-254. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-abstract/47/3/251/568701/calibrating-the-terminations-of-cryogenian-global?redirectedFrom=fulltext An earlier article is: Ancient Earth froze over in a geologic instant By Lucas Joel Jun. 7, 2018 , 4:40 PM https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/ancient-earth-froze-over-geologic-instant The paper for this article is: MacLennan, S., Park, Y., Swanson-Hysell, N., Maloof, A., Schoene, B., Gebreslassie, M., Antilla, E., Tesema, T., Alene, M. and Haileab, B., 2018. The arc of the Snowball: U-Pb dates constrain the Islay anomaly and the initiation of the Sturtian glaciation. Geology, 46(6), pp.539-542. http://www.princeton.edu/geosciences/people/maloof/papers_pub/54Maloof.pdf Also, there is: Rooney, A.D., Strauss, J.V., Brandon, A.D. and Macdonald, F.A., 2015. A Cryogenian chronology: Two long-lasting synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciations. Geology, 43(5), pp.459-462. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/fmacdonald/files/rooney_etal_geology_2015.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alan_Rooney https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275523064_A_Cryogenian_chronology_Two_long-lasting_synchronous_Neoproterozoic_glaciations Yours, Paul H.
  20. Another snow storm has swept through here so how about we take a trip to Southern Utah in mid-June. I will be straightforward with you, I didn’t get many fossils from this trip but if you would like to hear my tale of woe read on! Let’s start out with the stratigraphy column. You’ll notice most of it is red. If you’ve read some of my other trip reports you’ll probably know what that means, no fossils to report from this area. My structural geologist buddies had a blast, though, so beware a lot structural and sedimentary geology ahead. I’ll save talking about the Wahweap Formation for the end.
  21. David C. Kopaska-Merkel and others, 2016, Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleontology of West-Central Alabama: A guidebook. Black Belt Museum. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312232486_CRETACEOUS_STRATIGRAPHY_AND_PALEONTOLOGY_OF_WEST-CENTRAL_ALABAMA_A_GUIDEBOOK Yours, Paul H.
  22. I_gotta_rock

    Don't Linger!

    From the album: Calvert Cliffs

    This view of the cliffs in Calvert County, Maryland is gorgeous. I don't often see quite the vivid color range in this formation. I didn't linger, though, and I was wading in the bay to keep my distance. See those trees at the top of the 40 ft +/- cliff? The ones with the roots hanging over the edge? Those aren't going to be at the top of the cliff for long. At this point, they are probably only still there out of sheer habit. We did her a landslide the night we arrived, the spoils of which are in some of the following images in this album. I was on a trip earlier in the year, at a different part of the cliffs, when someone did get hit in the head by a bit of falling clay. Lucky for her, it wasn't a big chunk or from very high up. She *only* had a concussion. If ever you are close to the cliffs like this, watch and listen to where you are at all times. Run like crazy if you hear anything falling! DO NOT TOUCH THE CLIFFS! DO NOT STAND ON THE TOP EDGE OF THE CLIFFS! That prize Meg tooth isn't worth your life.
  23. Troodon

    Geologic Time Scale Updated

    The latest version of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart/Geologic Time Scale is now available! (v 2018/07), which contains significant updates to the Quaternary and Cambrian System, is now formally released. Download available in link New Holocene subdivisions: Greenlandian (11,700 yr b2k) Northgrippian (8326 yr b2k) Meghalayan (4200 yr before 1950) http://www.stratigraphy.org/index.php/ics-news-and-meetings/120-ics-chart-containing-the-quaternary-gssps-and-new-stages-v-2018-07-is-now-released
  24. Scientifically vital fossils vanish, Masol’s claim to fame in danger Siddarth Banerjee | TNN | April 30, 2018 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/scientifically-vital-fossils-vanish-masols-claim-to-fame-in-danger/articleshow/63969904.cms 2.6-million-year-old ‘priceless’ fossil on sale for just Rs 4500 Sidharth Banerjee | TNN | July 24, 2017 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/2-6-million-year-old-priceless-fossil-on-sale-for-just-rs-4500/articleshow/59729760.cms Some papers are: Chapon-Sao, C., Abdessadok, S., Tudryn, A., Malassé, A.D., Singh, M., Karir, B., Gaillard, C., Moigne, A.M., Gargani, J. and Bhardwaj, V., 2016. Lithostratigraphy of Masol paleonto-archeological localities in the Quranwala Zone, 2.6 Ma, northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15(3-4), pp. 417-439. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01323986/ Malassé, A.D., Moigne, A.M., Singh, M., Calligaro, T., Karir, B., Gaillard, C., Kaur, A., Bhardwaj, V., Pal, S., Abdessadok, S. and Sao, C.C., 2016. Intentional cut marks on bovid from the Quranwala zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15(3-4), pp. 317-339. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292209224_Intentional_cut_marks_on_bovid_from_the_Quranwala_zone_26_Ma_Siwalik_Frontal_Range_northwestern_India https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Dambricourt_Malasse Malassé, A.D., Singh, M., Karir, B., Gaillard, C., Bhardwaj, V., Moigne, A.M., Abdessadok, S., Sao, C.C., Gargani, J., Tudryn, A. and Calligaro, T., 2016. Anthropic activities in the fossiliferous Quranwala Zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwaliks of Northwest India, historical context of the discovery and scientific investigations. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15(3-4), pp.295-316. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292077679_Anthropic_activities_in_the_fossiliferous_Quranwala_Zone_26Ma_Siwaliks_of_Northwest_India_historical_context_of_the_discovery_and_scientific_investigations https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Dambricourt_Malasse Gargani, J., Abdessadok, S., Tudryn, A., Sao, C.C., Malassé, A.D., Gaillard, C., Moigne, A.M., Singh, M., Bhardwaj, V. and Karir, B., 2016. Geology and geomorphology of Masol paleonto-archeological site, Late Pliocene, Chandigarh, Siwalik Frontal Range, NW India. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15(3-4), pp.379-391. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281291986_Geology_and_Geomorphology_of_Masol_paleonto-archeological_site_Late_Pliocene_Chandigarh_Siwalik_Frontal_Range_NW_India https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Dambricourt_Malasse Gaillard, C., Singh, M., Malassé, A.D., Bhardwaj, V., Karir, B., Kaur, A., Pal, S., Moigne, A.M., Sao, C.C., Abdessadok, S. and Gargani, J., 2016. The lithic industries on the fossiliferous outcrops of the Late Pliocene masol formation, Siwalik frontal range, northwestern India (Punjab). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15(3-4), pp.341-357. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/293332452_The_lithic_industries_on_the_fossiliferous_outcrops_of_the_Late_Pliocene_Masol_Formation_Siwalik_Frontal_Range_north-western_India_Punjab https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Claire_Gaillard2 Yours, Paul H.
  25. I came across this today. I thought I’d share it on here. ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf Not that the charts differ significantly from year to year, but I liked this link because it has quite a bit of info all in one place. It might be more useful for those who are academically and research inclined. They also have it available in many different languages for those who do not have English as their first language. For those of you who collect in the Ordovician, they have a very nice detailed chart at the link below. Ordovician Chronostratigraphic Chart http://stratigraphy.org/index.php/ics-chart-timescale
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