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  1. Fin Lover

    Longfin Mako

    The Goose Creek Limestone (formation) is early-mid Pliocene and contains un-reworked Miocene-Pliocene fossils. The Isurus retroflexus that I have found in the Summerville area have a variety of cusplet sizes and shapes - from multiple small "nubs" like those found on this tooth, to larger crenulated cusplets. ID references: 1. Gale, B. (2020). A Beachcomber's Guide to Fossils. The University of Georgia Press. 2. Kocsis, L. (2007). Central paratethyan shark fauna (Ipolytarnóc, Hungary). GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA-BRATISLAVA-, 58(1), 27 3. Maisch IV, H., Becker, M., & Chamberlain Jr, J. (2015). Chondrichthyans from a lag deposit between the Shark River Formation (Middle Eocene) and Kirkwood Formation (Early Miocene), Monmouth County, New Jersey. Paludicola, 10, 149-183. Stratigraphy information references: 1. Boessenecker, R. (2008, May 13). The Ashley Phosphate Beds: the Reconstruction Era, Vertebrate Paleontology, Fossil Preservation, and Stratigraphic Confusion in Charleston, South Carolina. The Coastal Paleontologist. https://coastalpaleo.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-ashley-phosphate-beds.html. 2. Campbell, M. R., & Campbell, L. D. (1995). Preliminary biostratigraphy and molluscan fauna of the Goose Creek Limestone of eastern South Carolina. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology, 27(1-4).
  2. Fin Lover


    References: Gale, B., Gale, P., & Gale, A. (2020). A Beachcomber's Guide to Fossils. University of Georgia Press. Miller, A., Gibson, M., & Boessenecker, R. (2021). A megatoothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens) nursery in the Oligocene Charleston Embayment, South Carolina, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica, 24(2), 1-19.
  3. Fin Lover

    Turtle 4.12.24

  4. Sonickmonx

    Chandler Bridge "Micro" teeth ID

    I have been working on sorting teeth I've collected from the Chandler Bridge Formation (Oligocene, ~28 MYA) from one site by species. I've not put adequate time into learning how to differentiate the smaller teeth such as these, and am working on filling those gaps in my knowledge. Here I have isolated 6 "distinct" types of teeth that I am attempting to put a name on. Apologies on the photo quality, I was in a bit of a rush, hopefully there is enough detail to understand the general characteristics I am attempting to distinguish between. 1. Wide root, flat and, typically, curved to one side. Is serrated from where the enamel meets the root all the way down onto the blade. 2. Wide thin root, thin straight blade, serrations. 3. Almost identical in shape to number 2, except straight blade with no serrations. 4. Larger teeth in general compared to the others, curved and straight blade with nos errations, has enamel "wrinkles" similar to serrations near the root only. 5. Very stubby root (horizontally compressed and somewhat more bulbous than the other teeth). Long, straight blade with no serrations. 6. Smaller in general than the other teeth. Serrations along root, but not on the blade. Blade is slightly curved. These are my proposed identification of the teeth: 1. Reef/Requiem shark upper teeth of some kind 2. Unknown 3. Lemon shark lower lateral teeth 4. Lemon Shark upper teeth 5. Lemon shark lower central teeth 6. Requiem shark lower teeth
  5. I am excited to finally announce my first contribution to science! This is a section of dentary/beak of a Pelagornis cf. sandersi from the Ashley Formation in Summerville, South Carolina. This was found in December 2023 and has been donated to the new Charleston Center for Paleontology, where it will reside in their collections. A paper featuring it and other Pelagornis sandersi fossils from the area (which there aren't many of) is in progress. Here it is after prep:
  6. Fin Lover

    Meg 3.10.24

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    It's broken, but I guess I've joined the 4 inch meg club!
  7. Fin Lover

    O. megalodon 2.14.24

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    Not in great shape, but my best one to date!
  8. Fin Lover

    O. angustidens 2.14.24

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    The missing cusp is a shame!
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