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  1. Shellseeker

    Easter 2024

    Out yesterday hunting in an area that has taken a lot of hunting pressure.. Why? because it is easier to get there which is why there has been hunting pressure. During the day a couple of groups came by. The 1st question by the first group was "Did we know that there were Alligators sometimes spotted in this section of the river?". The 1st question by the 2nd group was " Were we afraid of the Alligators?" I recognized that they were trying to warn us and just smiled. There is a movie in which Anthony Hopkins asks a question " Why is the rabbit unafraid ?" Here were my finds of the day. We recently had the water depth go down so the bottom of the river is more accessible. Still we moved 2-3 times before finding some gravel that contains fossils. The depth there was about 5 feet, slightly above my chest. As @Balance said in a recent post, I believe in hunting the deep spots. Not a lot for digging 5 or 6 hours, but more than enough to satisfy me. The ones I know... 1) Holmesina osteoderms.. I like finding these , especially when in good shape. Here is an artist rendition of what Holmesina looked like. The largest ones weighed 500-600 pounds. 2) Fish Articular ... I would not have recognized this , except 2 weeks ago I found what I thought was an ear bone , but turned out to be a fish Articular... Looking at the picture, I would guess this articular was from the right side jaw... 3) Turtle Osteoderm... We used to call these the "Peace Sign" . I guess vendors still do and sell on the Internet under that name... No Genus, no species, just turtle. They also do not identify the specific location in the carapace. I am hopeful that @Plantguy or @digit might have some insights here. 4) Barnacle. I just saw an identification by @Al Dente on Goose barnacle. I wonder if this is also a goose barnacle 60 miles from Salt water. 5) Deer tines.. I found these 2 in the same sieve and for a while was thinking that might be my best find of the day... I have found numerous deer tines, mostly they look like the top one which I think is from a yearling. What is it with the bumps on the 2nd tine ? Is this just a tip broken off a much fuller rack of an adult male ? OR Does it indicate a different species of deer ? or can these bumps appear on a yearling tine ? 6th) My find of the day Maybe 4-5 years ago , I became interested in the Symphyseals of Sharks and attempted to find photos of symphyseals of sharks I might find in Florida !!. In my searches, I ran across this photo from Fossilguy.. Correction: Hemipristis does not have Symphyseals, just Parasymphyseals It turned out that I has lots of those Parasymphyseals from the lower jaw and (maybe) ?? a very few broken and worn versions of the Parasymphyseals from the upper jaw. Nothing improved over the last 5 years, On Easter Sunday, I got a present !!!!. This one will get its own Riker... just so I do not lose it... I had a great day... Lots of exercise, lots of sunshine with a couple of friends, excellent finds. I hope you had a nice day also. Jack
  2. From the album: Fossils

    Two Notorynchus symphyseal teeth from the Miocene Calvert Formation in central Virginia. Both have a funky center tooth and are about .65 inches wide.
  3. I rarely buy shark teeth, but I saw a lot (see below picture) of small shark teeth from Morocco for sale on FB. I could see a good number of Otodus obliquus symphyseal teeth in the pictures of the lot, and one tooth that looked like an Otodus obliquus lower parasymphyseal tooth. Lower Otodus obliquus parasymphyseal teeth are much rarer than the symphyseal teeth. Per a personal conversation with Lutz Andres, based upon his research Otodus obliquus symphyseal teeth are probably 10 times more common than the lower parasymphyseal teeth. The opposite is true for Parotodus. I bought the lot and just received the teeth. I sent pictures to Lutz of a good number of the teeth, and we agreed that there were 16 symphyseal teeth and one parasymphyseal tooth in the lot. It can be very difficult to differentiate Moroccan Otodus from Parotodus teeth, and only large size can confidently rule out Parotodus teeth. However, in the Moroccan Khouribga faunas, Otodus obliquus are much more common than Parotodus. Group picture of the lot of teeth: Two symphyseal teeth: Symphyseal Otodus obliquus tooth, Khouribga, Morocco 21 mm SH Symphyseal Otodus obliquus or Parotodus tooth, Khouribga, Morocco 10 mm SH Parasymphyseal tooth: Parasymphyseal Otodus obliquus or Parotodus tooth, Khouribga, Morocco13 mm SH Marco Sr.
  4. Shellseeker

    Second September Trip

    I went hunting today. With travel, commitments, but mostly rain, today was only my 2nd fossil hunt this month. I am addicted, and feeling withdrawal symptoms, taking any opportunity. This is one of my favorite locations but it takes a 2 hour drive and a 2 hour kayak paddle to reach it. So I put in 8 hours of travel for 4 hours of hunting. All my low water locations have deep water and are getting deeper.. rain scheduled for most of the next week, Did not find much because I was digging locations I had previously dug but today were in 4-5 feet of fast moving water. Took some quick group shots to give member a sense of what I was finding. Usually only the best shark teeth make the photos, but this 1st photo is every shark tooth I found. I think there is an Aduncus symphyseal in there. What do you think? Here are the non_shark I need to take better photos, but not tonight.. Note what I believe to be a Llama cannon bone , missing both distal and proximal ends.. @Harry Pristis just offered a Llama foot bones sampler that I believe has one of these. I kept it because of the size... it seems small. Some additional photos. One reason I love this spot is the variety of fauna that is possible, both marine and mammal. Enough for tonight, going to sleep..
  5. Fin Lover

    Symphyseal tiger shark tooth

    Is this a symphyseal tiger shark tooth or something else? I'm struggling to get good pictures, since it's only an 8 mm slant height, so hopefully these will do. Compared to a posterior tiger: Thank you!
  6. Shellseeker


    From Wednesday. Are these all C. hastalis ? It the last one a symphyseal ?
  7. Fin Lover

    Symphyseal shark tooth?

    Found a new spot (new to me, but I'm sure many others know about it) Saturday where I found quite a few hemis, including my largest one to date, and one with very interesting colors. I also found the attached tooth, which I'm guessing is a symphyseal tooth (pathological maybe), but I don't have anything else like it. Is that indeed what it is and, if so, is it possible to tell what type of shark it is (genus)? Found near the Summerville/Goose Creek area. Thank you for the help!
  8. ThePhysicist

    Otodus symphyseal

    From the album: Sharks

    A rare symphyseal from Otodus obliquus. ~ 2.5 cm max. slant height.
  9. Hi y'all, I picked these shark teeth up from a local rock shop. The first is definitely a symphyseal/parasymphyseal tooth but I'm not sure if it's from an Eocene Parotodus or Otodus. I lean towards Parotodus because of the narrow crown and its significant curvature. The second I think is a Cretolamna biauriculata. The symphyseal is about an inch ~ 2 cm in length. @siteseer@Al Dente@MarcoSr@Untitled Parotodus sp.?: Cretolamna biauriculata?:
  10. bthemoose

    Tiger shark symphyseal tooth?

    I was going through some of my shark teeth from the Calvert Cliffs (Miocene) in Maryland, and this Galeocerdo aduncus tooth caught my eye due its somewhat unusual shape (not including the fact that it's broken on one corner). I'm wondering if it might be a symphyseal tooth. From reading past forum posts, it seems like there's a range of Galeocerdo symphyseal shapes, from symphyseals that are pretty symmetrical to ones that are less so (such as mine, if it is one). For those more familiar with these teeth than I am, what do you think? Thanks for looking!
  11. ThePhysicist

    Squalicorax Symphyseal

    From the album: Post Oak Creek

    Very narrow tooth with serrations indicates it must be Squalicorax sp.
  12. We were able to get out to visit the Calvert Cliffs area over the weekend and enjoy the nice weather and lower tides. We were able to take the kayaks out, water was a bit choppy on the way out but as time passed the wind calmed down quite a bit for the return trip. After beaching my kayak, within a few feet of it, I found a very small chub (first for me) and in great condition! Within a few more minutes I spotted the small shark vert rolling in the surf and knew it was a good day already. After some more searching, my wife found the biggest of the mako's pictured. We were also able to find three mostly complete Ecphora as well and some other smaller teeth. We didn't think we would beat the chub and mako this trip, but towards the end of our trip walking back to our kayaks I spotted a tiny black speck while surface scanning, I picked it up and had seen similar teeth posted here and in other groups and new exactly what it was. Was super ecstatic to have found my first symphyseal, cow shark upper. One to check off the bucket list for sure. Below are some pics from the day. In the process of getting a macro lens, sorry about the low quality on some of the up close pics. Also found the black flat bone fragment I wasn't sure what it was, so any insight would be appreciated!
  13. Chase_E


    From the album: Cenomanian Shark Teeth and other Marine Fauna, Ryazan Oblast, Russia

    I believe this to be a parasymphyseal of some kind. If you have any ideas, let me know.
  14. Chase_E


    From the album: Cenomanian Shark Teeth and other Marine Fauna, Ryazan Oblast, Russia

    I believe this is a Cretoxyrhina of some kind. Possibly a symphyseal or parasymphyseal. If you have any ideas let me know.
  15. From the album: Cenomanian Shark Teeth and other Marine Fauna, Ryazan Oblast, Russia

    Cretoxyrhina vraconensis (Zhelezko 2000) symphyseal tooth. Slant length indicated by longest side.
  16. Hi everyone, I think I found a year maker recently, and in good time! The 1st tooth pictured is what I am praying is a Pseudocorax affinis, which is incredibly rare here. The 2nd tooth is an Archaeolamna, I just need confirmation that it’s a symphyseal. Both teeth are Late Cretaceous. Edit: I forgot to add the size, 1st tooth: 12 mm, 2nd tooth: 10 mm @non-remanié @Al Dente @siteseer Happy Holidays! 1st tooth:
  17. Hi all, For whatever reason, I never got around to posting this. After a relatively unsuccessful day at Bayfront Park back in 2018, my dad showed me this tooth, unsure of what it was. He said he had found it while sifting in the creek that runs under the bridge near the entrance of the park. I had never really bothered trying around that area because it was so far from any cliff exposures, but I suppose he proved that some of the best finds may be where you least expect them. The second he pulled out this tooth, my jaw dropped. It is a FLAWLESS cow shark symphyseal. I hadn't had a single one in my collection until then. I've never seen a better symphyseal than this one, not in a museum or anywhere online. It's absolutely perfect, with exquisite symmetry and phenomenal preservation. Undoubtedly the best tooth my dad has ever found. Although I was a bit jealous that he found it and not me, I was at the same time ecstatic because all of his finds go towards my collection. This beauty is one of my most prized teeth, as I am yet to see a more perfect specimen. The pictures do not do it justice in the slightest. It was found a while ago, but I thought you all would still like to see it. Enjoy!
  18. Rowboater

    rapp creek hunting

    Tried to get out before the ice storm in search of cowshark teeth (found none and hunted hard). Lots of small sand tiger teeth, including a crooked one and a symphyseal, and lots of split teeth. Lots of drum teeth, (the dull side is more interesting than the glossy side). Four angel teeth that stand up on their triangular base, two whose root is damaged. Two or three mako (broken). Lots of small triangular teeth (dusky, bull, gray? not sure what all they are). Lots of batoid/ skate teeth, but no stingers or denticles. One whole vert and a small disc echinoid. Lots ofsmall 'whale bone' and bits to go through. Not what I was after, but quantity if not quality was good.
  19. Hello all, I hope you are having a fossiliferous New Year. To kick ours off, MomAnonymous and I went off to Brownies to check out the beach. It seems I really do need waders as I was unable to round the point even at low tide. We met @sharkdoctor on the point who had found an amazing bird bone in zone 10. We chatted for a bit, and he gave me a lot of information that could prove very helpful, and even invited me to a group hunt at Blue Banks. What a generous man. I get good luck when meeting other collectors! We putted around for a bit, finding some really nice sand tigers at one point and a lot of other, small teeth. Then we went to the bridge, where MomAnonymous found another symphyseal Physogaleus in the exact same spot as before! In all we got 137 small teeth. Not the best of days, but not horrible either. @Littlefoot @racerzeke @ShoreThing @WhodamanHD
  20. HoppeHunting

    Worn Cow Shark Symphyseal

    Hi all, This tooth was found of one of my recent hunts along the Calvert Cliffs in Maryland. I found it at Bayfront Park/Brownies Beach. It is approximately one cm in length, relatively flat, and has multiple worn but visible bumps of enamel that could either be large serrations of some shark tooth or cusps of a symphyseal cow shark tooth. I believe it's the latter, but also recognize that it is a rather uncommon find. If it turns out to be a cow shark symphyseal, it would be my first one! Excited to see your takes on this one. I feel somewhat confident with my standing ID, but would love some confirmation. Thanks in advance!
  21. Anomotodon

    Hexanchus symphyseal (my first one!!!!)

    From the album: Eocene vertebrates of Ukraine

    8 years of collecting in that area, and finally a cowshark symphyseal
  22. Any day out on the river is a great day but today was something special, plentiful teeth and a couple of rarities! My wife started the day off right by finding a symphyseal cow shark tooth, I still can't hardly believe that she found it! Later on I stepped over a log to find a Meg leaning up against another log. Later on in the day, my daughters were hunting together and when I got home and checked out what they found, there was an Alopias grandis there! I finished the day off by spying a 2 1/2" Mako sitting high and dry...I couldn't ask for a better day on the river with my family! Total haul. Definite trip maker here! I was very pleased with this! My wife was not going to be outdone and found her own. Of course my kids got into the action as well. I closed out the day with this beauty.
  23. Miocene_Mason

    I’ve got a Weltonia Question

    So you see from Morocco (Ouled Abdoun, late paleocene- early Eocene?) These funky looking Cow sharks called Weltonia ancistrodon. Though I don’t own one, I still have questions about it. The questions I have are the following: 1) There are always lowers. Never, not once, have I seen for sale an upper. Where are they? What do they look like? What about Symphyseals? 2) Have they ever been found anywhere else? I find it hard to believe they only come from the one site. 3) what is the purpose of the weird blade? Any papers on this?
  24. Found both these symphyseal notorynchus this year, they are quite certainly among my best finds from 2017. They’re from two different locations in the Antwerp area.
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