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  1. JamieLynn

    Tentaculites NY Devonian

  2. Fossildude19

    Tentaculites death plate

    From the album: Fossildude's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Tentaculites from Arkona. Middle Devonian. There are also crinoid bits and ostracods mixed in.

    © 2023 Tim Jones

  3. Fossildude19

    Tentaculites imprint

    From the album: Fossildude's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Tentaculites bellulus - Windom Shale Member of the Moscow Formation, Hamilton Group, Middle Devonian (Givetian) Deep Springs Road Quarry, Lebanon, NY.

    © 2023 Tim Jones

  4. Misha


    From the album: Lower Devonian fossils

    Tentaculites Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates group Eastern NY
  5. SilurianSalamander

    Tentaculites? Cephalopod?

    Found at work. Ordovician to Devonian. It tapers so it’s not a crinoid stem
  6. Cassandra Tiensivu

    My largest Tentaculites

    I was told this is pretty big for tentaculites.
  7. Fossildude19

    Another Tentaculites sp.

    From the album: Fossildude's Lower Devonian Fossils

    Tentaculites sp. Lower Devonian, Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut, Glenerie, NY.

    © 2022 T. Jones

  8. Tidgy's Dad

    Waldron Tentaculites?

    I love this specimen. I though it might be Tentaculites at first, but I can find little reference to them in the Waldron Shale other than really old mentions of T. inornatus and T. niagarensis from the Rochester Shale of New York which is of about the same age and has many species that also occur in the Waldron. However, it may actually be a really weird bit of echinoderm stalk. It's very tiny and I'm not sure if it tapers or not as the matrix covers part of it and is stubbornly refusing to come off. It seems to be solid rather than hollow. Or maybe not. The shell may have come off a part of this to reveal calcite infilling of the interior? Any ideas, anyone?
  9. Fossildude19

    Tentaculites sp.

    From the album: Fossildude's Lower Devonian Fossils

    Tentaculites (preserved in silica) Lower Devonian, Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut, Glenerie, NY. 2.7 cm.

    © 2022 T. Jones

  10. The only descriptions I can find of these are just that they are fossil shells and have "uncertain affinity", whatever this means. Is it simply not known what organisms they were, animal, plant or otherwise? Are there some speculations?
  11. Hello together, I got this one as a gift, all the info I have is "rock with a nice pattern from the Sahara desert ". I am relatively sure its not a fossil, even more so after looking at the macro-fotos. Still it reminded me of tentaculites, and I wonder if there are fossils disguised by desert varnish, or if it is all pure geology. What do you think? Scale is metric, as you can tell by the ten/five small marks to a big one. Best regards, J
  12. Ludwigia


    I knew already beforehand that this one would take me a dog's age to get it done, so I decided to keep an eye on the time. Sure enough, this took me the better part of 23 hours to get it completed. A hash plate full of lots of Tentaculites sp. from the Middle Devonian Givetian deposits at Hungry Hollow, Ontario. Thanks to Peter Lee for the photo.
  13. Ludwigia

    Tentaculites sp.

    From the album: Sketches

    A hash plate from the Middle Devonian Givetian deposits in the clay pit at Hungry Hollow, Arkona, Ontario, Canada. Thanks to Peter Lee for the original photo of it.
  14. Today I took a trip to a new outcrop of the Leighton Formation! My main interest in this new outcrop is to find the source of my original material. The first outcrop I visited actually turned out to be an erratic. When I first visited there in February the ground was completely frozen. I found a large piece of shale sticking out of the ground, which I proceeded to split, but the rock itself did not come out. This rock yielded about 50 pounds of material on the first trip. When I returned in June I excavated around the supposed outcrop, and found that it was in a fact an erratic rock. I also found three other large pieces that were also from the Leighton Formation. Since my first site turned out to be a dud, I am now trying to find new sites. This is the first of three possibly accessible sites to visit. I am mainly looking for the presence of thelodont scales - specifically, those that belong to the species Phlebolepis elegans. I am also looking for a few species that I don't have in my collection yet or I require for research: the tentaculite species T. elongatus, the trilobite species Acastae zerinae, two species in the genus Actinopteria, the undescribed Calymene species that has been mentioned in earlier posts, and eurypterid fragments. Today was an absolutely beautiful day to do it. It was cool and overcast in the morning, but then cleared up towards the end of the trip - perfect collecting conditions. Here are some pictures of the walk (in chronological order). Once at the outcrop, the Leighton shale member was quite obvious. It was one excellent outcrop, although I didn't find all the species I was looking for. I might have found thelodont scales, but I will not know for certain until I examine the material closely. The fauna of this formation was similar to that in the erratics I found, with a few marked differences. One is the abundance of the brachiopod species Chonetes bastini, it was the by far most common brachiopod. Also, the characteristic Salopina brachiopod fauna was barely represented in this outcrop - I might have got two specimens of them. Camarotoeichia leightoni was more common, but still relatively scarce compared to the C. bastini. Only the tentaculite species T. elongatus was in the outcrop, the other species of Tentaculite (which I have not identified), was completely absent. The bivalve species Modiolopsis leightoni was amazingly prolific. On to the geology of the site. Almost the entire outcrop was of made of a highly fractured gray shale that split extremely easily. In this slate, there were occasional pockets of a type of siltstone. The siltstone pockets usually contained a large amount of gastropods of the genus Australonema, with possible fish fragments. There were extremely fossiliferous layers every 5 - 10 centimeters. In between these layers there were still some fossils, but generally there were less molluscs or ostracods. Most of the C. bastini brachiopods were in between the fossiliferous layers. I only collected from one of the outcrops that was there, two others were situated to the left and right of this one. They had the same general geology and fauna - at least, according to my rather quick check. Below are a few pictures of the outcrop I collected at: the first is from the front of it, and the second is from behind it. Here are a few insitu photos of some of the fossils. The first is of what I guess is an A. zerinae trilobite cephalon, prep will reveal if it actually is. The second is of one of the highly fossiliferous layers I was talking about - notice the enormous profusion of ostracods, with a few brachiopods and mollusks. On the way back there were a few red shale pieces I took a look at. I think they are from the Hersey Formation, probably brought in by the tidal current. The first picture shows one of the rocks, and the second is of a brachiopod external mold peeking out. I hope to update this thread with further pictures of the fossils collected. To be continued.... Thanks for reading!
  15. Svetlana

    Hello! I'm new here

    Hello everybody. My name is Svetlana, I'm from Ukraine and I'm new here. It's a pleasure to join your community; hope you will accept me. I want to show you some of my findings today I can only provide such photographs - there is a lot of material, and its definition and high-quality photography are only ahead. All finds are from Devon of Ukraine. Red tiles - shell fish, mostly Podolaspis Lerichei; green tiles - Tentaculites, Howellella bragensis. I wish you all the best in 2021! Best regards, Svetlana
  16. How do you distinguish between tentaculites and orthoconic cephalopod fossils?
  17. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Tentaculites gyracanthus Upper Silurian/Lower Devonian Helderberg Gr. Manlius Fm. Albany Co. NY Collected 6/27/19
  18. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Tentaculites elongatus Lower Devonian Helderberg Gr. Kalkberg Fm. Rickard Hill Road Schoharie, NY Collected 5/31/20
  19. Wowowow I was very surprised to find all this amazing stuff today at my favourite river bank fossils spot of the Etobicoke creek. I managed to snag a whole lot of stuff today, some Orthoconic Nautiloids, Brachipods and what I believe to be the nicest tentaculite I've ever seen!!! The fossils are from the Georgian Bay Formation and they were found in the broken up "rock fields" next to the creek. This is going to be one of my longer posts, so I will have to split them up into section. The full haul, with the typical estwing 22 ounce rock pick (33 cm from bottom of the handle to the top of the hammer end for anyone who doesn't own one). First lets start with the usual: Them cone boys, aka Orthoconic Nautiloids. I believe all of the following to be Treptoceras crebriseptum.
  20. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Tentaculites elongatus covered by a Fenestella crebipora from the New Scotland formation.
  21. The next few days are fall break for me, so I'm home from school. I decided to take the day today to explore two sites in Northern Illinois. The first is an outcrop of the Upper Ordovician Maquoketa Group in Kendall County, IL. I learned about this site from a recent trip report posted here, and found it after a little detective work. I was hoping to find Tentaculites oswegoensis, a small conical fossil of unknown affinities which is only found in this area. It only took me a few minutes before I found a few. I only stayed for 20 minutes or so, as Tentaculites is really the only well preserved fossil in these exposures. There were some brachiopod and bryozoan fragments, but nothing noteworthy.
  22. Blair County, Pennsylvania (USA) Silurian... According to the map the likely guess is Clinton Formation, but my gut on site said "Wills Creek" Anyway, what do I have here? Small straight nautiloids or Tentaculites? How do you tell them apart?
  23. minnbuckeye

    Fossilized Thumbtack

    Here is a piece I saved on a recent excursion to the Devonian Cedar Valley Formation of Iowa. It looks like a thumbtack!!! I am guessing a tentaculites abutting an ostrocod, but would like other opinions. Thanks, Mike
  24. Bguild


    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Tentaculites Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  25. Wrangellian

    Ontario Ordovician conular items

    I've received a couple nice Upper Ordovician additions to my collection courtesy of @JUAN EMMANUEL and I'm finally posting them now... (Thanks Juan!) First, is this Tentaculites or Cornulites? I wish I could get better pics. Manitoulin Fm, Hamilton, ON.
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