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  1. Learning Curve

    Bison or Bov.?

  2. EroHed

    Mastodon Bone Identification

    Hi, I know this is part of a Mastodon Bone, but I cannot seem to find out what part. It was found in a creek in Jefferson County, MS. The yellow color is oxidized blue clay.
  3. From glacial deposits in E Kansas. I need some help on this one. When I found it, I assumed it was bison... however to my eyes it doesn't seem close to bison or cow after studying some papers. Could this be hippus, or possibly something else? As always, I really appreciate y'alls help. I'm stumped with this bone, I do my best to id stuff on my own- Still learning. Thanks! Proximal: Distal:
  4. Sorry that I don't have details of this specimen's provenance, but I'm trying to help an older friend remember what exactly this is a fossil of. They've had it for over 20 years, and believe they may have acquired it from online auction site in its early days. All I've been able to determine so far is that it is likely a dinosaur tibia. He's quite a fan of hadrosaurs, but I really have no idea if it's possibly from one. It's a fairly large specimen, about 26 in/66 cm long and 5 in/12.7 cm wide at the widest point: I know this is quite challenging without supporting information, but unfortunately any information related to this is missing, and was likely lost in a house fire that occurred years ago. Just hoping to get lucky and see if anyone has any sort of insight. Other photos attached (sorry that they seem to just be rendered full sized without a smaller preview, though that's more of a form limitation than my doing). Thanks..
  5. kirkjeremiah23

    Hadrosaur Tibia

    My current project, cleaning and putting this fossil back together. Has suspected predator teeth marks. My kind of puzzle. I will post the finished product in a couple of days
  6. Hi everyone, A seller sent me few bones. I guess they’re from Spinosaurid. But I’m not sure. And I also want to know they’re real or not. May I take some advice from you, please? They’re as follows, Thigh bone: Ulna Bone Tibia Bone @Troodon @LordTrilobite The seller will give me a day to consider about them. Would you give me some advice, please? Thank you very very much.
  7. Jurassic J

    I need help with identification

    Unfortunately the only information on the fossil is that it is from North America. I was thinking it is a distal femur or proximal tibia but really have no clue. Is it possible to ID the type of dinosaur with just the end of a long bone? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Kim Eun-hyang

    What dinosaur fossil is this?

    This is a dinosaur tibia fossil. It came from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. what kind of dinosaur is it? Could it be a Tarbosaurus?
  9. casadelshawn

    Repair help in Denmark

    A friend of mine in Aarhus, Denmark (who isn't on here) just received a Hadrosaur long bone from a dealer in the US; the good news is that it's awesome, the bad news is that it's broken. Alas. I've seen photos; it looks like a clean break along a previously-repaired line. He's not mad, just disappointed, as would I be. Anyone here on the forums we can send him to for a repair? My guess is that it'll be some PB100, a bit of paint, and possibly some Jurassic gel. He's of course willing to compensate for the service, and the dealer has said that they'll help out as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  10. I found this broken end of a long bone several months ago near Houston in the late Pleistocene gravel deposits of the Beaumont and Lissie Formations. Here are some pictures (with each grid on the graphing paper being 1/4 of an inch): I know that it's the end of a tibia because the grooves on the end are shaped to match an astragalus (ankle bone), and that their slanted angle indicates a perissodactyl like a horse, tapir, or rhino rather than an artiodactyl like a bison, pig, deer, or camel. Based on the size of the bone, I think I can pretty easily rule out rhino, which leaves only horse or tapir as a possibility. Now, I've never found a single tapir bone in all the time I've spent hunting in this area, whereas it seems like there's such an overabundance of horse material that I'm literally tripping over their teeth and bones any time I take a step (that and turtle shell fragments)! Needless to say the odds are definitely in favor of horse. What's stumped me is that it seems just too small to be a horse bone - at the very least, not one from an adult anyway. I know that three-toed horses were often smaller than their one-toed cousins, and I've found their teeth before as it's not too uncommon for them to wash down from the older formations north of where I'm hunting, so that's also a possibility. My main problem is that I can't find any reliable measurements online for the distal end of a tapir tibia to compare mine to. So if anyone has any old literature with some helpful information or (even better) pictures, I'd love to see them. Any help is appreciated! @Shellseeker @Harry Pristis @garyc
  11. Listed as a partial tibia and being hollow, possible theropod? Very small--just under 1inch. Is there any other possibilities for such a small, hollow bone? Could it be a type of small reptile for instance? Also, is it Tibia, or another type of bone? Wealden Clay, Hastings Sub Group Thanks for the help
  12. I have what i think is a crocodile tibia but i am not sure. I have spoken with some people that sats it’s not from a crocodile. I wonder if anyone could help me tell what it really is. All the info i have on it, is on the picture (the paper)
  13. I am a university student studying T. rex, so of course, I ran into the Nanotyrannus debate. People have been arguing about Nanotyrannus being valid, but there's a huge problem: No adult specimen. Unless someone has an adult, or even a subadult, specimen of Nanotyrannus (over 15 years old), it isn't a real genus. This is why I am here. I know people collect fossils and post pics of them on here, so I'm willing to see what people may, or may not, have. My question is: Does anybody have an adult Nanotyrannus specimen? In simpler terms, does anybody have a Nanotyrannus femur larger than 70 cm ("Jane's" and "Petey's" are over 70 cm)? Or a tibia about 90 cm or larger ("Jane's" and "Petey's" are 80-something cm, from what I've seen)? A fibula would work too. I'm willing to give the pro-Nano side a chance here. I'm in contact with a couple of paleontologists, some on the pro-Nano side and some on the anti-Nano side, and if anybody has any hind limb bones of a supposed Nano, then may I please see a pic of it? This is the only way you can prove that Nano exists. Teeth and hand claws will not cut it. As far as I'm concerned, all Nano teeth and hand claws are juvenile T. rex teeth, and T. rex claws. I'm asking for hindlimb bones only. Skull bones would do fine as well. Try to prove that tooth loss does not occur in T. rex ontogeny by providing pics of a maxilla or dentary. NO teeth, only a dentary or a maxilla. I'm not expecting anybody to give me anything of substance, but I wanted to give this a shot to see if I would be proven wrong. I'm being harsh because, if Nano exists, then there should be an adult specimen. All specimens are juveniles, no questions asked. Therefore, the genus does not exist. The only adult specimens of any tyrannosaurid that coexisted with Nano is T. rex, therefore Nano is a juvenile. It's just that simple. Prove me wrong though. Let me reiterate: Pics of femurs, tibias (even fibulas), maxillas, and dentaries, are what I'm after. If we can get a cross-section of a Nano femur, or tibia, and get an age estimate of 17 or older, or has extensive Haversian remodeling, then I'll believe that the genus exists, along with the majority of other paleontologists. Let's see how this goes!
  14. Two limb bone fragments from the Eocene deposits in the Big Horn Basin. Mammalian, but don't know anything more beyond that. Would really appreciate help!
  15. darrow

    Juvenile Equus Tibia?

    Previously identified as an Equus tibia. I originally assumed the articular surfaces had been eroded away by the river however I recently compared this to other Equus tibias I’ve collected from the same river and they do not exhibit this pattern of erosion. In fact, the articular surfaces of the other specimens are very much intact showing little more than a polish from the river. Looking at the texture of the exposed cancellous bone at the ends of this tibia and comparing it to that of isolated epiphyseal plates I have collected I’m thinking this tibia is from a juvenile. The articular surfaces are missing because the growth plates were not yet fused. Thoughts?
  16. Hi, I found this bone on June 5th 2021 in Eastern Finland during a field survey of a historical site. Can anyone help identify the mammal species of the bone? The scale is 30 cm.
  17. Harry Pristis

    armadillo tibia.JPG

    From the album: BONES

    © Harry Pristis 2021

  18. darrow

    Equus Tibia?

    The ends are a little eroded but I'm thinking this is an Equus tibia?
  19. For those of you that hunt rivers and creeks in the Midwest how often do you find horse remains? These three humeri were all found within a 2-mile stretch of a river within about a two year period - along with many other random tarsals, a femur, multiple tibia, and several teeth...
  20. dbrake40

    Partial Tibia ID

    Found on river gravel bar in Sothern Minnesota. I know its a partial tibia - any ideas on species? Sus maybe? Sediments in the area range from cretaceous to holocoen with a good amount of Wisconsin lobe glacial till. Previously we have found bison, mammoth, and ancient horse...
  21. Hi all, I'm a newbie to the forum and fossils in general, so need all the help I can get! Found this on the coast in the UK today. It appears to be the fossilised end of a limb bone. It's heavy, nearly a 1lb, and is as hard as rock. It's 4.5 inches long (11.5cm) and 2.5 inch widest. Any help from the keen fossil minds on this forum would be fantastic.
  22. coled18

    Pleistocene leg bone ID

    Hello, I posted this before, but my thread was too disjointed for comfort so I am posting again. I found this bone end (I think it is a tibia) with some other ice age bits and ends and have no idea what it came from. Im pretty sure it is not bovid, from what I am familiar with. Anything could help, and this was found on a riverbed in NE Kansas.
  23. dbrake40

    Horse Tibia or Other? Cut Marks

    I believe the long bone in these pictures is a horse (tibia). Correct - thoughts on the cut marks? Look modern?
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