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Found 23 results

  1. JamieLynn

    Amphibian Jaw Permian Texas

  2. Othniel C. Marsh

    Ray tooth plates

    Below are three ray tooth plates, all of which are supposed to be from the Ypresian of the Ouled Abdoun Basin in Morocco. It may well be the case that ray tooth plates can't be identified to a genus or species level, but I thought it was worth an attempt. Thanks in advance for any proposed ID's Othniel
  3. From the album: Fossils

    A nicely preserved one inch Phyllodus toliapicus crushing tooth plate from the Eocene Nanjemoy Formation of Virginia.
  4. Initial thoughts after doing quite a bit of research- Eagle Ray tooth plate. Not 100% sure on this. As far as the specific rock/mineral containing the fossil….perhaps rose quartz? Totally a shot in the dark here. Would appreciate any feedback!
  5. Hi, found this beauty on the coast of Newcastle NSW Australia. I believe it's likely a fish tooth plate, or maybe a crab? Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
  6. Vopros

    Opal lungfish tooth plate

    The seller did not realize what it was and split it in 4 pieces. What a pity! Here it is
  7. Misha

    Placoderm toothplate

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Ptyctodontid gnathal plate Givetian Silica Shale Fm. Paulding Ohio
  8. SilurianSalamander

    Weird Paleozoic fossil. Fish tooth plate?

    Looks like it’s been turned to beekite. Found in Paleozoic gravel alongside numerous gastropods on a rail road.
  9. Mikrogeophagus

    Pycnodont Tooth Plate?

    Hey everyone! This came from the same Ozan spot as my previous post. I found this little specimen on a gravel bar. I think it's a fossil, but it could be man-made... I'm really not sure. My best guess is a pycnodont tooth plate which would be a first for me. I have hesitations because the teeth are "holey" as opposed to little black bulbs. Maybe this is from weathering? Here are some pictures: Thanks for reading!
  10. Kikokuryu

    Ceratodus sp.

    Stabilized with Butvar B-76. Found in a basal channel facies associated with an incised valley-fill sequence of fluvial sediments; found in situ from a channel-sand-bed-load layer near the base of the valley-fill sequence. Edit: So, I copy pasted that from my power point I use to catalogue my fossils. Not sure how to remove the boxes.
  11. Kikokuryu

    Ceratodus latissimus

    Stabilized with Butvar B-76. Purchased as Ceratodus cf. parvus.
  12. Gramps

    Deltodus Tooth.JPG

    From the album: Pennsylvanian Fossils of Northeast Oklahoma

    This is one of the crushing teeth of Deltodus, from Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) shale in northeastern Oklahoma. This tooth is only about 4 mm thick. Deltodus comprised a genus of cartilaginous fishes in the class Chondrichthyes, subclass Holocephali. Modern day holocephalans include chimaeras.
  13. sharkdoctor

    Eagle ray tooth plate partial?

    Found this partial ray tooth plate in January while fossil hunting in the Aquia Formation along the Potomac River. Does this look like Myliobatis dixoni to you? I am terrible at identifying ray teeth, so really not feeling certain about that ID.
  14. belemniten

    Lungfish tooth!

    Hi guys, last week I started studying so I don't have much time at the moment and because of that I can't be very active here. Nevertheless I could go hunting last weekend (related to my eighteenth birthday (so why I am still a youth member?? )). I was in a quarry near Stuttgart where you can find fossils from the Triassic. Looking for bones and teeth in the "Bonebed" there is quite strenuous but it makes always fun! Especially if you find something good And my best find was this lungfish tooth (Ceratodus): Never found something like that before so I am quite happy with it! It's about 2.5 cm long and I prepped it with my air pen and with my new sandblasting machine! The prep work took about 1 hour. I can't really estimate how rare such a find is but maybe @Pemphix can say more! Thanks for viewing
  15. I have been finding a lot of inclusions in a batch of coprolites from the Smoky Hill Chalk that assumed were bits of cartilage. One of the newer specimens from that batch had a piece of the material in question on the surface; enabling me to view it from the side. They look like little teeth, so now I don't know what I have. I have one other specimen that has a couple of the little tooth-like structures intact (one that I posted a while back that has possible Ptychodus tooth fragments). Is this skin with denticles, cartilage, a skull part or some sort of tooth plate? As always, any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Lulubell

    Cahaba Chalk Quarry

    While on a museum expedition dig to uncover the foundation of the first state capitol at Old Cahawba, the middle school campers and archeologists took a trip to a nearby inactive chalk quarry where my son found a tooth plate. The archeologists with him said it was fairly rare and called it anomoeodus. Looking for more info. Please and Thank You.
  17. TNCollector

    My Best Pycnodont Plate

    Most people don't know it, but besides my adventures in the realm of Paleozoic vertebrates, I also do a lot of collecting in the Cretaceous of West Tennessee and Northeast Mississippi. The Cretaceous of West TN is known for having a wide diversity of excellently preserved invertebrates (think Coon Creek Formation), but the vertebrate life is largely ignored. It mainly consists of shallow water marine reptiles, sharks, fish, and occasionally terrestrial animals. My collection consists primarily of marine reptile bones and a few teeth, but I have a small selection of fish, shark, and terrestrial material as well. This specimen here was found at an undisclosed location in the Coon Creek Formation. I have found a few loose pycnodont teeth, but I was super excited to find this huge mouth plate, complete with teeth and a good chunk of bone still attached. Some of the teeth were broken, I found this specimen a few months ago and have been slowly prepping, repairing, and stabilizing the specimen. Here is the end result! Enjoy! I certainly treasure this specimen, as it is the most complete one I have found in my Cretaceous adventures, and is quite large! Anomoeodus latidens fish tooth plate with jaw Coon Creek Formation West Tennessee, USA
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