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  1. Recently, I have been on a longer vacation, so I have time to take a brief trip to the surrounding cities. Therefore, I have ample time to visit the Shanghai Natural History Museum. I have taken many wonderful photos (about 400), and in the next few days I will write a complete article on this topic. Welcome any replies and questions. As soon as I got off the subway, I could see the logo and murals of the Shanghai Natural History Museum (initially, I was not aware of the content of the murals, which I only discovered while organizing photos). Walking slightly outward, you can see the entire museum. Its really big!
  2. Mostly the title. I’ve been struggling for a long time to find a site- using survey maps for bedrock age and composition, and taking many a road trip to countless spots. But at every end i am met with private property or completely inaccessible sites. I dont want to go to the places that are written down on every map like the montour fossil preserve, where a dozen people go a day. I want to find that quiet, secluded site where a few people know of, and that is infrequently visited. the last one like that i have been to was the exposed shale over in Centralia, PA. Silent, empty, and mostly untouched. I could just sit there, crawl along slowly, and look at all the fossil ferns. I even got lucky enough to find a piece of fern on some broken shale at the bottom of the hill. Im hoping someone here knows of a little site that might contain a trilobite, gastropod, or any cool marine fauna/flora that i could visit and photograph, and with permission of whoever found it, even maybe collect. Does anyone got a spot? I’m talking little secluded sites. Stuff where you park at some random park or pull off on the side of the road and follow some gps coordinate type deal.
  3. CabinetOfCuriosities

    Red Hill Permit Questions

    Hey all, I am in the process of planning a fossil hunting trip for my friend that takes us to Pennsylvania. I have heard a lot about the Red Hill fossil site and wanted to make a visit on our way through, but I'm unsure about what I would need to do to legally collect from it. I saw in another post that a permit from PennDOT is required to collect from the site. Where can I find the permit to fill out? And are amateur collectors able to be approved to collect from the site?
  4. Me and a couple buddies have they idea of hunting for shark teeth and making a trip out of it. We are experienced hunters in the Venice, FL area, and would be open to any locations across the world or even just the US to find the best shark teeth! Any opinions or locations would be much appreciated( just no beaches lol)!
  5. OverCaffeinated

    Fossils in FL panhandle(?)

    Hello, I hope this is the appropriate location to post this question, my apologies if it isn't. Does anyone have advice or location suggestions for fossil hunting in the Florida panhandle region? The few locations that have been suggested to me *appear* to not legally allow collecting. I am alright with just observing, but my preference is to have the option to collect. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Recently just got back from a trip on Tybee Island! During this trip I went out looking for shark teeth several times a day, and even did a tour with Sundial Charters! Overall in 6 days I found over 150 shark teeth and countless other fossils! I'll be posting them on here! Here's the coolest tooth I found actually on Tybee, I believe it's a Great Hammerhead.
  7. Thanks to @Welsh Wizard for pointing me in the direction of these amazing caverns in the Peak District UK. On Saturday we took a trip up there. The Caverns are originally mines for Blue John which is a gorgeous Blue Purple and Yellow mineral. Back to the fossils... ...inside the cavern there is a chamber with layers of fossilised material in the ceiling. I will post some photos below. There was also a shop and museum with fossil examples from the cavern and elsewhere in the world. Sadly, I only got a few photos of those, as it was closing time. Strangely, we were the only visitors in the cavern (maybe late in the day) considering the amount of traffic all around. It costs £14.50 to visit the cavern. Recommended afternoon out.
  8. Hi all. I was planning on a little fossil hunting trip at the weekend, but the heavens opened and, even being an outdoors person, the torrent was too heavy for an enjoyable afternoon. Instead, we went into Derby city centre UK and found a Museum and Gallery. Not having planned ahead, we had no idea what kind of museum it was. Turned out, it had a bit of everything in their own rooms and was quite small. It did have some interesting stuff and I learnt something I never knew, so a good day in the end. To our surprise, we discovered there had been Hippopotamuses living in Derby or where Derby now stands. I've posted some photos from the Fossil room. I love the fossilised nest. Jes.
  9. To start, I’m aware that the St Clair PA area owned by Reading Anthracite that contains the white ferns is closed for collecting in any general sense. However I have seen posts in the past and discussion that they allow organizations, often with a university, to collect. I just wanted to make a post to see if anyone is aware of this being the case, and the best way to go about reaching out if so. I am a member of the AIPG chapter at WSU in Detroit, and the officers of our group reached out to me to help organize a fossil collecting trip, and I thought it was worth consideration due to our position. And as a side piece if anyone has any other recommendations for spots or quarries to go to or reach out to as a medium-large group that’s doable in a day to 2-day trip out of Detroit I’d happily take those as well. I have a handful of other spots in mind but I’m sure there’s plenty more.
  10. If you are planning to go to Summerville, SC for your first time, and have been hoping to find Shark Teeth, please read this. My Advice: · I advise only going if you know someone with known locations, or otherwise plan to hire a company or a guide (I do not have someone to recommend). Finding teeth on your own is quite difficult. My hunt: I got lucky this time on a 3-day trip. After having visited Summerville years before with my son to great success, we went through over 25 spots (August 2023) with only two teeth found. We were discouraged. Luckily, we found one location that netted us the teeth shown as a last-minute discovery at the end of day 2. We returned on day 3 after morning rain. Our goal was to find a Megalodon tooth (even broken) of 3" or more, which we were successful!! If it wasn’t for that one spot, the trip would have been disastrous. Unfortunately, the spot that we found will soon have a structure over it so I cannot say this opportunity exists for the future. What didn’t work on my trip? · My known, secret spots didn’t have shark teeth this time. · I had researched fossil formation areas, inland tides, and elevation maps; yet the locations we visited didn’t have shark teeth. We found the right layers, but not teeth (even with low creek flows). What has changed in Summerville? I believe: · Inability to use tools is impactful (there is a law against it). · I believe the hurricane years ago exposed quite a bit of fossils, but since then the volume of fossils are not being exposed quickly. I should have realized there have been a lack of YouTube postings over the past few years. If you go to the Beach without a guide/company: · Going during the day, even at low tide, has too many tourists looking for fossils. We made this mistake. · Go first thing in the morning for better odds. · Go after a storm. · Find a location away from tourists. We are pleased with the results in the images below. I hope this information is useful. Thank you
  11. After much consideration; I decided to allow someone else, to introduce me to their local fossil rich area. At the Bone Valley Fossil Farm; the owners have used heavy equipment to remove the upper 12 feet of sandy topsoil. Doing so, exposes Megalodon era fossil layers. The fossil layer is then dug out with heavy equipment, and is piled up at wet screening wash stations on the owner's property. This is a paid access fossil site, and all necessary wet screening equipment is furnished for you. I found a good variety of fossils; during 6 1/2 hours of frantic, almost non-stop fossil hunting. You can go at your own pace. You can do it your way. If you finish your pile, before the 6 1/2 hour timeframe is up; the owners will quickly replenish your pile, with more fossil rich soil. They are very friendly, and they cater to you well. I had a great experience, and I believe it was well worth the access fee I paid. They are good people. Now, some fossils!!!
  12. Noelani Menard

    Fossil hunting trip Nebraska

    Hello this is my second post on the forum I might be going on fossil dig this summer at my heritage guest ranch in Nebraska badlands and I was wondering what carnivores I can potentially find, and what are some of the most common finds in the carnivore and herbivore group? Also, anything else I need to know before doing this fossil hunt?
  13. SawTooth

    Creek trip 3/19/23

    I had a short trip down to a nearby creek yesterday, and though I was only there for about an hour and a half, it had to be one of my best (creek) trips this year! We retrieved our first complete meg from this creek along with two beautiful great whites.We got some very nice sand tiger teeth. We got a nice little horse tooth. And what gets me most excited is my first piece of ivory.Heres all of the days finds.
  14. Mid-February, officially still winter, yet it felt like spring yesterday. In February, the average temperature in the Netherlands is about 3 degrees, so yesterday it was not cold at 14 degrees. I couldn't wait any longer this year, and planned my first quest of 2023. I really had to get out, so sat in my auro early in the morning arriving 3 hours later at the Selzerbeek in South Limburg, the Netherlands. The stream mainly runs through Vijlener limestone (Upper Cretaceous / Gulpen Formation / Vijlen Limestone). This means that you can encounter all fossils from this stratigraphic layer. I was mainly looking for shark teeth today. Because the many marl quarries in the Netherlands are closed, I wanted to try my luck in this stream. In addition, brachiopods, sea urchins, belemnites and bivalves can be found. To find shark teeth, especially good ones, I knew I had better luck than Gladstone Gander. But just finding incomplete teeth from this Gulpen formation would make my day. The Selzerbeek never disappoints, coming home empty-handed is a rarity. On arrival the stream was beautiful. With an impressive number of snowdrops along the stream I got the feeling of spring. The crystal clear water smiled at me. Because I don't want to dig in the stream, I had to rely on the surface sand and gravel. To carefully search for this, very clear water is a must. The first small finds were made within the hour. Just a quick photo with the stream in the background. The stone on which they lie is a typical limestone from Vijlen, which are scattered across the stream. Walking along the stream, many pieces of Viijlens limestone from the Gulpen formation are visible. These are the stones from which the fossils and therefore also the shark teeth are worn out by the running water and rain. My thought was to search mostly around these stones to increase the chance of partially complete teeth. Searching for my finds of a few hours. Many parts of small shark teeth. Incomplete as expected from this stream. Still nice to have found some teeth from this location. Difficult to determine due to the incomplete condition, although some are recognizable. As a by-catch, of course, Belemnites. I found a lot of them, only put a few in my pocket along the way. In addition, there was other small Cretaceous material, which I have to identify again under a magnifying glass. It was a strenuous and successful day for me. After my search and accompanying search it was almost dark and time to take care of the inner person. Spoiled myself in one of the excellent Limburg restaurants. I don't want to spoil you, but it tasted delicious. I thought I deserved that, not true?
  15. Found and Lost Years past, around 1965 I was 12 years old. My friends and I were on a day trip walking along the Straight River in Rice County by Faribault MN. I found a very large intact Trilobite on a larger piece of limestone. It was approx. 18 inches long and about 9 inches wide. But embedded in a slab way to large to carry. We chipped the slab somewhat smaller but it was too large to hand carry along the riverbank. We managed to carry it about 100 feet but no more. I found a large tree with a hollow at the base. We put the Trilobite in the hollow and set some brush in front. The next day we came back with a pack frame. As we got to the tree, we saw the brush was aside and inside the hollow was a metal hatchet. It was a nice hatchet but not as nice as the Trilobite. None of us had seen anyone else that day. Did someone watch us or was it just stumbled on. We all were disappointed but learned a lot and had a good adventure. I've always wondered what happened to that Trilobite and where it is now. Thought this might interest some.
  16. Tales From the Shale

    Oglesby Trip

    Does anyone know of the specific location of roadcuts in Oglesby Illinois? I heard of a large productive one, but haven't been able to locate it specifically. Thanks
  17. SawTooth

    50 minute fossil hunt

    Today we went to a great spot we don't go often. The first 50 minutes were great, then it started raining,I can't imagine what I would have found if I got to stay a good 3 hours. We got two gator osteoderms, including the smallest one I've ever seen (below the large one) some gator teeth. Multiple mammal teeth (follow link below message to get to the ID message) horse frags, gar scales, turtle shell, and other weird fossils. Again, please go to the ID chat just to check if you can help.
  18. For my birthday a couple of weeks ago, we had gone to the museum of ancient life at thanksgiving point in Utah. Here are some of the pictures that I took. Sorry that they're a bit blurry. The Gorgosaurus in the lobby. The prep station has been up and going. I think the fossils that are being prepped are from the morrison formation. Here are some vertebrae that had been prepared. The trilobites And TFF's favorite trilobite A Ceratosaurus, the brown is real bone Close up on the skull Some Supersaurus stuff, all on loan from BYU A pelvis A dorsal vertebra And a cervical Suchomimus Some dinosaur dioramas Tyrannosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Allosaurus Thescelosaurus Part of a Triceratops skull A psittacosaurus skull A Bambiraptor skeleton A pterosaur A couple green river fossils A big phareodus A gar, diplomystus, and knightia A crocodile And a notogoneus And last but not least, the mammoth
  19. I don't know if this is the right place for this tread, as it's not really a trip, it's more like a few hours of outing. It won't call it hunting either, the fossils are underwater so it's more like fishing. Anyway, this is one of my many trips to this place, it's not very far, and it allows me to take a nature walk on weekends. Do not expect to see anything bigger than a few centimeters, this is the late Ordovician, historically the formation of rocks in the area is due to its immersion, towards the end of the Ordovician geological era, which led to the establishment of marine sediments. Then raised by tectonic forces, the whole region was subjected to a long erosion from the end of the Ordovician to the end of the Tertiary. Subsequently, after being covered with a thick layer of ice during the Quaternary, the St. Lawrence Lowlands were submerged by the Champlain Sea following the collapse of the underlying foundation, therefore , by the weight of glaciers. After dropping clays and sands, the sea has declined, following the recovery of the base, and left the area in its current state. The site is not as gorgeous or rich in fossils as other site we see in this forum, but it is rich in brachiopod, crinoid, bryozoan and gastropod. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of the site, it is a small beach where I do my fossil fishing, in fact at this time of year I tend to call it ice fishing, even if it is close to the rapids and there is no ice formation in the water. This is a good thing because the fossils are not hidden under snow or ice, and it can still be found at this time of year. There was lot's of fossils just underneath the water line, some of them I could take, most of them were large plate that I couldn't detaches, It was difficult to take picture of the fossils under water, because the wave, I had to take picture in between each wave , and when the water was calmer. A large plate full of brachiopod, couldn't get it out, it was still attached rock solid, beside the water was to cold for my pore hands. A couple of bryozoan under water crinoid rings underwater Other nice fossils that I found It was a nice day and ice was calling to be taken in picture, it was omnipresent during all of my hunt for fossils, I will post other picture in nature forum. I think this is a fossil but I really don't know what it is, I might have to post for an ID Request This is the end of my fishing day. See the Nature Photography thread for more picture of that day. LINK The End
  20. jnicholes

    Kemmerer WY trip 2021

    Hi everyone, My third trip to Kemmerer, Wyoming is in one week. I’m going to be digging in the Green River information. Last trip, I came home with a whole Mioplosus labracoides. This time, we have two friends from Japan digging with us. My goal for this trip is to find ANY decent fossil to show my Japanese friends who are digging with us. I don’t care what we find, as long as we all have fun. The only problem is, their suitcases are full. They can’t bring fossils back to Japan with them because they don’t have room in their suitcases. As a result, I will add them to my collection if need be and label them as the discoverer. I will keep you all posted. Jared
  21. So my wife has a business trip coming up in Sept. I'm going with her and want stuff to do on the few days she's at the office there. End of the week we are hitting up some museum places around Morrison. I'm also thinking of hitting up the Florissant Fossil Quarry, because that's at least one place I can go and find something myself. I mean I'm certainly going to buy a few fossils on the trip because well why not. So there are a few things I'll visit without her just because I don't mind the hikes. I'd kind of like to find a few things myself and I know absolutely nothing about the area. I really don't want to get to far away from those areas because I am in a rental, have to pick her up from work, and again I don't know the area. I'll not be taking a lot of equipment because of other stuff and room in the car. I'll have hammer and chisel basically and a pack to carry stuff in. Thanks for any help. Robert
  22. Ive been back for a few days now and finally got around to checking out all the fish we brought home. I also met up with @Fossilis Willis and his buddy Jacob. Nice guys and boy o boy did they hit paydirt! We found lots of the smaller stuff but looks like maybe 4 juvenile noto's?!!! As I was going through all these little slabs I was putting the fish that were closer to the rock and in really good shape into my sons tote and the ones i or he didnt want to mess with into the "for sale' tote. This trip really beat me up and may be my last but was great fun to be out again. Going through the little stuff. Im doing the marking and my youngest son is doing the cutting. Nice to get them ready for prep. A nice little prisci. We found a few of these. A rather rare little juvenile Notogonius! Super happy with this one!!! Hard to tell in this picture but we had to leave this very very nice Phare with the owners. Did some crying over this one. Some of the bigger slabs we brought home. Hard to see but some more on the left.
  23. jnicholes

    Kemmerer, Wyoming trip 3

    Hi everyone, So, I’m going back to Kemmerer, Wyoming for the third time on August 12, 2021. My entire family will be going as well as two friends from Japan. I’m going, courtesy of fishdig.com. I know the two from Japan will have a great time. I’m sure I’ll have a good time also. I wonder what I’ll find this time. Last time, I found an awesome Mioplosus labracoides. Picture attached. Jared
  24. Nothing like living in Montana and getting ready for another fish diggin trip. Where's my snow shovel? This was yesterday morning. RB
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