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  1. 98feetdeep

    Septarian Nodule or fossil?

    Found in Mesa County, Colorado. This area has ammonites in shale and various mineral deposits. I think it is a septarian nodule but not sure. Is there the possibility it has an ammonite inside? the ammonite was found in shale nearby for reference.
  2. Hey guys, is this a piece of fossilized turtle shell? Mansota Key, Gulf Coast, beach find.
  3. ThePhysicist

    Turtle shells

    From the album: Hell Creek Formation Microsite

    More turtle carapace fragments. A) Basilemys sp.; the rest are trionychid
  4. Recently found what I thought was a turtle shell. However the more I examine it the more it looks like a rock/mineral. Interesting pattern on top, side and bottom. Any ideas? Images are side view, bottom and top
  5. Witte1

    ID Fossil

    I found what looks to be a turtle shell in a dried river bed in Colorado. Please ID.
  6. Kaypot

    Turtle with knobbed plastron?

    Found this while kayaking in Hubbard County, Minnesota. Cleaned the sediment off half of the top and the bottom. The carapace has knobs that are features similar to a black knobbed map turtle or fake map turtle but what is odd is the knobs on the plastron (bottom plate of a turtle. It's heavy. Thanks for any ideas/suggestions.
  7. Today I went to a nearby creek in north Florida and came across these fossils that I need help identifying. 1. Definitely posterior. Maybe bull, lemon, or hammerhead? 2. I don't know if I've seen this before, at first I thought small hastalis, but then I noticed what appears to be a cusp on the left side. (it's just on the tape measure so you can see the cusp better.)3. Turtle, but I was wondering with the odd shape if it was possible to tell where from.Thanks!
  8. Hello there everyone! I found these in North Myrtle Beach, I think these are partial turtle shell fragments but would love a second opinion. Thanks in advance for any information!
  9. Alex BC

    Thick fragmented turtle shell?

    Hello there! Found this in North Myrtle beach, any idea as to if this is a turtle shell or some other kind of fossil (Or a rock)? Thanks for any information.
  10. Alex BC

    Turtle shell edge?

    Hello everyone! Found this in North Myrtle beach, wanted to check and see if it was the edge of a turtle shell, or something else. I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks in advance!
  11. Alex BC

    Possible Turtle Shell Fragment?

    Howdy all! I found this possible turtle shell shard on a beach in South Carolina. Any help getting a positive ID on what this is a part of would be greatly appreciated!
  12. Demodame

    Help IDing Florida fossils

    When I go home to Venice, FL I love to look for teeth and fossils. here is some of what I found I either can’t identify or desire validation! thank you 68426771997__5583E755-C0FD-4396-A04A-2F9E53A72A4A.MOV 68426792269__A09ADDCB-E33C-4D7F-88C4-CF73B34B434D.MOV 68426811878__150BA012-C156-445C-AD0D-BD3797AA4993.MOV 68426832807__D54E3555-54E4-468C-8970-64518085AFF6.MOV 68426858651__539C17A0-7384-474E-AC0F-B69A84A6B412.MOV
  13. These were all found on Myrtle Beach over the last few months and I was just wondering what they were (obviously). They look like fragments of turtle shell but I'm not completely sure. I realize I should've used a lighter more even-colored lighting/background, but I hope these pictures will suffice. Thanks for any input. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  14. Lmh

    Fossil Id please

    Found this in a river bed in Branson Missouri. It weighs 1lb 2.3 oz and is about 4”x4”. It caught my eye because it looked like quartz at first. Looks a little different than most pictures of fossilized turtle shells I found on the web. Any thoughts appreciated.
  15. Hello! While doing some gardening today I came across something that caught my eye. Looks like a partial piece of a fossilized turtle shell, but I'm discovering that it could just be fossilized poop :/ really light weight. Brown in color. Any ideas?? -Even if it isn't a turtle shell, I'll still be adding it to my collection. Looks pretty cool
  16. Skeetersaurus

    Trip for teeth

    Been a little while but made it out to my hole and found some goods. Would love some insight as to what the rib bone?? May be from. Enjoy and thanks for any input!! <;^><
  17. Kathi

    Turtle Shell Fossil?

    Would you identify the first fossil a Spiny Softshell Turtle Shell Fossil, anyone? anyone? It came with some other North American east coast / Florida fossils. The second light colored one is labeled Snapper Turtle Shell. Any issues with this?
  18. Kathi

    Turtle Shell ID

    The only information I have about one of these is that it is a pond turtle shells and came with other Miocene aged fossils. Help please and thank you
  19. PSchleis

    Turtle shell or scute?

    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 2022. Initially thought this was a turtle shell but the interesting texture on the underside reminds me of scute. Ideas? it’s 1 1/2 inches long and about an inch wide.
  20. ThePhysicist

    Turtle shell section

    From the album: North Sulphur River

    A large turtle - over 0.5" in thickness. Note the porosity of the interior and the relatively uniform thickness.
  21. Greasepilemop

    Turtle shell? Peace River, FL

    Found in the Peace River, FL. Thinking turtle shell? but the bottom, Ive never seen that before and would like some help identifying it. Im a huge newbie so if its obvs sorry, thank you! Its a little over an inch, fyi.
  22. I would appreciate some help identifying some of my latest finds. Since I am in Southern Indiana, I know many of my finds are silicified or geodized and I kind of know what some of them are but I want to be sure. I apologize if this post seems to be a bombardment of pictures that I am asking help identifying but I didn't want to post too many separate posts. Hopefully I've correctly uploaded pictures & if I am doing anything incorrectly please give me advise. First are what look to be turtle shells or are they just geodes moonlighting as turtle shells?
  23. Hi guys me again, Anyone knows of a turtle with spikes on the Miocene of Florida? Regards, Alex
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