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  1. When I caught wind of @jnoun11's traveling exhibit coming to Canada, British Columbia of all places, I made sure to book it down to the Vancouver Aquarium immediately! It was the most incredible display of Moroccan fossils I have ever seen and far greater than any permanent museum galleries! Of course I spent most of the time at the mosasaur section, finally getting the chance to see the marine reptiles I work on fully reconstructed in all their glory! The best part was seeing the species of mosasaur @pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon @Praefectus and I named on display for the whole world! Such a great feeling! The skull of Hainosaurus boubker stood proud along side Thalassotitan atrox and the skeletons of Mosasaurus beaugei, Halisaurus arambourgi and Zarafasaura oceanis (plus some turtles). The murals in the back illustrated the diverse community of the phosphates in an active, warm sea environment which made you feel like you were right there swimming with them! The info boards were great and very informative with a fun "Monster Level" gimmick to show how fierce these predators where in their environments and times! Unfortunately Hain and Thalass were still under their pre-2022 names of Tylosaurus and Prognathodon anceps (plus using their smaller size estimates) which hopefully one day will be updated. I purchased a seasons pass just to revisit this display several times this summer while it is still around! Here are some photos of the mosasaur section (plus Spinosaurus) I took with my good camera!


    Herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians (including frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and the gymnophiona) and reptiles (including snakes, lizards, amphisbaenids, turtles, terrapins, tortoises, crocodilians and the tuataras). Long, long before my endeavors in amateur Paleontology, though I did not know what to call it at the time, my childhood passion was amateur Herpetology. Anywhere I went, that's what I was looking for. If you were to ask what I wanted to do, that would be it. There were empty lots near my house (which are now Petco and Target) that I called "The Mesa" that were chock full of lizards of all shapes...my parents tell stories of having to drag me away. As I grew older, other things began to consume my time and I figured I out grew that phase... ...nope, not the case! My BFF is quite fond of reptiles and amphibians and has reignited that flame. This year alone we encountered 12 genus of herp in the wild, managing to document 10 of those with photos. Trachemys... ...Terrapene... ...Cnemidophorus... ...Crotophytus... ...Uta... ...Holbrookia... ...Scaphiopus and Spea... ...Bufo... ...Sceloporus... ...and Pituophis... ...that's one heckuva list! There was a insanely fast Coachwhip (Coluber) and a large bullfrog (Lithobates) that we could not catch. As Autumn blows through we are saying goodbye, for now, to our slimy and scaly friends...we will miss you! See you in the Spring! I make this post in memory of our beloved Merlin (Pagona)... ...we will always love you! To my Chickaroo...thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the realignment! And to my Forum Family, post 'em if you got 'em...or you've seen 'em...or if your just a fan! Got Herps?
  3. Jeffrey P

    Western Adventure Part 6

    One week fossil collecting trip out west, my sixth time in the past six years. Flew into Denver. Rented a car and headed down to Castle Rock where I spent the night at a motel. Next day drove up to Florissant Fossil Quarry. It was Wednesday and they're normally closed during the week in September, but I made special arrangements for a few hours visit. Compared to my two previous visits there, didn't do as well. The other times, I was there for the whole day, this time was just for three hours, and they had had a considerable amount of rain recently and so the shale was more crumbly and more difficult to split. Here are some of my finds. Plants:
  4. Beachdog rockhound

    More turtles don't let it scare you

    Tortoise feet. A disfigured turtle ?
  5. Hi from Missoula. I am a 68 y.o. retired pediatric ICU doc who has had the bug for decades but only recently had opportunity for digging - so a rank newby. Thanks to those that have already been patient with a couple of questions. I look forward to reading posts and increasing my knowledge.
  6. Visero

    Turtle Head Fossil

    This was found near a low creek bed in South-West Montana.
  7. Rubykicks

    Reptile heads or rocks?

    So over the last few years I've collected different rocks, fossils, and anything else I find that i think is unique. Eventually, I go through them and have a closer look. I'm sure my eyes are making things up, but, hey, why go om wondering when I can just ask?? I have some rocks here some found in Indiana and some in Ohio and I'm wondering if they are reptile heads of some sort(I'm assuming that's a thing people actually find lol) If you tell me they are rocks, I will believe they are rocks and will appreciate the knowledge. Thank you in advance! You guys rock(yes, pun intended)! Oh, and these are between a half inch to a little over an inch.
  8. Joyce, W.G. and Mäuser, M., 2020. New material of named fossil turtles from the Late Jurassic (late Kimmeridgian) of Wattendorf, Germany. Plos one, 15(6), p.e0233483.doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233483 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0233483 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341884475_New_material_of_named_fossil_turtles_from_the_Late_Jurassic_late_Kimmeridgian_of_Wattendorf_Germany https://plos.figshare.com/articles/NKMB_Watt09_162_i_Tropidemys_seebachi_i_late_Kimmeridgian_of_Wattendorf_Germany_/12419039 PDF: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0233483&type=printable Fürsich, F.T., Mäuser, M., Schneider, S. and Werner, W., 2007. The Wattendorf Plattenkalk (Upper Kimmeridgian)–a new conservation lagerstätte from the northern Franconian Alb, southern Germany. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, 245(1), pp.45-58. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249518036_The_Wattendorf_Plattenkalk_Upper_Kimmeridgian_-_a_new_conservation_lagerstatte_from_the_northern_Franconian_Alb_southern_Germany Chellouche, P., Fürsich, F.T. and Mäuser, M., 2012. Taphonomy of neopterygian fishes from the Upper Kimmeridgian Wattendorf Plattenkalk of Southern Germany. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 92(1), pp.99-117. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257920454_Taphonomy_of_neopterygian_fishes_from_the_Upper_Kimmeridgian_Wattendorf_Plattenkalk_of_Southern_Germany Yours, Paul H.
  9. We've had a couple nice hunts in the Aquia recently. Our first trip was really nice. The weather was beautiful and the tide was low. The only finds of note from this trip were two shark vertebrae and a small yet pristine transitional otodus. As always, we found over a 100 teeth in the gentle shallows. Our second trip was incredibly productive, albeit with fast moving water and a high tide on a beach ravaged by storms. We found what I think is a turtle washing out of a recent fall; I was unable to spot the rest of the turtle in the fall, however we were able to grab five pieces of material from the same spot,(within 6-7 feet of each other) and then find four more scattered along the beach. This trip was also very productive in terms of otodus, 3 in all from this same trip, although one was very badly damaged. Along with these larger beauties, innumerable teeth found their way into our hands and pockets. Is there any way that the turtle can be identified? Is it possible to refer to this turtle material as from the same turtle? ( We weren't finding any the first trip and then found a ton the second trip) @MarcoSr@sharkdoctor@WhodamanHD Thanks, FA The rikers mount contains finds from both trips. The largest fragment of turtle. Identifiable?
  10. How Did an Ancient Sea Turtle End Up Under a Dinosaur’s Foot? Joshua Sokol, trilobites, New York Times, Sept. 5, 2019 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/05/science/dinosaur-crushed-sea-turtle.html Püntener, C., Billon-Bruyat, J.P., Marty, D. and Paratte, G., 2019. Under the feet of sauropods: a trampled coastal marine turtle from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland?. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 112(2-3), pp.507-515.? PDF: https://paleorxiv.org/2atnq/ abstract: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00015-019-00347-0 Yours, Paul H.
  11. MaastrichianGuy

    Need help

    so i went to Orlando Science Center today for the Dino Digs exhibition but in Jurassic Ridge dig pit area i know that there is a Camptosaurus, Camarasaurus, Ceratosaurus and a Stegosaurus, but there is some species and genus of dinosaurs and other animals that i dont know what there like take for example the turtle shell, the alligator crocodile like animal fossil, the ankylosaur like fossil and that bone that i dont know what species does it belong to and that nest that i don't know which dinosaur does it belong to.
  12. travisty


    what have i found?
  13. http://theconversation.com/first-fossil-trails-of-baby-sea-turtles-found-in-south-africa-122434
  14. I spent the day hunting the badlands of the Hell Creek formation in northwest South Dakota. It was beautiful outside. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and the insects were mild. The group started the day working the amber microsite- a spot where a phenomenal amount of amber is produced from lignite rich exposures mixed in with a deposit of smaller fossils. I spent several hours picking up amber bits along with a variety of other fossils. Here are some photos from the first few hours of the day Views of some of the collecting area A shot of the gravel where many of the fossils lie. Some pics of the amber- a small fraction of what I picked up. Several Brachychampsa alligator teeth. Left: A small Edmontosaurus tooth Right: A small digit, potentially turtle or crocodile Left: Small vertebra- amphibian? squamate? Right: Crocodilian osteoderm Left: One of my best Brachychampsa teeth to date Right: Awesome crocodilian tooth I left the amber microsite around noon to go prospecting with some other people, here is a view from atop a butte we found some fossils on. I found this awesome turtle claw after finding some shell pieces eroding from near the top of the butte. Since I found it among many pieces of softshell turtle shell I would assume it's a trionychid. As we moved away from the butte, we explored a dried creek bed which created a small valley with some exposures on the side. We found a few fossils including a champsosaur vertebra another cool claw. It belongs to another species of turtle, although I'm not sure what variety. I returned to the microsite to wrap up the day and was not disappointed by my finds. I found this Paronychodon tooth below the main amber site . My last big find of the day was this cool section of crocodile jaw. I found a ton of great fossils today and I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow will be just as productive!
  15. Manchurochelys liaoxiensis from Liaoning province. These turtles have shown up in the forum before, some with the conclusion they are real, some not. Here is an incredible display of turtles with fish! However, I am highly skeptical despite coming from a reputable source. They seem to have a halo of color all the way around them. On extreme angles there are some parts where the shell is not attached to the matrix. Even the fish are "on" the matrix, not in it. It is not resin, as I have exposed many parts to a soldering iron. The crack on that back seems to run under, not through, the turtles but is visible on the front where the turtles are not. It even runs under, not through, a limb. To me, a best case scenario is that these "real" fossils were placed onto a stone slab, but that seems like a lot of unnecessary work. If the turtles are casts that are put onto the matrix, is there an easy way to tell? Would x-ray be useful as the turtle and the matrix are likely different densities if the turtles were added on? And can anyone recognize the fish? If they are millions of years apart, that might answer the question. but where are the heads of the fish? Llastly, for a fascinating read on fakes, check this out: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265208436_Fossil_fakes_and_their_recognition This is not the site of a seller, so it should not break the rules of this forum...if I am not mistaken. Thanks for your thoughts!
  16. We had two really great Dinosaur programs this week. We have two more Dino programs and a shark program next week too so things are rolling along very nicely for us. I did notice this week that we are missing out on an opportunity to give a broader picture of the paleoecology of the dinosaur era. The kids yesterday wanted to see Pterosaur and marine reptile fossils. We had a chance to really explain the difference between those reptiles and dinosaurs because we have yet to acquire those fossils. I wanted to open this topic to TFF members because I respect the knowledge of fossils and the animals that left the fossils behind that our friends have. We need to round out our programs and I need to begin learning more about dinosaur age animals that were not dinosaurs. We do have croc teeth that will start going with us and I am putting together a display of dinosaur era shark teeth to keep in the dino program bin. Now that I have a better handle on how much material we can fit into an hour long program, I can tighten up the program and find a few minutes to cover non dinosaurs. This is where we need your help. I want to know what critters from the age of dinosaurs you think we should be touching on. What animals do I need to start looking into getting fossil representatives from and what critters do i need to study ? I thought it might be really fun to get the opinions of our friends and have the great minds here contribute to the material cover. This is open to all forum members so give us your thoughts and knowledge. Help us further our education goals by creating a more well rounded program !
  17. Although not the same fan fare as with Dinosaurs my collecting days has yielded some very cool turtle specimens. Channel deposits deliver a host of species which include Fish, Crock, Reptiles and Turtle. You never know what the next flip of the knife will deliver and skulls are as good as you can get. Lots of broken ones but every once and a while a complete one surfaces. I am not that knowledgeable on identifying turtle specimens so bare with me if you see something misidentified, just let me know. I have a pet Dog but I call these skulls my PET FOSSILS. They are a lot easier to maintain no walking or feeding required. I don't have names for them but just enjoy them and are always a big hit with everyone. My first skull is in the Trionychid family softshell turtle. Very cool skull looks like it has arms for walking. Identified it as Axestemys byssina (8 1/2" - 22cm) Long Hell Creek Formation Perkins Co., South Dakota The next skull is in the Baenid Family Identified as Bubaena cephalica the atlas vertebra was found with the skull. (3 1/2" -8.9cm) Square Hell Creek Formation Powder River Co., Montana Same as above just slightly smaller specimen at 3" (7.6cm) long, same locality The next skull is also in the Baenid Family Identified as Palatobaena choen approximately 2 1/4" (5.7cm) square. Very odd shaped nasal opening Hell Creek Formation Powder River Co., Montana Same as above just slightly smaller specimen at 2" (2cm) square
  18. Moozillion

    Hello from Louisiana

    Hi! I am new to this forum. I have always been interested in fossils but never studied them. I live in the US, in south Louisiana.
  19. My youngest son and I left for a fossil hunting trip this last thursday and hit many a fossil site in South Dakota. Because there will be lots and lots of prep from this trip I have decided to put all this on this one thread. This is gunna take quite awhile!!! We drove the first day 12 and 1/2 hours. Had some serious road buzz. Only way to take care of that is some 'road buzz liquid'. The next morning we met up with my buddy that ive been working on for 18 months. Didnt find a whole lot, but did come away with some crab concretions of the rare Dakota cancer. 3 of these for certain has crabs in them, the rest? What kind of preservation they have? Complete? But whatever happens with these, I most certainly have none so far, so this is quite exciting for me. Ive only ever seen one that was in a concretion and the poor guy absolutely butchard it!!!! Gunna be very interesting to say the least. Our second camp site. The next day was another 5 hour drive to a freind of mine where we went last year and decided to do that again for some more Fox Hills ammonites. We went to a certain river and picked up some rocks that look promising. Then the next day went to a different river and picked up some more rather nice rocks. Very private land, but nice to have a freind with permission. More to come. RB
  20. OK...the wife and I are starting to plan an epic fossil hunting trip for next year (our 30th anniversary). We've wanted to hunt the White River near Chadron, Nebraska forever. Now's the time. I have no connections to property, so I'm looking to the collective knowledge of the Forum. I know property is pretty sealed up vs. how it was in the 90's. We're willing to pay (within reason) for access. Anyone have suggestions?
  21. Hi All, I recently came across what I believe to be quite a large collection of fossils while walking along a sandy coast in Manado, North Sulawesi (Indonesia), which was undergoing development. Judging by some of the fossils and the Cenozoic geology of the region, I was leaning towards them being whale and turtle remains but would very much appreciate any advice anyone may have on individual fossils or the collection as a whole. Once the most likely creatures are established, I plan to focus my research to try to identify and categorise as many of the fossils as I can. Thanks in advance for your input, and I'm happy to send through further shots/angles as required. This appears to be a partial whale caudal vertabrae with marks (teeth/wear?) on one side. Some on the top row resemble sperm whale teeth while the last few on the bottom row could be parts of ribs or other bones. Here are close-ups of some of the teeth-like forms. The fossils in the top row appear to be the femurs of sea turtles and the one on the bottom right the end of a sea turtle rib. The very small fossil is of similar shape to the larger ones, and I'm not yet sure about the whiter fossil at the bottom left. Some larger fossils (including the suspected vertabrae). The rounded one at the top may be from a femur. Could these be from a pelvis or sternum? Some of these (particularly the third from the left on the second row from the top and the ones on the row beneath it) resemble jaw fragments. The second from the left on the bottom row has almost a tripod appearance. Some of these could be from leg bones or ribs, while there appears to be a couple of hand bones to the lower left. Some very femur-like ends. The one third from the left on the bottom row resembles a bone from a dugong's sternum. Some rib fragments and other pieces. And finally some smaller fragments, some with triangular cross-sections, and perhaps some hand and finger bones.
  22. Hey all, yesterday my wife (CCNHM collections manager Sarah Boessenecker) and I wrote about some of our recent finds from Folly Beach, SC. Collecting fossils there is quite easy, and if you're there for non-shark teeth, there's essentially no competition since that's all anyone ever looks for there. The fossils of Folly Beach have never been written up, and I'm getting more and more curious about them - particularly fossil marine mammals. If anyone finds marine mammal earbones out there, I'm dying to take a look! We've already gotten a nice donation from Ashby Gale, Edisto SP ranger, of a pygmy sperm whale periotic. Here's the blog post with some images of our recent finds - including my first giant armadillo scute (Holmesina), an Alligator osteoderm, various shark and mammal teeth, and a snake vertebra. I've made a plan to go out to Folly once a week this entire semester, since it's only a 15-20 minute drive from College of Charleston (a very nice escape from campus and teaching) http://blogs.cofc.edu/macebrownmuseum/2017/02/03/friday-fossil-feature-it-would-be-folly-to-pass-this-site-up/
  23. TURTLES: The most often seen fossil in the Nebraska and Wyoming Badlands are TURTLES. They can be several inches from hatching to three feet and weigh several hundred pounds. Turtles are so common, yet as a complete specimen... they are scarce. Some exposures I have hunted "Badland Fossils" had so many turtles weathered into pieces, I refer to those areas as "Turtle Gulch" and "Turtle Valley". Not that they were on top of one another, but one great death bed... One level of outcrop where multiple specimens were entombed and eventually eroded out today. Virtually no other fossils are found with these mass death levels. No Oreodonts... which any Badland Fossil Collector would be very surprised. The one I recall most vividly was on the exposures of Shalimar Ranch. These were all two to three foot specimens... no smaller turtles were weathered or weathering out. The reason I even bring up "Turtles and Eggs" are they are both have immediate eye appeal to the finder and to the curious. Skulls and teeth have their novelty, but turtles and eggs... they have an instant recognition of current live specimens and these ancient ancestors. It was during the Oligocene that the entire fossil fauna and some invertebrates like the Helix sp. snails, have modern relatives, or most had others not gone extinct. We had mice, rabbits, deer, camel, horse, rhino, birds (at least as various sized eggs), lizards, snakes, etc.. This is WHY the Oligocene Badlands relates to fossil collector and the public. Turtles. I myself have encountered what I would describe as three kinds. Stylemys, Testudo and Graptemys. By far, the Stylemys is the most frequently found turtle. Although at times I refer to them as tortoise, I will leave that to Forum Members who might have spent more time studying them. It is shaped like your box turtle and I have found them 3 inches to 3 feet across. Some times you will find loose plates where rodents had gnawed. Since these turtle could not retract their heads or legs, you almost never find one with a head nor appendages intact. Skeletal parts, bone can be found in the interior, if you wanted to remove the matrix to find out or not. When one is found with a skull intact, the skull will be partially exposed from the carapace and orientated such that the skull actually stayed intact when buried. My last Stylemys with skull attached with a carapace that was "heads up" and tail down position when found. The carapace had a "lump" of extra matrix which enclosed the skull. My first and last with a skull intact! This is probably only of interest to some of you who have actively hunted Badland Fossils. Exposures extent as far North as western North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota with the best exposures. There are in Paleontology... splitters and lumpers. I guess I would be a liberal lumper. The splitters find any excuse to describe a "new species" and the "lumper" would explain them as male, female, juveniles, etc. I would imagine a Stylemys of South Dakota might be different from one in Central Wyoming. But for now, I recognized three distinct shapes in Nebraska. One that caught my attention, late in my collecting days, was a turtle found in Niobrara County, Wyoming at a ranch that would be considered Chadron Member of the White River Formation. Not far from this turtle was a weathered skull of a Hoplophoneus saber tooth. The badlands had a light green tint... which to an experienced White River Formation fossil hunter... pond water or river channel. It was not a river channel as is was not gritty and full of Titanothere parts. A pond. And weathered upside down was a turtle... which ended up being the first "pond turtle" or aquatic turtle I had ever found. I add several photographs with this post. A pond turtle find was unusual, but it was bottom... up. It was upside down. I took the entire block of light green matrix that it was within and prepped it so I could pick the turtle up and replace it into the matrix. When I flipped it over... the top carapace had Hoplophoneus upper canine punctures! This is why I felt this story was necessary. Obviously cats liked pond turtles, too. Not far from this pond turtle I found a weathered Hoplophoneus skull... skull and no skeletal parts. Other than the turtle and cat... there were no other fossils in the general area. Just odd, This finishes the story of my Graptemys inornata pond turtle. EGGS: Mostly referred to as Duck Eggs because of the similar sizes. But there are also smaller bird eggs found. Most eggs are the hollowed shell that has filled with clay (Badlands). The eggs show the exact detail of the porous nature... much like our common chicken egg. The brown Chalcedony eggs I have seen were entirely north of Crawford, Nebraska. These eggs had been XRayed to see if any bones existed... and at that time none were found. Even the "badland" filled white shelled specimens also have never given up any secrets... yet. The majority of egg finds are associated with the Chadron Member and mostly in the green tinted sediments... ponds. The eggs were laid, the pond had excessive runoff into it, flooded the nests and... presto... buried to be found 38,000,000 years later. Where one egg is found... others are sure to be weathering out in the future. I have found most of mine as sporadic in white fine grained badlands. North of Crawford and north of Harrison, Nebraska, Often they are "crushed" with cracks along the compressed edges. I have found a few weathering out of the badlands and some weathered out in the Chadron "flats". My theory on Eggs is that those found are infertile. This explains why no near hatchlings are to be found from XRays of perfectly preserved eggs... as delicate an egg is to fossilized... there is no reason why one or more would not give up an unhatched chick. Had there been a unhatched chick... when buried the decomposition of the chick, would expand the egg and prevent it from being preserved as a fossil egg. Breaking into parts and little chance of preservation. I have never found loose egg shell. I have never found any bird skull and leave a possibility of bone... if complete enough to distinguish it from a large rodent bone. Just have not been that lucky. In a way, this is intended to enhance your knowledge of two well known fossils of the Badlands. This does not include possible turtle eggs and the beetle pupae that I suspect... but nobody has found any among a large turtle, as far as I know. So my not knowing exactly what the turtle egg looks like, leaves a big vacuum in knowledge. I have one "possible turtle egg" that is round with unusual cracking about the diameter of a nickel, 3/4 inch. I found it digging around some odds and ends this morning in storage. Reference for Turtle Collectors: I recommend one book concerning Fossil Turtles. Strange enough there is a similar title... but Fossil Lizards, which also occur in a good variety in the Badlands. Fossil Turtles of North America by O. P. Hay- 1908- Carnegie Institution of Washington Fossil Lizards of North America by Charles W. Gilmore- 1928- National Academy of Sciences Why, you ask does Ray go on about some subjects? When I was first collecting, it was very difficult to get any information on my fossils. Common, unusual and very rare. It was a challenge. Now I have the majority of references and no place to hunt in the near future. So for those of you who are so fortunate to be still active, please make use of these references.
  24. cjthegreat

    Hill County Finds Near Hwy67

    Would like to know if anyone could tell me what THIS might be. Found in Hill County near Covington Texas
  25. pelican_mace

    Fossil Id

    Does anyone know if these are turtle fossils?
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