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  1. Sarah and George

    Carboniferous limestone Anglesey North Wales

    Hi all, we have been exploring on the anglesey coast and my son came across this strange looking stone, which we are wondering if it could be some kind of fossil ? We found it along the coast where there is a carboniferous limestone seam. Any comments would be appreciated as we are new to discovering fossils so thanks very much, Sarah and George
  2. PaleoOrdo

    Help Tremadoc fossil ID needed

    In a early Tremadoc, Ordovician site, the Alun-shale formation, I found this fossil, only 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter, visible in microscope. It seems to be crystallized, could it be a brachiopod? If so which kind of brachiopod?
  3. MadameMina

    Found this at Newport Beach

    We found this while shell hunting in Newport Beach, CA. Can anyone tell me what we found. Please!
  4. Stormywx

    Help identify unknown fossil

    This is an item that was with NSR fossils, but I'm not 100 percent sure it was from there. It's obviously broken, but has a similar shape to other much smaller item posted earlier. Any thoughts as to what it is are welcomed. almost looks like a wishbone.
  5. Paleo_Adventure

    ID Assistance Please

    Hello, I purchased two of these years ago. I was told it was coprolite. Since then, I have learned allot and have doubts this is actually coprolite. So, what is it? As seen in the pictures, they look like a ball was shoved into a large tight donut hole. For reference, the tile is 12 in square. Both are very symmetrical. It appears to have rust color but no other indication this is an iron concretion. The outer "shell" to me looks like it cracked under pressure, but the center ball did not. Although curious to the possibility of having contents, I do not want to do a destructive investigation. Your input is very much appreciated. I share my finds and information with teachers and students. So, I want to be as accurate as possible. Thank you, Paleo Adventure
  6. MegaceropsAreCool

    Possibly a Trilobite? Does Anyone Know?

    I forgot were I found this fossil but it is from the US norther half. I think it’s a trilobite but It could be just some strange markings on a rock.
  7. B4uget2old

    Is this a fossil?

    Hi, I just signed. I'm baffled about this unknown object. Is this a fossil?
  8. Hi, I am new to this forum. I have a degree in biology and a degree in art. I specialized in zoology and my final project was about cephalopod evolution. I am an oil painter, scientific illustrator, and calligrapher. I have limited experience with fossils. I have actually never posted on any forum before, so apologies if I am not doing something correctly. I recently found this odd formation in a rock at the beach. I am not sure what it is. Has anyone seen something like this before?
  9. Elzbelz83

    Fossil ID please

    Hi, I live near the Kent coast (UK), an area of which is good for shark-teeth hunting. I'm not so experienced with identifying anything else though! I found this today; any ideas? Thank you!
  10. Bartlebee

    Anyone know what this is?

    I live in the mountains of Cibola County NM, lots of ancient volcanos. I was gathering limestone rocks for my rock wall I’m building and noticed this. I know fossils are pretty common in these rocks, it looks like the spiral of a snail or something. Anyone know what it is?
  11. Blake Pierce

    Unknow fossil found in Montana

    This "fossil" was found near Laurel, Montana in Yellowstone County. It was found in a newly exposed creek bed.
  12. I have found this fossil about 40 years ago in the Swiss Alps (Flüeli-Ranft). Unfortunately, up to now nobody was able to identify this thing. It might be like an isopod, but have no idea at all, as I am a total non-expert, just a lucky finder. Would be great if someone finds out what it might be. As you can see, it has zig-zag on it.
  13. Katy2319

    Unknown Fossil, Aquatic?

    Hi All! I'm trying to identify this fossil for a local museum, but I've never seen anything like it. We're not sure where it was found exactly, but definitely in Berrien County, MI. Our fossil record is heavily Devonian aquatic fossils, with later records of Pleistocene fauna. I'd be grateful for any help or tips anyone can give! Thanks! Katy
  14. Peace river rat

    Unknown from the Peace River

    Hello Peace River rat here. Been a very long time since I've been here to say hello. I found this yesterday on the Peace River just south of Brownsville. It has me stumped. I'm thinking something from the skull or tailbone region of what would have had to have been a very large animal. It's very dense and heavy. This one's a real head scratcher to me.
  15. Cayr

    Can someone ID

    Hello, Can anyone identify this small fossil? Found on the shore of Lake Erie in western Pennsylvania, USA. Approximately .56 inch/ 1.42 cm each side. Thanks in advance!
  16. beachcomber

    No clue. Any ideas?

    I found something I haven’t seen before and wasn’t having much luck with an image search. As usual any help greatly appreciated. Venice Florida beach find.
  17. My eagle-eyed mother found this in Saskatchewan Canada over 40 years ago...No idea if it was a shell, plant or a cocoon...if something new or very ancient, but all searches thus far have not helped me identify it.
  18. Fossillanny007

    What is this strange rock? Fossil?

    I found this in a creek, I usually just hunt native am. art., However there weird stuff in this creek . Alot. What is it? A fossil?
  19. Tiffany Allen

    Unknown fossil

    My sister found this in Louisiana Beach and not sure what kind of tooth it is
  20. turtlefoot

    Crystalized fossil or a pipe dream?

    I have a rock feature that I am a bit doubtful, but hopeful about. I have a few "crystalized" fossils and have seen some very nice ones from near my hunting area also posted. This does mean that there are some out there. This little feature measures almost 11mm long and is 6mm wide. In hand, the left side really looks like a head segment of some sort with the line and what does look like two eye spots. The main area has what looks like segment end features going around the sides. The square crystal feature in the center is a totally new one for me. I have found literally hundreds, if not thousands of crystal specimens (mostly in the quartz family) and have never seen anything like this. This rock has several other fossil and fossil imprints in it. There are cephlapod fossils, rugose coral fossils, and other features that I am still researching. Researching and using the state geological map, it was found in a late ordovician period area. It was found outside of Willow Springs, Missouri, USA. My hopes are that it is a trilobite fossil of some sort or an isopod fossil. I am NOT getting my hopes up real high though.
  21. JBar

    Tusk? Really no idea..

    Hello one and all! This unknown fossil was part of a large group of fossils I purchased a few years back. I wondered if anyone might be able to tell me a bit more about this tusk like fossil I have posted as I have limited knowledge of such items. The fossil measures just about 7" inches long and the weight is 12.5 ounces. Thank you in advance.
  22. Jessyb123


    Found this today in Indian Creek in Monroe County WV, can someone identify the fossil?
  23. Gramps

    Invertebrate ID help requested

    All, This is my first post, although I have been reading with interest for some time. As I approach retirement, I find myself returning to the hobbies of my youth, including fossil hunting. I found these fossils in a single rock in Northeastern Oklahoma (a few miles South of Tulsa). It came from demolished concrete structure, so I do not know where the rock originated. The rock is very hard and very fine grained. It reminds me of chert or a very hard limestone. The first photo shows one end of the rock, where the closeup photos were taken. The fossil in the upper left is about one inch (2.5 cm) in length and about one-half inch (1.3 cm) in height. The second photo shows a close-up of this fossil. I am nearing the file size limit, so I will attempt to reply to this topic with additional photos. I would be grateful if forum members can help me with identification. Best wishes.
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