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  1. Fullux


    Howdy all, This here is a section of theropod bone from Uzbekistan. The seller has labeled it as Timurlengia euotica and I'm curious if that's accurate of if it's from another theropod. Size: 5.6 cm
  2. svcgoat


    So when I purchased this tooth it was listed as Timurlengia, however I know there have been recent discoveries of both a large Dromaeosaurid and carcharodontosaurid from this formation. Is there any way to figure out if this is Tyrannosauroid for sure? Uzbekistan - Bissekty Formation @Troodon
  3. Ginger0412

    Is this a Timurlengia tooth?

    Is this a Timurlengia tooth? I found this tooth for sale as belonging to Timur Lengia. So I would like to let everyone on the forum know. Thanks in advance. [Fossil overall size] 38.57 x 18.36 x 8.19 (mm) [Fossil weight] 5.5 (g) [Fossil production area] Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan
  4. For those of you that collect material from Uzbekistan this is interesting. The attached "PAYWALLED" paper describes a very large Digit II-2 phalanx that belongs to a giant Dromaeosaurid. The article also raises questions around the recently described Ulughbegsaurus uzbekistanensis but need to read the publication if I can get my hands on it. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/geological-magazine/article/abs/giant-dromaeosaurid-theropod-from-the-upper-cretaceous-turonian-bissekty-formation-of-uzbekistan-and-the-status-of-ulughbegsaurus-uzbekistanensis/4543ABAB1EC19C84405EDF66A5F53124#
  5. A number of us have seen teeth that have a morphology somewhat similar to a Carcharodontosaurid from the Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan but were not Tyrannosauroid. This paper describes Ulughbegsaurus uzbekistanensis a new Carcharodontosaurian from that locality. The holotype does not include teeth but my guess is that those with Carch morphology can be assigned (opinion changed below) to this new taxon until we see more published. This taxon is not a Carcharodontosaurid and its classification appears to be uncertain depending on which phylogenetic analysis is used. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.210923 @-Andy- @hxmendoza @Runner64
  6. A new alvarezsaurid theropod, Dzharaonyx eski, is documented by a variety of dissociated but well-preserved postcranial bones from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan SVP- paywalled https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02724634.2021.2036174#.YioDnNOKB1s.twitter I have not seen any of these on the commercial market, has anyone?
  7. I came across this tooth recently, but I (nor the seller) can figure out a decent identification for it. It’s an unknown theropod tooth from the Bissekty Formation in Uzbekistan. This is what the seller said about the specimen, “This tooth is much different from other Tyrannosauroid teeth from Bissekty. Less compressed and more rounded with much finer serrations. I believe it may be an undescribed species of theropod.” Is there any way to figure out at least a vague identification for this tooth? AC004AA5-21F2-40EF-88DF-1B6D7EAAB606.webp ECFA6C29-3CAD-4B84-98FE-B4D51F5FAD12.webp 072D8201-307F-4120-9EA1-AC550A7B303F.webp 1EDDCF06-2DF9-4403-9567-7B4440B05A97.webp 66469C72-BCEF-4EE7-A5EC-1E8D9DB4664F.webp (Sorry for the messed up files/images; my storage is all used up)
  8. Theropod teeth from Uzbekistan typically are not seen for sale other than those from Tyrannosaurs. Opportunities always make themselves available so I decided to put a quick post out on those that have had some scientific research. I also think it's cool to see some of these teeth. We are looking at teeth from the Bissekty Formation, Touronian in age from the Kyzylkum Desert from the following two locations Dzharakuduk and Uchkuduk. There are younger and older deposits in this Desert but all of the teeth sold appear to be coming from those two localities. Changes to what is presented here most certainty will occur with continued research, understanding and new discoveries. Bissekty Tyrannosaurid: Tyrannosaurid indet. (in 2016 this was described as Timurlengia euotica) The Tyrannosaur from this locality has yet to be described. Once thought to be Alectrosaurus it is now viewed as a different Tyrannosaur. The Premaxillary teeth may or may not be serrated. They are your typically D shaped tooth. (17.5-27.5 denticles per 5mm) The scale bar represents 1mm. The Maxillary and Dentary teeth are typically very compressed (flattened) and recurved. Both carinae are serrated and have the same size denticles. Crowns can be quite different, some long and blade like others short and more stout. (12-22 denticles per 5mm on distal carina) The scale bar represents 1mm https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019566711100187X Troodontid: Urbacondon sp. There are three taxa of troodontid dinosaurs recognized from the Kyzylkum Desert. Urbacondon itemirensis from the Cenomanian for the Dharakuduk Fm, an Indeterminate Troodontid from the Khodzhakul Formation and Urbacondon sp from the Bissekty Formation. The teeth are not common and only four teeth have been identified. A premaxillary tooth, anterior dentary tooth and a pair of maxillary or dentary teeth. Quite distinctive easy to identify. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284813177_Troodontidae_Dinosauria_Theropoda_from_the_Upper_Cretaceous_of_Uzbekistan Therizinosauroid indet Therizinosaurs are among the most common theropod in terms of skeletal remains found. At least two undescribed taxa are present in the Bissekty Formation. Their teeth are small but easily identifiable. They are found with either conical and lanceolate crowns. The scale bar represents 1mm. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667115301117 Dromaeosaurid: Itemirus medullaris Dromaeosaurid remains are among the least common theropod found in this region. Teeth however are numerous. Like all Dromaeosaurid teeth there is a distinct difference between the size and density of serrations along the mesial and distal carinae. The distal denticles are always much larger. Anterior teeth have the medial carina twist. (3-6 denticles per 1mm on distal carina) If the serrations are identical it most likely is a Tyrannosaur or another Indeterminate Theropod. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667114001189?via%3Dihub
  9. Hello everyone! ive got three slabs of prints created by an unknown prehistoric animal (if it’s even created by an animal) that had been in my collection for quite some time now. Since I’m on the forum and still requires a proper identification for it any identification help from ichnofossil experts are much appreciated! Here are some pictures of the fossils but since the prints might not be that clearly seen I uploaded some other pictures highlighting the “lumps” or the pattern made by the print. Hope that helps.
  10. BellamyBlake


    I have here two theropod teeth from the Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. I believe they're Timurlengia. Can that identification be made? First one is 1.08" long and 0.55" wide
  11. BellamyBlake

    Uzbekistan & Morocco Crocodile Teeth

    I have here two crocodile teeth from the Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan, and one from Morocco. I'd appreciate any help identifying them. Uzbekistan I 1.28" long, 0.39" wide
  12. Kikokuryu

    Levnesovia transoxiana

    Stabilized with Butvar B-76; repaired using an unspecified cyanoacrylate. Identified by Dr. Alexander Averianov as a sacral vertebrae of a juvenile Levnesovia transoxiana. The specimen is either from Dzarakuduk or an excavation near the city of Uchkuduk many years back.
  13. Flx

    Bissekty Ungual/Hoof

    Hi A few weeks ago I acquired a small ungual that was found in the Kyzyl Kum desert in Uzbekistan (Bissekty Fm). It looks like a hadrosaur hoof to me. I assume a more detailed ID is not possible though. Do you agree? Thanks Felix
  14. Hello. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this tooth from a friend’s collection. It comes from the Bissekty formation in Uzebekistan. It is 1.81 inches (4.6 cm) long. I think fish, pterosaur, crocodylimorph, or aquatic reptile are potential identities. Please let me know if more pictures are required. Thank you for your help.
  15. DatFossilBoy

    Dromaeosaurid tooth from Uzbekistan?

    Hey guys, I saw this tooth from Uzbekistan labeled as undescribed and as a possible Dromaeosaurid. Is it? Does someone have an idea? Maybe @Troodon can help on this one. It is 3,2cm. Here are some pictures. Thanks and kind regards!
  16. Kiros

    Teeth ID Bissekty Formation

    Hello everybody, I recently acquired these three beautiful teeth from the Bissekty formation. The seller wasn't sure about the ID. I think they may be crocodilomorphs teeth based on the geometry. I did some research and I found that in the Bissekty formation there are at least four different crocodilomorphs. Can anyone help me better identifying these teeth.
  17. Mioplosus_Lover24

    Asian Tyrannosaurid Tooth

    This is a tooth I have purchased, and I was wondering if anyone had any idea on a species for this guy? The seller said it was from Uzbekistan, but the colors are very different from teeth I've seen from that area. Any input or information is greatly appreciated! The tooth is 2.75 inches long.
  18. Hi all, I have been staring at this tooth for quite a while now with question marks in my head. It was found in the Bissekty Formation, Kyzylkum desert, Uzbekistan. It's 27mm long (1.01 inch) and properly labeled as Theropod indet. However, the seller raises the possibility of it being a Dromaeosaurid. Serrations do look different in length and width, a count on screen gives me distal 13/5mm and mesial 16/5mm. What throws me off is the rather 'stout' crown and round cross section, more Tyrannosaurid in my view. However, I have no reference images and the only publication I found (Sues and Averianov 2014) is not exactly helpful. I posted available images - I could contact the seller if additional information is required. Any input is highly appreciated.
  19. Hi guys, I have recently acquired this tooth. It was sold as a Tyrannosauridae indet tooth from Bissekty Formation. I thought it could be Timurlengia, but i was not sure. From what I read, not much Timurlengia material has been found.. The tooth is about 2 inch long, and it is a little bit worn out. Its serrations are quite small. The serration density is about 12 denticles per 5mm. I am hoping someone can confirm the species for me?
  20. Here is another piece of my dinosaur collection - this time material from Eurasian countries. Unfortunately don't have any Triassic or Early Jurassic material, so let's begin with Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Itat formation, Krasnoyarskyi region, Russia. Theropods are the most common dinosaurs from there, yet their teeth rarely exceed 15 mm in length. Here is my largest one - could be from Kileskus aristotocus, an early Proceratosaurid (ancestor of Cretaceous tyrannosaurs) and the only described dinosaur from this location. Here are a bunch of Kileskus teeth I had before There also likely were more theropod species, similar to contemporary Chinese Dashanpu formation - methriacanthosaurids (equivalent to Sinraptor), megalosaurids and ceratosaurs. Some teeth I have or had that could be megalosaurids due to bulkier shape and finer serrations (all around 1 cm). In addition I have some specimens from diverse herbivores - Stegosaurids Long-necked sauropods (Mamenchisauridae), possible embryonic teeth Heterodontosaurid fang tooth, 5 mm (huge for this species!)
  21. Hello, I lack teeth in my collection from the Bissekty and a number of theropod teeth have popped up on a popular auction site from a seemingly reliable seller. None of them are super special but I am curious if I should pull the trigger or wait for better material? I don't see Bissekty material often and would have trouble doing a proper ID.. Thank you
  22. Your saying did I read the Topic correctly? Uzbekistan? Where is that? Is that a country? Dinosaurs were there? Well yes to all those questions. First: where is it? well its in Central Asia next to Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. I'm sure that clarifies the locality In case your still scratching your head here is a map of the region On the map all of the Dinosaurs in this post come from the Kyzyl Kum Desert. I highlighted the area on the map with two red lines. The area is quite difficult to collect but if you dare quite productive for Dinosaur fossils and meteorites. Here are a few pictures of the area. No its not me in the pictures I'm not that crazy. The Dinosaurs from this area are poorly understood but there has been some study done in Russia. An excellent paper of this area is: Dinosaurs of Northern Eurasia: New Data About Assemblages, Ecology and Paleobiogeography by L Nessov published in 1995 and then translated into English. Unfortunately I cannot find the paper with the plate so no images. Specifics: Age: Cenomanian - Turonian (94.3-89.3mya) Bissekty Formation in the Kyzyl Kum Desert. Navoi Region My collection will begin with a number of Therizinosaurus hand claws. Most of you may not be familiar with this dinosaur. Its one of the most interesting ones ever to exist and paleontologists are still trying to understand it.. It begins its existence in the early cretaceous as a meat eating predator about 4 meters long and ends its reign at the end of the cretaceous as a giant 10 meter long herbivore with gigantic meter long claws on their hands. Quite a transformation, wish I had some of those claws. Great reference : Therizinosaur : mystery of the Sickle-claw dinosaur by the Museum in Northern Arizona. Only $10 The first group of pictures all all Therizinosaur hand claws. more to follow:
  23. Anomotodon

    Sauropod maxilla?

    Bought this specimen as a crocodile jaw section a while ago, it is from Turonian of Bissekty formation, Uzbekistan. Teeth were definitely conical, which fits only two groups in that area - sauropods and crocodiles, but recently after looking at some skulls I noticed that it really doesn't fit crocodile skulls - both Alligatorid and Pholidosaurid. What it seems to fit, is a titanosaur sauropod maxilla (Tapuiasaurus macedoi skull on the pictures below). Please confirm if I am imagining things here or (hopefully) not @LordTrilobite @Troodon And an Alligator skull for comparison
  24. Anomotodon

    Therizinosaur claw

    From the album: Dinosaurs and Reptiles

  25. I added this Timurlengia euotoca tooth to my collection. The question I have is this a Tyrannosaur or Tyrannosaurid tooth. I ask that because the serrations are very fine and it's compressed unlike any other Tyrannosaurids I've seen in North America. Thanks
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