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  1. AugustPaleo

    Hello from Philadelphia!

    Hi I’m August from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have been an avid fossil collector and amateur paleontologist for many years, though for a while I took a break. I was born in Houston, but have lived in 3 other states and have traveled extensively inside the USA. I am most interested in Ice Age mammals of the Americas and the Bone Wars. My other hobbies include coin collecting, stamp collecting, silver stacking, and genealogical projects. I also am interested in human geography, history, and demography as well. Since September, I’ve been an intern at the Academy of Natural Sciences, which has been a great opportunity for me. I currently am on vacation in Florida, though I have found several fossils from the Miami and Key Largo Limestones. I’m excited to share my findings here and see others’!
  2. Hey-O! This mid western fossil hound is heading to Punta Cana for a vacay with the wife but the fossil hunter in me needs more to do than let the ladies gaze at my miraculous beer belly! haha I'm doing research into the area we are staying and I'm wondering if this would be a good area to sift for fossilized teeth or bone. I know PC is guarded by a reef, so modern shark teeth are unlikely but I'm not sure where this land mass sat throughout our eras. Any advise would be appreciated. I know the Dominican Republic is know for their Amber mines (which would be cool). Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks all! Steve D!
  3. dinosaur man

    Tube coral?

    Hi I’m wondering if these are Tube Corals? I have a lot and found them in rocks and sand around my resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, not to far from where I found my fossilized crab claw.
  4. Hello everybody This will be a bit longer and I hope you stick with me. So I've planed on opening this topic for quite a while now and I think it's the time to go now. Maybe it's stupid, maybe not. Let's just see where this will go. With 31 and no kids (not yet) it's the best time to do this now. I won't get younger and you never now how long you can just leave for vacation as you like it. I was already three times in the US but never did anything with fossils (as in digging or visiting museums). So why not just go to the US, dig up some stuff and enjoy the most beautiful Dino fossils out there. We have some nice museums in Germany / Europe, but nothing compares to the museums in the US. Inspired by a lot of TFF Members and their great field reports I just want to dig for one time in my life at the Hell Creek Formation and visit some museums there. I'm aware that HC Formation spans mainly across MT, WY, ND and SD. I'm looking mostly for Dino teeth of any kind as they are small enough to actually bring them back to Germany. I have no interest in finding big bones or fossils like that, because 1. I don't know how to recover them correctly and 2. I can't take big and heavy fossils onto a plane back to Germany. I'm planing to do this trip at some point in 2020 and dig for several days and just enjoy the US. I have no problem with driving long distances by (rental) car. So to summarize it: a ) Visting museum with lots of Dino fossils. b ) Digging up Dino teeth at HC and return with them to Germany. So I'm trying to organize this topic with different questions 1. What's the best time? What time of the year has the best weather conditions for going out to dig? And is there a "tourist time" that I should avoid? As in a lot of people digging at the same spot. 2. Where am I allowed to dig? The most difficult and important question. Can I dig as a private person / foreigner on US soil and can I keep these fossils? Do I need specific permission? I'm aware it can depend on the state, the property and who allows it or doesn't allow it. Just seraching the internet is not very helpfull to find specific information at what specific strip of land I am allowed to dig. So the easiest way is that someone just shows it to me like "look, here you can dig and keep your stuff, here you can't do that" In the end I need someone to tell me at what very specific locations I am allowed to dig. 3. Just go with a guided tour? On the web there are several guided tours for digging in the HC Formation. This would sure be the easiest way, but most tours don't allowed you to just keep your fossils. You have to buy your own found fossils in order to keep them. With this I just can buy teeth on the web. Also the trip itself costs money. And the tours are only at specific times. I want more independence deciding the specific date and have just my own freedom (within the law). But maybe someone has a good tip for me. Maybe someone knows someone who does some tours or anyone from there who can help. All legal issus aside, I need to find the actuall HC Formation within the land. Pritty sure I won't find anything if I just get out of the car somewhere and start digging a hole in the ground This would be a rather expensive and big trip for me. With flying across the atlantic I need to know where to go and what to expect. I can't waste any day with searching around where to dig. I need to know this in advance. 4. Where to get proper equipment? I can't bring any big/heavy tools or stuff like this, as I'm traveling by plane. Any idea what to do? Just buy some cheep tools for this tour once I'm in the state? 5. Where in the HC area are the best museums? Simple question. I wonder what great museums are out there. 6. Can I board a plane back to Germany with fossils? All the great fossils don't help much if I'm not allowed to bring them to Germany. I don't know if I could get in trouble at the airport with US border patrol / TSA / Customs if I want to leave the US with fossils. Do I need a receipt? A confirmation of any kind, that I bought / dug up these fossils legally? Or do they just not care? Is it just like a souvenir? Some contries view fossils as a national heritage. How does the US handle this at airports? If you made your way through my sluggish english until this point: Thanks! I hope I didn't make myself a fool with this and the trip is not possible anyway because only scientific people are allowed to dig there, but I just hope this trip is possible in some way for me. Any help and tips are very welcome. I think I'll fly from Munich to Chicago and then start my trip from there to the west. But I'll have to see where I end up with. Maybe I fly somewhere else and head to HC.
  5. Last week, we had the opportunity to visit the eastern parts of North Carolina guided by a local resident (my brother!!). A great time was had by all. Scenery is spectacular!!!!. We not only relaxed on the beach but we went shelling and fished. Wildlife was everywhere. From wild horses on the barrier islands to the birds. The dolphins were my favorite. I was hoping that the hurricane which recently brought large waves to the beach, may have brought in some fossils too. Such was not the case. So our group of one fossil hunter (me) and three novices that were neutral on looking for fossils set off to an inland site that I had researched prior to a earlier visit last year. When I was at this site previously, I came up with a goose egg, and it was NOT a fossil. So my expectations were pretty low. The site was along the Neuse River as seen in this picture. Most of our finds were in amongst the reeds and tree stumps. I think the beach area had been picked clean by other visitors.
  6. I am on way to Missouri in the morning. Going to be staying at lake near Branson so just wondering if there are any sites that I could check out
  7. Headed to Ireland at the end of this week. Staying on the Shannon area and spending the majority of the time and activity on the western coast. Any tips for fossil hunting any the area? Any restrictions I need to be aware of? Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Im really asking because I had no success last year and am hoping to avoid a similar experience this time. Don’t get me wrong - The trip is amazing with or without fossils.
  8. Hey! I have kind of an odd question. I am purchasing a fossil for a friend as a birthday gift -- between a tip of a mammoth tusk, or a section of mosasaur jaw with teeth. What makes this unique, however, is that we are traveling to the British Virgin Islands (from the United States) for said birthday and I would like to be able to gift the fossil on the birthday instead of waiting until she returns home as we live in different states and I would only be able to ship it to her house and not be there. I am concerned, however, about bringing the fossils with me on the trip as I have heard nightmares about customs causing long hold ups or seizing fossils. Does anyone have any advice on this? Thanks!
  9. Currently the company that I work for has temporarily layed us off while we move into a brand new building. Unfortunately we are not getting payed during this time by them. We had a choice of going on unemployment or using some of our vacation time. I opted for using vacation. December 14 was our last day until everything is up and running. We are hoping to be back to work by January 14 but may not be back till later if problems arise. Anyways, I have been trying to keep busy while I have been off. Christmas and New years was nice time with family. I also enjoyed my trip to New Jersey last week. A couple days this past week I was helping a friend off mine who has purchased a house to fix up and flip. Thursday I went with a friend to look for arrowheads. Though we didn't find any, we found some stream worn horn corals. Yesterday I went with my wife to the Salmon River to hike and enjoy nature. Later on last night we celebrated my oldest son David's 19th Birthday. Today we took our youngest two boys skiing. Dylan has been going through school for about 4yrs. This was Devins first time and he had a blast. I am not sure what the rest of my time away from work will bring but I am trying to fill it with as much as I can.
  10. This summer I took off to the Alberta badlands. My cousins live on the edge, so their home was my home while I was gone all day every day for almost a week. I was in heaven! Nothing to worry about except the snakes. I came across everything from crocodile scutes and teeth, turtle back, an awesome raptor tooth, lots of vertebrae, to an amazing hadrosaur's metatarsal and another huge bone that I couldn't get close to for fear of falling. I tend to take it easy when I'm alone in the middle of no where!! See photos. Can't wait to return next year!!
  11. mzkleen

    Going to NJ

    I am going to Cape May County, NJ the middle of this month. I thought while I was there enjoying the beach and surf that I would also look for some fossils. Is there anywhere around Cape May County, Atlantic or Cumberland Counties that I can go hunt for fossils? I figure while I'm in that area I might as well look around.
  12. Hello, we are having a difficult time getting to know a quarry we can go for fossil hunting in October. We are from Argentina and will be on vacation to the states. can soneone help us find some? Thank you
  13. Hi all, my fiancé and I are getting married next summer and are trying to plan our honeymoon. We would love to go somewhere beautiful where we can do a lot of "outdoorsy" activities. Preferably also in a location with great fossil hunting, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
  14. Wendywendy

    Fossil Hunting In Alberta

    Hello everyone, For my parents 36th wedding anniversary I thought I would surprise them with a fossil hunting vacation as they are both avid fossil enthusiast. I would really like to plan a trip for them somewhere in Alberta or in Ontario but I’m not sure where to send them or how they should go about finding cool fossils. They are not the most competent outdoorsmen so day trips would probably be ideal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  15. Hey all! I am in the midst of planning for a really spontaneous trip(27 May to 15 June) to UK and Europe that me and a few friends decided to go for this summer to celebrate the end of college. I am pretty much the only one crazy about fossils in the group, but they are all happy to accompany me to learn a little about paleo-stuff too. I will be meeting a couple of them who are currently in London(as students studying there) and we plan rent a car and travel to the southern coastal cities/towns of England for about 3 nights. Would really like to visit the Jurassic coast there and maybe even hunt for fossils for the first time in my life! I understand the coast is huge so please do let me know if there are any particular points of interest/areas that I must go to. On a side note, we are not sure which are the best cities there to stopover for the night(s) - thinking of going up to Plymouth with a stop in Bournemouth along the way. After the road trip we will spend a few days free and easy in London, will of course visit the NHM but are there any other paleo-related museums or fossil shops worth visiting there? We will spend a total of 9 nights in England then fly over to Amsterdam for 3 nights. After which we will take a train to Bruges and Brussels for 2 nights each, and lastly end in Paris for 3 nights. It is a really ambitious plan for us and I apologise if this is a lot to take in. We know our dates and what transportation and accommodations to book, but the tricky part is to find out the best places to visit in those countries in order to fully experience their heritage and cultures (and also fossil activities to do!). Oh, and of course local cuisine and drink (like beer in Belgium)! It will be a first time trip for all of us, so I would really appreciate any recommended stops or tips for the journey. Doesn't have to be too much about fossils, so if you also know a good restaurant or hidden gem in those countries I will be grateful if you let me know!
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