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  1. Hello, welcome to my report of this last week fossil hunting in Morocco. I have been this last week in Morocco going to different localities looking for fossils. As I have never done fossil hunting before in morocco, I contacted with Mohand Ihmadi from Ihmadi Trilobites Centre, a local geologist that does fossil hunting tours. I talked to him about all the localities that I would like to visit and we planned a route together. If you ever want to do some fossil hunting in Morocco, I have to recommend getting in touch with Mohand, if you search for him or the center in google, the contact information will appear. I will try to divide this fossil hunting in the main 4 areas that we hunted: KEM KEM BEDS This location is near the dunes, and going there you will have beautiful views. Once you arrive there, you will start seeing the typical Kem Kem colors. First you can try to find microfossils filtering the sand. We also found some workers there, and they let us visit the caves they make to arrive to the layer where they find the fossils. Here is me and my dad in front of the cave entrance. And here more photos inside the cave: In Kem Kem it's very difficult to find the stuff you see online so the normal thing is to find some micro fossils or chunks. This is what we found in and hour or so: Probably if you search harder and during more time, you can find more stuff, but we were more casual about this. And obviously, you can also try to buy the stuff the workers have found. ORDOVICIAN LOCALITY FOR CALYMENE Another locality we visited, was a trilobite locality. A ordovician Locality. Here, with heavy machinery, they extract the first useless layer, and then you can start to manually search for the trilobites. Here, we found several as it's pretty easy. One of them is this next photo: DEVONIAN TRILOBITE LOCATION The other trilobite location was a devonian one. There you can find phacops sp. pretty easily and if you are lucky some other species. Here is the typical limestone where you have to break them, find the trilobite, glued back and prepared it. After this, we went to Mohand workshop and he teached me how to prepare them: We were lucky and found a Paralejurus spatuliformis that he is preparing for me and will send to me. OUED ZEM FORMATION The last stop was the Oued Zem formation. It's the formation where we found most fossils, and it's easy to work with the hammer and find it. It's near the phosphates exploitation ground. And here some of what we found: We visited some more places, but this were the main ones. In conclusion it was an amazing experience and Mohand was the best guide we could have asked for. If you are planning a similar trip to Morocco and have some doubts or questions don't hesitate to ask. And just as an extra. As we all know, all the Moroccan material has a reputation of being restored, composited and altered. And while that is sometimes true, after visiting this places and talking to the diggers there, I bought some pieces from them, without the intermediaries, and they were really honest about what reparations or things they did to the piece. So my conclusion is that a lot of times the international dealers are the ones buying pieces without caring about the state of this ones because a composited/restored piece will be cheaper and they think it will sell at the same price and will make more profit.
  2. It was hard to believe that six years had passed since I last visited the badlands of the San Juan Basin...if you are interested, I posted a few of those previous trips here and here. With a new field season upon us, @Opuntia and I made our first (of hopefully many) exploratory mission to the Upper Cretaceous Kirtland/Fruitland badlands of the SJB... ...so interesting and beautiful. I am looking forward to getting back up there to see what may lie around that next bend. Until then, Happy hunting. -P.
  3. Does anyone have experience hunting the Silica Shale in Michigan? How common are vertebrate fossils?
  4. American paleontology hobbyist here, seeking wisdom from those of you outside the USA regarding amateur paleontology culture elsewhere. Call me crazy. I'm seeking your stories to use in a planned talk in a session advocating for amateur/hobbyist contributions to paleontology, at the North American Paleontological Convention in June. Which stories? Well, the ones that offer better ways that amateur/hobbyist paleontology can interface with professionals, academics, corporations, and governments. I want to hear about the ways in which differences in cultural or historical or legal framework in different countries have led to different/better relationships with amateur/hobbyist paleontology than we have in the USA. For example: How do municipalities, corporations, and universities regard their role in actively or passively facilitating access/opportunity/education for amateurs/hobbyists? How do states and universities regard hobbyist societies as knowledgeable partners in which to invest trust when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? What is the funding mechanism for efforts to keep fossil exposures fresh at designated fossil parks? Is there an amateur paleontology stewardship certification offered by the state, by the municipality, by the national society, by the local museum or university, or by individual quarries that lends meaningful weight when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? If you have some interesting answers—especially anecdotal answers—to these and related questions, I'd love to catch up with you for 20 minutes to discuss. Your responses are what will open up possibilities for fossil collectors here in the USA and elsewhere. Let's talk. To start the conversation, send me a DM. Or if you prefer to just leave your thoughts below, that's fine too. Thanks.
  5. Fossil marine vertebrates (Chondrichthyes, Actinopterygii, Reptilia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Akkermanovka (Orenburg Oblast, Southern Urals, Russia) Jambura et al., 2023 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667123003075?via%3Dihub Tylosaur (top), Polycotylid (middle), and Plesiosaur indet. teeth from the southern Urals.
  6. Yesterday, Pita and I found an amazing spot. We pulled into a shopping center so I could pick up some cleats (for fossil hunting steep, marly slopes), and I noticed a small patch of limestone next to the curb. We parked by it so I can poke at it for a minute or two before going in, and Pita, never one to be bored while I look at rocks, walked into the tree line nearby. A sudden noise of amazement brought me over to where she was, just a few paces away, and our jaws dropped. Below us was an incredibly massive drop, easily more than 100 feet. A creek was at the bottom, birthed on the spot by springs. This little canyon was so unexpected and hidden that you would have no idea it's there until you're on top of it, like we found ourselves then. We wanted to find our way down, so we bushwhacked for a while, snuck around some questionable tents in the woods, and after ample muck, green briar, and frigid cold, we were met with the face. Huge walls of untouched comanche peak limestone, from the upper albian stage of the Cretaceous period. Neither of us were prepared for a fossil hunt, so we just had the day clothes we were going to go shopping in. I had to wrap myself in a blanket from the car to stay warm. The comanche peak formation is known for echinoids, namely Heteraster, Phymosoma, and Tetragramma or Leptosalenia if you're lucky. It's also rife with bivalves and gastropods, and sometime the ammonite Oxytropidoceras. Unlike the Glen Rose below it and Walnut + Edwards formation that bound it, I have never heard of vertebrate material being found in the Comanche Peak fm. A search here on the forum also yielded no results, so I thought it fit to make this trip report to document what seems to be a rare occurrence, because vertebrate material we found (humble as it may be). The first "keeper" find was actually a Pycnodont tooth, found in a rich pocket of Gryphaea oysters. (Below) I also found some of the usual keepers more characteristic of the comanche peak, including the Phymosoma below and a few Heteraster specimens below. Phymosoma One of a few Heteraster Big (Tapes?) bivalve The most surprising find of the day came near the end, when Pita spotted a shark vertebra in the limestone above. It was high up, so pardon the blurry photo. And so concluded a pleasant, athletic visit to the Comanche Peak formation, at a spot brand new to me (and to I think anyone... I seriously doubt this spot will get found, and it it's found, the physical exertion to access it through all the rocks we had to climb and bush we had to smack away would probably scare off most ) I would love to see reference to y'all's lower cretaceous vertebrate finds below, especially if it's from the Comanche Peak! As always, happy hunting.
  7. Hello everyone! I am interested in fossils and paleontology from many years although my knowledge about ID of vertebrate fossils is very limited. My 11 years old son found these three bones, among little stones in the small river in a past glacious region in Poland. Despite I washed them their collours are without changes as you can see on the photos. The weight seems a bit havier than it "should" be in in the case of more or less new bones. What do you think about them when it comes to their age and possible "owners"? My teenager is very curious but I can't answer at his questions about these bones. Any suggestions will be helpful. Thank you for your time!
  8. Hello everyone! if I could first stress I have been wrong about a lot of suspected finds so I’m hoping I’m not seeing things in the rock again!! I found these in a rubbish pile in work and assumed they could be coalfield fossils. If I’m wrong I apologise for wasting your time. There are a of these to get through If my suspicions are correct but I’ll start with 3 to see if im on the right track and refer to them as A,B, and C. I was told vertebrate fossils from the Carboniferous time period are rare so I wanted to make sure I haven’t got something that needs a more professional hand as some of them are very fragile and require stabilising and some TLC. I would also take any advice going please. Thank you so much in advance for any and all advice and opinions. subject A first 6 pics i believe to be a sharks tooth in a jaw (X2 I won’t insult you by hazarding a guess as to what species) subject B the next 6 pics i believe to be some form of icthyosaur tooth and there are loads more but just included 1 for now. subject c I believe to be part of an icthyosaur jaw. I am sorry if Ive wasted anyone’s time in the past and again if I have now but if vertebrate coal field fossils are important It’s worth the risk. There are around 2 bin bags full so I will happily make a donation if anyone is interested. let me know what you think please and I’l catalogue the lot after treating them. There are some larger pieces too which look very much like a skull. As I said I need help with them if they are fossils, and what to do about reporting them if required. hopefully they are not convenient water marks All the best
  9. First-Ever Jurassic Vertebrate Fossils Discovered in Texas University of Texas, Austin, Agust 23, 2023 The open access paper is: May, S.R., Bader, K.S., Boucher, L.D., Jacobs, L.L., Lively, J.R., Myers, T.S. and Polcyn, M.J., 2023. A record of Late Jurassic vertebrates from Texas. Rocky Mountain Geology, 58(1), pp.19-37. Another recent open access publication: Cornell, W., Doser, D., Langford, R., Villalobos, J. and Ricketts, J., 2023. The Geology of El Paso. Yours, Paul H.
  10. Hey all, My Scottish friend and I (both first year students in Palaeontology and Geology) are planning a fossil trip to Scotland starting next Monday. Our main interests are vertebrate fossils, and Scotland is well known for its Carboniferous deposits where sharks, fish and tetrapods can be found! The 2 problems are: although we have a car, we wouldn't want to drive more than 2h to get to a site (we will be staying in Melrose, Scotland), and we also don't know many sites that are accessible to the public, not over vegetated or depleted, that contain abundant vertebrate fossils like shark teeth or Rhizodont teeth. Does anyone have any good locations me and my friend could go to find vertebrate fossils? Thank you so much and regards.
  11. Lucid_Bot

    Pennsylvanian Tooth Fragment?

    Found what looks like a tooth fragment last week. I've only ever found Petalodus teeth in this formation and it doesn't quite look like those. There are no serrations on the fragment. This was found in Allegheny County, PA, is from the Glenshaw Formation and is probably out of the Brush Creek Limestone.Thanks for the help.
  12. I have just received this morning the latest issue of the French magazine 'fossiles': P. LEBRUN, with the participation of Philip and Marion KRÜGER, presents a major subject, from page 5 to page 33, richly illustrated. (I attach the files of the front cover of the magazine and the abstract in English) article fossiles001.pdf article fossiles002.pdf
  13. Here is a thread to share some of your rarest partials that if whole would've been incredible specimens, but you know how it is sometimes... Yet they still amazing to own a piece of. I will start off by sharing a piece of the tail of a Probolichas Kristiae, an incredibly unique looking rare lichid trilobite from Oklahoma that would've of been incredible if whole of course yet this piece still has amazing detail and I am more that happy to own
  14. I am mesmerized by bioluminescence and these alien creatures, neon works of art by mother nature.
  15. Almost there! Over 270 pages of full color fossils from the Pennsylvanian of North Texas The long-awaited sequel to the Pennsylvanian Fossils of North Texas (2003) Available Q4 2015 in hardcopy, digital and e-reader formats.
  16. From discovery to display: how does a fossil go from the ground to a museum? Eliza Noe, Craig Press, October 21, 2021 CNCC’s Paleontology Program Yours, Paul H.
  17. Hi all, before I post today's trip in fossil hunting trips, I'd like to know a little better about the ID's. This is a ll from a creek in Austin (central texas) that exposes the Ozan formation (aka the lower taylor marl here) Specimen 1) I'm fairly sure it's a mosasaur tooth, but It's oddly stout. It seems to have two cutting edges, but I'm still just not quite sure how to differentiate Mosasaur teeth from Pachyrhizodus teeth. Which one is it, and why? Specimen 2.) This jaw is likely very modern - i'm thinking Racoon, the only reason it made me curious is the sheer amount of holes in it for teeth. Confirm or deny? Specimen 3.) I think this may be a fish tooth in a piece of jaw, but there's just not a clear point where the tooth starts and the jaw ends. Any ideas? Specimen 4.) This was from a slightly earlier hunt, but I'm still curious. I'm thinking Xiphactinus tooth, but the groove down the side seems to be an important feature, and I didn't spot that in pictures of any cretaceous fish teeth. Specimen 5.) This is a preserved rib - I recognize that ID will be difficult, but since it's old enough to be well on the way to fossilizing I'm still interested in trying Specimen 6.) A very large bone found sticking halfway out the gravel. Seeming we found several bison teeth in this area, I'm crossing my fingers for bison
  18. I am thinking of buying these 2 frog specimens from “Jiamusi” in China, do they look real or are they fake?
  19. Here is a few shots from the famous Norden Bridge in the northwest corner of Brown County Nebraska. This is one of the sites made famous by Morris Skinner and ultimately led to the discovery of Ashfall Fossil Beds. I was in the area, and was able to make another check mark on my list of famous fossil sites to visit. It should be noted that there is NO fossil hunting here. The river itself is federal land, the main quarry, a few km away is private property, and the bluff sites are part of the Nature Conservancy. However, it is a beautiful area to visit, and well worth it if you feel the urge to walk in the footsteps of famous folks. So, to start, here is the bridge itself: And a nice shot from the north banks, showing the strata of the bluff. Near the top is where many many vertebrate fossils have been discovered over the years, from frogs and snakes, up to rihnos and three toed horses and such. Another shot looking downstream on the Niobrarra of a spot known to produce many skulls and mandibles:
  20. Kasia

    Pleistocene or recent stuff?

    Dear TFF Members, I went yesterday for a fossil hunt in the sand pit I usually visit to hunt for Pleistocene stuff and I found several fossils, but some of them make me wonder if they are truly Ice Age or recent: First of all because of their size - the preservation of some of them was a huge surprise: For instance these: No only is the triangle shaped bone almost unscratched, but the two large ones are not hollow (which was normally the case): The other large bones have got a sort of white colour at the exposed edges - which is also something I have never seen before:
  21. San Diego, California NBC News San Diego, California Channel 10 News CalTrans Press Release Publications about Otay Mesa San Diego County, Robbins-Wade, M.J., 1990. Prehistoric settlement pattern of Otay Mesa San Diego County, California Master's thesis, San Diego State University Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S., 2008. Geologic Map of the San Diego 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle, California Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S., 2008. Correlation Chart Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S., 2008. San Diego 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle Pamphlett (Description of Geologic Units and Geology) Tan, S.S., and Kennedy, M.P., 2002. Geologic Map of the Otay Mesa 7.5’ Quadrangle, California California Geological Survey Regional Geologic Maps California Geological Survey Preliminary Geologic Maps Yours, Paul H.
  22. I've been finding Pleistocene fossils along the gravel bars in the southernmost section of the Brazos River lately, but they've almost always been unidentifiable chunks or fragments of bone. Obviously I'd like to find something well-preserved enough for me to be able to do the research and find out what it actually is, but I don't know where to look. The Beaumont and Lissie Formations that run underneath Houston and the surrounding areas are both Pleistocene-age, but the actual river basin itself is just made up of alluvial deposits. Of course, this must mean that the fossils are being washed down with the current from some location further north, right? The Waco Mammoth site is several hours from my location, but I know that the fossils there were found only a mile or two north of the river itself. Originally I thought that this is where the fossils I'm finding must be coming from too, but I know that Holmesina, Bison, and Camelops skeletons used to be found in the bayous within downtown Houston before the city grew to the size its at today. As far as I know, there aren't any exposures of sediments like this that are also the age I'm looking for anywhere close to where I live. I'd really appreciate it if anyone with experience hunting southern or central Texas could point me in the right direction. I'm not asking for any specific sites since I know people won't want to give those up, just general areas where Pleistocene outcrops or exposures would be present. Thanks for the help!
  23. hello the west side of the Chesapeake Bay is famous for vertebrate fossils at sites like Calvert Cliffs has anyone found or know or finds of vertebrate fossils on the EAST coast of the bay? thanks
  24. HI. Folks! I'm going nutz behind my mask--and I have a trip to Miss. and Ala. scheduled.... never been to either state, and wondered if anyone can suggest areas for a legal hunt or two while I'm there? I'd appreciate any tips, particularly with specific directions. Thanks! Barby
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