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  1. The winner of the June 2024 VFOTM goes to... Platecarpus sp. mosasaur - Late Cretaceous, Niobrara Chalk - Kansas Congratulations to @Chalkdude
  2. This is the official The Fossil Forum Find of the Month winner's gallery. A few suggestions by Auspex led to this Gallery of the Find Of The Month winners, but the Fossils will speak for themselves. Although it is November 2010, we want to thank again all who have shared their finds and knowledge in the contests. Now, we present to you the Winning Fossils from the beginning. Enjoy!
  3. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends July 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Platecarpus sp. mosasaur - Late Cretaceous, Niobrara Chalk - Kansas 2. Xiphodolamia ensis shark tooth - Shark River Formation, Eocene - Monmouth Co., New Jersey 3. Chondrichthyan tessellated calcified cartilage (jaw area) - Shark River-Kirkwood Fm, Middle-Eocene/Early Miocene - Monmouth Co., New Jersey 4. Mammuthus primigenius woolly mammoth lower molar - (Late-)Pleistocene - Antwerp, Belgium 5. Bison bison calf skull section with horn core - Pleistocene (glacial deposits) - Kansas 6. Ichthyosaurus sp. paddle section - Lower Jurassic, Upper Lias - Yorkshire Coast, Whitby, England 7. Ankylosaur indet. tooth - Lower Cretaceous (Aptian), Arundel Clay - Maryland 8. Triceratops phalanx (juvenile) - Upper Cretaceous, Hell Creek Formation - Garfield County, Montana 9. Aenocyon dirus dire wolf right m2 - Pleistocene (glacial deposits) - eastern Kansas
  4. The winner of the May 2024 VFOTM goes to... Archaeotherium sp. (Hell Pig) - White River Formation, Oligocene - Grover, Colorado Congratulations to @Danielb !!!
  5. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends May 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Archaeotherium sp. (Hell Pig) - White River Formation, Oligocene - Grover, Colorado 2. Syngnathus avus pipefish - Late Miocene, Monterey Formation - Santa Barbara County, California 3. Mammuthus columbi, Columbian Mammoth - Pleistocene, Beaumont Formation - Southeast Texas
  6. The winner of the April 2024 VFOTM goes to... Desmostylus hesperus skull - Astoria Formation, Miocene (17.2 Ma) - Lincoln County, Oregon Congratulations to @kg1 !!!
  7. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends May 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Dinornithiformes (Moa) claw - Late Pleistocene (< 100,000 years) - South Island, New Zealand 2. Desmostylus hesperus skull - Astoria Formation, Miocene (17.2 Ma) - Lincoln County, Oregon 3. Odocoileus virginianus deer maxilla - Glacial Deposits, Pleistocene - Kaw River Kansas 4. Ondatra sp. muskrat mandible - Glacial Deposits, Pleistocene - Kansas 5. Platypterygius australis ichthyosaur jaw section - Toolebuc Formation, Early Cretaceous - NW Queensland, Australia
  8. The winner of the March 2024 VFOTM goes to... Dromaeosauridae perinatal (baby) "raptor" tooth - Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Hell Creek Formation - Garfield County, Montana Congratulations to @ThePhysicist !!!
  9. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends April 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Mammuthus columbi mammoth left unciform - Pleistocene, Beaumont Formation - Southeast Texas 2. Hesperocyon gregarius canid mandible - Oligocene, White River Formation - Grover, Colorado 3. Otodus obliquus pathological shark tooth - Late Paleocene, Aquia Formation (58 Ma) - Virginia 4. Dromaeosauridae perinatal (baby) "raptor" tooth - Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Hell Creek Formation - Garfield County, Montana
  10. The winner of the February 2024 VFOTM goes to... Araeodelphis natator (river dolphin) - Miocene, Calvert Formation - Maryland Congratulations to @shark57 !!!
  11. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends March 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Pachycephalosaurid (Stegoceras) squamosal section - Cretaceous, Dinosaur Park Formation - Steveville area, Newell County, Alberta 2. cf. Orthacanthus elasmobranch tooth - Carboniferous, Pennsylvanian, Portersville Limestone, Glenshaw Formation - West Virginia 3. Campodus sp. crusher shark tooth - Carboniferous, Pennsylvanian, Muncie Creek concretions - Missouri 4. Araeodelphis natator (river dolphin) - Miocene, Calvert Formation - Maryland
  12. The winner of the January 2024 VFOTM goes to... Snapper (Lutjanidae) braincase - Early Oligocene, Ashley Formation - Ridgeville, South Carolina Congratulations to @Sonickmonx !!!
  13. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends February 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Bison sp. partial horn core/skull - Pleistocene - Kaw River, Kansas 2. Polyacrodus aff. brevicostatus shark tooth - Cretaceous, Early Albian, Lower Glen Rose Fm - Canyon Lake, Texas 3. Snapper (Lutjanidae) braincase - Early Oligocene, Ashley Formation - Ridgeville, South Carolina
  14. The winner of the December 2023 VFOTM goes to... Pelagonithid bony-toothed bird jaw - Late Miocene / Pliocene - North Canterbury, New Zealand Congratulations to @mamlambo !!!
  15. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends January 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Poebrotherium camel - Oligocene, White River Fm. - Sioux County, Nebraska 2. Pelagonithid bony-toothed bird jaw - Late Miocene / Pliocene - North Canterbury, New Zealand
  16. The winner of the November 2023 VFOTM goes to... Platypterygius australis ichthyosaur - Early Cretaceous, Toolebuc Formation - NW Queensland, Australia Congratulations to @Huntlyfossils !!!
  17. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends December 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Platypterygius australis ichthyosaur - Early Cretaceous, Toolebuc Formation - NW Queensland, Australia 2. Mosasauridae indet. mosasaur - Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), Severn Formation - Maryland
  18. The winner of the October 2023 VFOTM goes to... Pachycephalosaur skull dome - Late Cretaceous (Campanian), Dinosaur Park Fm, (74.4 Ma) - Newell County, Alberta, Canada Congratulations to @musicnfossils !!!
  19. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends November 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Ganopristis leptodon oral tooth - Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), Nekum Limestone - Sibbe Limestone Quarry, Netherlands 2. Pachycephalosaur skull dome - Late Cretaceous (Campanian), Dinosaur Park Fm, (74.4 Ma) - Newell County, Alberta, Canada 3. Chomatodus sp. chondrichthyan crushing tooth - Mississippian, Bangor Formation - Vulcan Quarry, Lacon, Alabama 4. Syngnathus avus pipefish - Miocene, Monterey Formation - California
  20. The winner of the September 2023 VFOTM goes to... Hadrosaurid tooth battery - Late Cretaceous, Dinosaur Park Frm - Newell County, Alberta, Canada Congratulations to @musicnfossils !!!
  21. The winner of the March 2023 VFOTM goes to... Mammuthus columbi, Columbian Mammoth, lower left molar - Undifferentiated Pleistocene Sands - Hardee County, Florida Congratulations to @Meganeura !!!
  22. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends October 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Hadrosaurid tooth battery - Late Cretaceous, Dinosaur Park Frm - Newell County, Alberta, Canada 2. Peripristis semicircularis tooth - Pennsylvanian, Bond Frm - LaSalle County, Illinois 3. Wombat skull (Vombatus ursinus) - Pleistocene (unnamed formation) - Coolah, NSW, Australia 4. Ichthyosaur teeth - Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic, Falciferum Biozone - Whitby, Yorkshire, UK 5. Enchodus sp. fish vertebra - Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), Nekum Chalk - Province de Liège, Belgium 6. Partial muskrat skull - Early to Mid Miocene, Calvert Frm - Calvert County, Maryland
  23. The winner of the August 2023 VFOTM goes to... Pelagosaurus sp. (crocodile skull) - Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic - Whitby, UK Congratulations to @LiamL !!!
  24. The winner of the July 2023 VFOTM goes to... Brachauchenius lucasi pliosaur tooth - Cretaceous (Middle Turonian), Kamp Ranch Limestone - North Texas Congratulations to @EPIKLULSXDDDDD !!!
  25. Check the entries below carefully and cast your vote! PM me if you notice any errors with the entries. The poll ends August 9th. Be sure to vote in our other FOTM poll, HERE 1. Pterosaur limb - Early Cretaceous, Toolebuc Formation - NW Queensland, Australia 2. Anuran (frog/toad) Ilium - Oligocene, Brule Formation - Sioux County, Nebraska 3. Saivotus, Orodus, and Chomatodus chondrichthyan teeth - Mississippian, Burlington-Keokuk Fish Bed - SE Iowa 4. Brachauchenius lucasi pliosaur tooth - Cretaceous (Middle Turonian), Kamp Ranch Limestone - North Texas 5. Megalonx Jeffersonii giant ground sloth tooth - Pleistocene - North Florida 6. Ptyctodus placoderm fish toothplate - Devonian - Jefferson County, Missouri 7. Tyrannosauridae tooth (possibly T. rex juvenlile or Nanotyrannus) - Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Hell Creek Formation - South Dakota 8. Ornithischia (likely Thescelosaurus) fibula - Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Hell Creek Formation - South Dakota 9. Ground sloth claw core - Pleistocene, Beaumont Fm - Fort Bend County, Texas 10. Lepisosteidae gar tooth - Late Maastrichtian, Hell Creek Fm. - Montana
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