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  1. I picked up this specimen at Ecclesbourne Glen, Rock-a-nore, Hastings, UK. It's beach rolled material and comes from a section of the beach where jumbled plant material is fairly common. The rock here is Wealden Beds, Early Cretaceous and around 140 million years old. I suspect that this is some form of cone, there are what appear to be fibrous hairs in amongst the ovoid sections which might possibly be root material (this could also be some form of fibrous trunk material). Any plant experts out there able to offer any thoughts? Thanks. John
  2. Some of the samples in my collection collected from the Wealden formations at Hastings (Rock-a-nore - Fairlight). The exposures at the location are early Cretaceous, around 140 million years old. I restrict my collection to this locality as my interest lies in understanding the palaeo environment as much as possible. Collecting wise, the location is often viewed as frustrating. Fossils range from common (bivalves, plant fragments, trace) to scarce (fish, reptile). I have been collecting for 15+ years and have gathered a modest but manageable collection. The types of fossils found are random and cyclic. I usually find something with every visit but leave more than I take home as I'm not concerned with multiple specimens of the same thing unless they improve on a previous specimen held or offer something additional to my understanding. I'm lucky if I add 3 or 4 new specimens in a year. I actually enjoy being at the location more than anything else and finding something to add to my collection is a bonus. I will add more to this thread time permitting but do feel free to offer up more precise or better identifications (mine are based on limited reference material or the knowledge of other collectors at the site). Partial fish jaw - likely Sheenstia sp. Shark teeth - Hybodus sp. Fish scale and bone. Bone fragment - potential Pterosaur. Bone fragment - reptile. Turtle - scute. Bone - unknown, possibly turtle.
  3. Hi folks, This is an anomalous specimen from my collection. The location is early Cretaceous, around 140 million years old. I've never found anything else quite like this at the location before or since (I collected it a few years ago). It has the appearance of being blob or pancake of material. It's composed of hard clay pea sized matrix with a soft clay infill. One side has an ironised layer which looks as though it covered the whole thing at one time. Under a lens, the soft clay matrix is packed with really tiny fish teeth, spines, scales and bone fragments. The intriguing thing is the larger fragments, which are scales and bone. You do find assemblages of fish scale/bone, shark teeth/spines and reptile bones at the location but these are usually on the surface of beds of sediment (not in a 'pancake' like this. This material is not even remotely similar to 'bone bed' material which occurs 4 miles East along the coast at Cliff End (the tides here push material Eastwards), There are obvious bits of small broken bone (shards). These have the appearance of the shards left over when your dog has destroyed a bone. In addition to that there are other bits which appear 'polished'. I can't decide whether these are broken teeth or somehow polished bone. To be honest the whole specimen feels like fossilised animal 'up chuck' of some sort. The edge on the left of this image shows the ironisation layer, this edge is also covered in quartz type crystal material. Quartz infill/crystals are quite common at the location in ironised nodules. A fish scale and two bone fragments or teeth. One is conical and points upward and one looks like a piece of rib except one end has cellular structure whilst the other end is solid. At the top of the image is a small damaged croc tooth. A closer image of the anomalous bits. They don't look like any teeth I've come across before. All of the black 'peppering' is tiny fish teeth, broken spines and a few tiny scale fragments. The second anomalous bit. Polished bone or tooth? I originally suspected croc tooth but the shape is really odd, elongated peg like would be the best description but the polished surface is weird looking to me (like a piece of polished dinosaur bone you might see at a gem stone sellers). Another piece of bone poking out. I have recently started exposing this. There are a couple of other 'suspect' areas i also need to investigate at some point. Any thoughts/observations appreciated.
  4. FF7_Yuffie

    Ankylosaur scute -- Wealden

    Hello, I am quite interested in this scute from Wealden. I would like to check if it is as described and is a dinosaur scute. Thank -- it is from Wealden Clay Formation
  5. I recently purchased an odd little archosaur jaw from the Wealden at Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex, UK. It's 14.88mm in length and 4.03mm tall, with a single remaining tooth of approximately 1mm in height. The seller told me he thought it would be Aigialosaurus, something I thought odd due to that genus only being known from Hvar in Croatia, and being much younger (Cenomanian) than this specimen (Valanginian). However, it turns out that a jaw was found at this locality at some point that has since been moved to the Bexhill Museum and was identified as Aigialosaurus (though, based on what, I don't know): While I'm working on figuring out whether the jaw in the other thread can indeed by attributed to an early mosasauroid (Aigialosaurus?), I wanted to ask people in this thread what they make of my particular section of jaw. Ventral Terminus (end of jaw) 1 Terminus (end of jaw) 2 Observe the tooth attachment with raised sockets, not unlike in mosasauroids. Details of tooth attachment. Here are the photograph of the jaw from Bexhill that was identified as Aigialosaurus again, for ease of reference (source): So, what do you guys think? Reptile or fish? Crocodile, lizard? Do you think my jaw compares well to the one identified as British Aigialosaurus? @caterpillar @Praefectus @ThePhysicist
  6. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    British Wealden aigialosaur

    Hi all, I was recently told about supposed Aigialosaurus/aigialosaurid (mosasaurus) material from the Wealden at Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex, and was wondering whether anybody knows anything more about this. Because, as far as I'm aware (Wikipedia), Aigialosaurus is described from Hvar in Croatia and, moreover, temporarily restricted to the Cenomanian, whereas these remains, stemming from the Wealden, would be Early Cretaceous in age (Berriasian through Aptian) - most likely Valanginian, as they were recovered from Bexhill-on-Sea. (Image source) I must say these remains do look rather mosasauroid, although I've been unsuccessful in finding further information on the specimen, which is supposed to be housed in the Bexhill Museum. The person who first told me about them remembers having seen a newspaper article, believes the British Natural History Museum was involved with the specimen back then, and had heard about a paper being written about it. That's about all I have to go on for now. So my questions right now are: does anyone have more information on this specimen; know of the publication; and what do people here generally make of this piece: is it mosasauroid, or could it be something else? @paulgdls @DE&i @Praefectus @caterpillar @The Amateur Paleontologist @Kosmoceras @ThePhysicist @Welsh Wizard @DanJeavs
  7. Found on the beach at Chilton Chine. Measures 13mm total length. I hope the photos are good enough. Would appreciate your opinions. Thanks
  8. Born & Bred Isle of Wight UK Fossil Hunter, Reaching out and trying to make more of an effort with online platforms. So far I have been banned from facebook for impersonating myself!? now on twitter. @justinfossils. Anyway, pleased to meet you all. Here is a Turtle I've been working on from vectis formation atherfield point.
  9. Mochaccino

    UK Dino Material?

    Hello, What do these two pieces look like? Are they dino material? Hastings subgroup,, Wealden of Sussex, UK. 1. Vertebra. Doesn't seem theropod to me at a glance. 2. "Theropod Foot Cast" is how it was identified. Personally I just see a suggestively-shaped rock.
  10. Gideon

    Isle of Wight plant material

    Could anyone help me identify this plant material from the terrestrial Wealden Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight. Found east of brook bay in a plant debris bed. It’s about 2cm and has an odd spikey structure I haven’t seen before. Not like the pine cones commonly found around here. it looks to be a fragment of whatever it is.
  11. Hello, This was a tricky one to photograph as it is is 3mm long and, the shape and wearing of the tooth meant it wouldn't lay flat and the ridges of the tooth are only visible from certain angles. But I hope someone can help with an id. It is very small--3mm long, and a quarter of that is the bit of root attached.
  12. Hello, Another microfossil from Wealden. This is very small, 3mm. Now, it's recurved and looks theropod, but it is notable different than the typical small Nuthetes/raptor type teeth we get from there. It also looks different than croc teeth. It is small, 3mm with the tip missing. The base is largely encased in the matrix, but the little bit that is is exposed suggests it to be slightly oval in shape rather than round. There are no visible serrations. If anyone has any thoughts, that would be great, I plan to take it to a dinosaur museum I will visit soon for a look too.
  13. FF7_Yuffie

    Tiny Wealden Ornithopod tooth?

    Now, this was extremely difficult to photograph because of the size and the fact it is still in Matrix so only one side is visible. But I took photos of that side and the top of the tooth. It is 2mm long. So, it was found in the Wadhurst Clay formation layer of the Wealden Group. At the Cliff End bonebed. It looks too small and different shaped to be the Iguanodontids there--Hypselospinus and Barrilium. I can't see any small ornithopods from there, so likely I guess it will be undetermined. But I thought I would post it just in case, or if someone has seen similar. Could it be a type of Hypsilophodontid? cheers
  14. Listed as a partial tibia and being hollow, possible theropod? Very small--just under 1inch. Is there any other possibilities for such a small, hollow bone? Could it be a type of small reptile for instance? Also, is it Tibia, or another type of bone? Wealden Clay, Hastings Sub Group Thanks for the help
  15. FF7_Yuffie

    UK Ankylosaur ungual?

    Hello, any help with this? Advertised as a possible ankylosaur ungual. From Hastings Subbgroup, Wealden Clay, Sussex. Description says the grooves in the bone surface are consistent with thyreophoran unguals. Yet, when I compare the US ankylosaur unguals--I don't see a resemblance at all. Could be a quite worn one? 1.8 inches. Cheers
  16. This cast came from just west of chilton chine on the Isle of Wight. Wealden early Cretaceous. the sandstone it comes from is found all over the beach in blocks and is riddled with foot casts of mainly iguanodons. Sauropods, crocodiles and theropods also known in this location. I have not seen anything similar to this in the area, and given the heavy dinoturbation of this particular sandstone layer I think there is a good chance this is part of a dinosaur or croc tail drag cast. I can’t see how it can be made by anything plant based or geological, but would be very interested in anyones opinion for or against my interpretation. I’ve packed it away now, but it’s roughly 10cm wide.
  17. I picked up this pair of flattened cones from the wealden clay at Chilton Chine, Isle of Wight, uk last weekend. I couln’t find a similar hexagonal pattern from photos online or in the books I have on the area. Given the size and shape (roughly 3cm), I was wondering if they may be araucarian? The area is barremian. It’s also in very soft clay, so I’m currently trying to dry it slowly wrapped in damp tissue before adding paraloid with acetone to stabilise it. If a better method is advisable, I would really appreciate any advise. Thanks in advance henry
  18. An overlooked fossil turned out to be a new herbivorous dinosaur with an oddly shaped nose Brighstoneus simmondsi has a big lump around the nostrils, like a chunky alligator. By Philip Kieffer, Popular Science, November 10, 2021 The open access paper is: McDonald, A.T., Barrett, P.M. and Chapman, S.D., 2010. A new basal iguanodont (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Wealden (Lower Cretaceous) of England. Zootaxa, 2569(1), pp.1-43. Researchgate PDF Yours, Paul H.
  19. Calli99

    Compton Bay Bony Bits Pebble

    Hello, I picked this pebble up from the beach at Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight, this area is Lower Cretaceous. The pebble looks like it’s full of bony bits, but I have no idea what they might be from and it might prove too difficult to tell. If anyone has some insight I’d be delighted to hear it. Scale accidentally in inches rather than cm in this photo Close up photos taken with microscope attachment to my phone.
  20. Gideon

    Pterosaur limb bexhill uk

    Hi tff I can’t see this can be anything other than a pterosaur limb bone? when I first saw it I thought it may be a burrow, and checked in case there was a crustacean sat inside. early Cretaceous, bexhill uk, floodplain. About 20cm apologies photos aren’t great
  21. Per Christian

    Baryonyx jaw? Tooth?

    This fossil is listed as a Baryonyx tooth with possible jaw underneath. What do members here make of it? Is it possible to tell whether it's a jaw or not alongside the tooth? Formation: Wealden formation, Hastings.
  22. Algernon

    Wealden vertebra

    Hello Can anyone help me ID this vert please? It was found in Brook Bay, Isle of Wight. Any ideas on what it might have come from would be much appreciated.
  23. FF7_Yuffie

    Hylaeosaur vertebra?

    I wasn't gonna bother with this cos its pretty waterworn. Hylaeosaur stuff is pretty rare Hylaeosaurus, from Wealden Clay, Hastings. I know it may be difficult to ID this one becausr of the condition as being Hylaeosaurus. But, any help would be great!
  24. Welsh Wizard

    Big Iguanodon Vertebra

    I’ve been sorting out some old fossils during the lockdown and just had a stand made for this big iguanodon vertebra. The stand was made by Friargate Forge in Preston. Before To this It’s hard to photo and prep was really difficult.
  25. Manticocerasman

    Our fossil hunting holiday trip

    Natalie81 and I are back from our fossil hunting holiday. On the 20th of july we left for a long camping and fossil hunting week in the UK, we took the ferry in Calais to Dover, drove to Porthsmouth and the 2nd ferry to our 1st stop: 5 days on the Isle of wight. the 1st day on the Island, we prospected the beaches on the the south west of the isle where the Wealden cliffs could deliver some dinosaur remains.We had no luck this time. the 2nd day we went to the southern part of the Island where we could find some cenomanian ammonites in the chalk. This time we had better luck, and we found lots of them and even a few nautiluses. There was a sealion in the water not far from where we were prospecting, but since it was yawning a lot I don't think he was very interested in our activities Day 3 was a stop in Yaverland, here we found some hybodont remains and a possible pterosaur tooth ( we will know for sure after the prep ), in the afternoon we went a bit further to Whiteclif bay where we found a few echinoids. Day 4 Back to those Wealden cliffs in search for dinosaur material, again in vain, but we did se al those impresive Iguanodon foottracks at Hanover point. later on the day we tried to find the lobster bed near Atherfield, but only a few parts were accesible, but I found a nice big lobster in situ, it came out in a few pieces. I had super glue in my backpack, so I glued the parts back together and stuffed the fossil safely away in a box with soft paper. It is still in that box now, so I hope it wil still be ok when I start prepping it. Day 5: we had a meetup with a local colector to prospect the beaches on the north of the island, those were Oligocene deposits and we did find a lot of turtle fragments, a few croc scutes and even a few croc teeth Day 6: we had our ferry back to the mainland of the UK, from there we drove further to the jurassic coast. In the afternoon we went on the Beach between Dorset and Lyme Regis, but the beaches were full of tourists looking for fossils, so the finds were poor. Day 7: we visited Eype, and Golden cap, not far from Dorset, again verry few finds due to overprospected beaches, but we did find a decent ammonite. In the evening We visited the town of Lyme Regis and the birthplace of Mary Anning Day 8: this time e went east of Dorset, still very few fossils to be seen, but still multiple good belemnites , some of them still in the matrix. Day 9: time to pack the tent and drive back to Dover, we still had time before taking our ferry back to France so we did a quick stop in Folkestone. 2 hours of prospecting in the gault clay did deliver 2 decent ammonites and lots of ammonite fragments, belemnites and inoceramus shells. I didnt take a lot of pictures of the fossils we found yet, but we took a few ones in the field. more pictures will follow when we start unpacking and prepping the fossils from this week. Shipping to Dover: vieuw on the camping from Wight: of to the beach: no fossils to be seen Lots of beach to prospect: Still looking for bone in the shingle: sunset on Wight: to the cenomanian chalk: ammonites the Sealion: possible pterosaur tooth: footprints Oligoceene deposits: A vieuw on Wight before we leave: Dorset and Lyme regis: Ammonites everywhere Mary Anning:
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