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  1. Tidgy's Dad


    Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are at last, into Adam's Silurian. Thanks for looking. First up is the Lower Silurian or Llandovery and I begin with a problem. I posted this one incorrectly in Adam's Ordovician as it had got it's label muddled up with an Ordovician Favosites I had that has vanished in the move here, but is being replaced by kind forum member @Herb Anyway, this, I remember now I've found the correct label, is from the greenish Browgill Formation, part of the Stockdale Group from a cutting near Skelgill (Skelghyll) in Cumbria, Northern England. It seems to be a tabulate coral, but I can't find any listed for this location, only mentions of small, rare, rugose corals. It has the star shaped corallites of a Heliolitidid, but seems to be tightly packed together like a Favositidid. A couple of species of Palaeofavosites seem to be close and are a bit star-shaped,, but anyone know any better? @TqB@piranha hmm who else? The coral bit, an external mold, is a maximum of 3.5 cm across and each corallite up to 2 mm.
  2. Hello, For a trip for my birthday, my girlfriend and I went to Mortimer Forest in South Shropshire to look for fossils, and we came across quite a few, and as I am very new to fossil collecting (only have been interested within the past few weeks, and I got the DK Fossil Handbook earlier today), I'm not entirely sure what most of them are. I've made a link to an Imgur album for all of the fossils we collected. The caption for each photo is my best guess at an ID, and the numbers denote which rocks they are in. Most of the fossils were found in/by streams, although some were found on the ground by some exposed bedrock. Thank you for reading, and I hope you can help https://imgur.com/a/sT1T0bg
  3. Hello, I recently collected a stromatoporoid fossil from Mortimer Forest in Shropshire, UK. I've since bought some general ID guides to help me with my other fossils, and in the one I'm currently using (Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils by John F. Murray) all of the stromatoporoid photos look to be thin sections under a microscope. I've also found a couple sources online that say stromatoporoids are identified using thin slices under a microscope. Unfortunately I don't have access to a high-powered microscope nor equipment/knowledge to produce those thin slices, and so my question is can my ID be taken further than stromatoporoid? I have a x15 hand lens but that is of course nowhere near a microscope. I think by using the general order descriptions in the Atlas I could try, but I'm not sure... Thank you
  4. Is this some kind of plant fossil, or just a weird-ish rock? It was about 15mm in length. Original photo: Brightened photo: Thank you!
  5. Calymene blumenbachii (enrolled) “Dudley bug” Wrens Nest, Dudley, England. Much Wenlock Limestone Fmn., Wenlock, Homerian, Silurian. c. 422.5 – 427.5 Ma age. Species exclusive to the Wenlock Series of England. A unusually nicely preserved old Victorian piece exhibiting the dark honey coloured patina often found in such historical specimens from being handled over the many years since it was collected by a Wrens Nest quarryman. This specimen makes a nice accompaniment to my outstretched (unrolled) specimen.
  6. GTS

    Calymene blumenbachii

    I’m interested in this C. blumenbachii “Dudley Bug” which is ex John Page Collection, collected from the Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wrens Nest, Dudley. Most fossils from Wrens Nest tend to have a dark grey appearance rather than the honey coloured patina seen here. Has anyone seen specimens with this honey patina from Wrens Nest before? I’m told that this patina has arisen from years of exposure to air and handling. Re John Page - I’m told that Page was a trilobite collector who specialised in trilobites from Wrens Nest. Can anyone provide any more info about Page or point me in the direction of any further sources of info (a Google search didn’t seem to provide much info). Thankyou
  7. aek


    Need help identifying this mid Silurian brachiopod. Wenlock.
  8. Tidgy's Dad

    Wenlock Weirdies.

    Hello, everybody! I have been sorting through my wenlock limestone material, Middle Silurian and have a couple of personal problematica. I am wondering if any of you brilliant folks could help me out. Here is an object which seems to be an epibiont on a Favosites coral. 5 mm long and about 1.5 mm diameter at the widest. Is it a cornulitid ? Or a single corallite of Aulopora? Something else, maybe? And another one? On a solitary rugose coral. 3 mm x 1 mm. And an example of Aulopora from Wiki to compare : And a cornulitid that looks a bit similar : I would be very grateful for any help. Then there is this. Is it the worm Keilorites? Length 1.9 cm, width 2.5 mm max.
  9. Notidanodon

    Dudley crinoid

    Hi guys i have this Silurian crinoid from the wenlock limestone from an old Victorian collection and I was wondering if anyone could ID it thanks
  10. aek


    Any ideas identifying this brachiopod? Lower wenlock, Illinois.
  11. Only a couple of one hour forays so far, I've only just had treatment on my hip so taking it carefully (by which I mean I'm clambering over scree slopes with little care but getting told off for it) Thought I'd drawn a blank on the trilobite front until I started cleaning this - and then I saw my very first trilobite! How small do they come?
  12. Hi all, Could this be a badly worn rugose colonial coral? My guess, due to what looks like calyces, vs. more typical corallites. Does anyone recognize this? Length is 3cm. Found in Lake Michigan, IL, Wenlock epoch, Racine formation. TIA to all! This area has been a bit better protected and appears a tad less worn:
  13. Hallo, in diesem Jahr fand ich ein problematische fossilen im Steinbruch von Bungenäs, Gotland / Schweden (Slite-Gruppe, Wenlock, Silur), hat jemand eine Idee, was das sein könnte? Meine erste Idee war , dass es ein Fragment eines Kopffüßer sein könnte , aber ich bin nicht shure! Grüße Uli
  14. Mike Hands

    Found a fossil

    Found this fossil today, would like to know information about it thanks:)
  15. From the album: Invertebrates

    Aulacopleura koninckii (Barrande, 1846) Silurian Wenlock Lodenice Liten Formation Motol Member Monograptus flexilis-Zone Czech Republic Hughes, N.C., Hong, P.S., Hou, J.B., & Fusco, G. (2017) The development of the Silurian trilobite Aulacopleura koninckii reconstructed by applying Inferred growth and segmentation dynamics: A case study in Paleo-Evo-Devo. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5(37):1-12 OPEN ACCESS PDF
  16. salvo1989s


    Hi guys , yesterday i found this in wenlock edge (uk) , can be a really big coral? I've got just this picture right now, I will post a better one when I'll be at home.
  17. JohnBrewer

    More of a reccy really

    As the title says, more of a reccy for later in the year when I hope to meet Nick @Barerootbonsai again for a hunt. I went away to shoot several images for a cd cover/book for a quirky band http://ironbootscrapers.com/ using one of the Victorian methods of photography I practice. On the journey back back I decided to spend an hour at Wren's Nest in Dudley, West Midlands, UK https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wren's_Nest Wren's Nest is a productive Silurian site, particularly for corals such as favosites and rugosa. Here's a fine looking chap at the site
  18. salvo1989s

    wenlock edge advice

    hi guys i'm planning to go again in wenlock edge next thursday for some hours of hunting, not like the last time that i went for just 2h. Anyone can suggest the most productive path to follow? any advice wil be appreciated. thanks
  19. Hello, yesterday I went for a little fossils hunting in wenlock edge , unfortunally just for 2 hours , anyway I came back home with some finds , nothing incredible but its always something . Here my finds
  20. salvo1989s

    Id wenlock edge

    Hi , yesterday I found what I think can be a coral but I'm not sure. I found it in wenlock edge (Shropshire uk)
  21. oilshale

    Birkenia elegans TRAQUAIR, 1899

    Many important collections of Silurian arthropods and vertebrates have been made near Lesmahagow since the mid to late 1800's. The Lesmahagow Inlier is a block of Silurian sediments surrounded by sediments of Carboniferous age. The inlier consists of shales and sandstones with occasional pebble conglomerates of a lagoon or lake. This fish is from Slot Burn SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), now off-limits to all collecting due to overzealous collecting. Taxonomy from Blom et al. 2002. Diagnosis for Birkenia elegans from Blom et. al 2002, p. 277: "Small species of Birkenia, up to 10 cm long, with double-headed mid-dorsal spine; dorso-lateral scales inclined to the anterior anteriorly and to the posterior posteriorly; whole body covered with similar, regular granular to finely tuberculate sculpture; mid-part of lateral scales, double- headed dorsal spine and scales on anal fin, showing regular dorso-ventral arrangement of sculpture; lateral scales towards articulation sockets show similar regular but not linearly arranged sculpture as do all ventral and dorsal plates, and rostral and pineal plates of the head; sculpture in anterior- posterior arrangement on pineal plates and postbranchial spine." The Anaspida were small marine agnathans (Greek, "no jaws") that lacked paired fins and often scales. They first appeared in the early Silurian and flourished until the late Devonian. Birkenia was a derived form of anapsid that grew to a maximum length of about 10cm. The Anaspids were simple dorso-laterally compressed fish that probably led a bottom-dwelling existence. It was adapted for active swimming and had a sucking mouth that was terminal rather than ventral. Birkenia has a characteristic row of anterior and posterior pointing dorsal scales. The gills opened as a row of holes along the side of the animal, typically numbering from 6-15. The tail is hypocercal which means that the lower lob is the longest. Traquair reconstructed Birkenia upside down because he never met this condition in a fish before. Line drawing from Stetson 1928, p. 468: Identified by oilshale. References: D.L. Dineley: British fossil fish and amphibian sites, Chapter 1 GRC site account Slot Burn GRC site account Birk Knowes GRC site account Birkenhead Burn Stetson, Henry C. (1928) A Restoration of the Anaspid Birkenia elegans Traquair. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 458-470. Blom, H., Märss, T. and Miller, C. G. (2002) Silurian and earliest Devonian birkeniid anaspids from the Northern Hemisphere. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 92, 263-323, (for 2001). Blom, Henning. "New birkeniid anaspid from the Lower Devonian of Scotland and its phylogenetic implications." Palaeontology 55.3 (2012): 641-652.
  22. DE&i

    Howellella elegan1d.jpg

    From the album: Fossil in Matchboxes

    Brachiopod A complete fossil Howellella elegans brachiopod which is approximately 425 million years old. Field Collection Place: Wenlock Limestone, Much Wenlock, UK Geological Complex: Howellella elegans Associated Period: Silurian - Wenlock

    © D&E

  23. DE&i

    Howellella elegan1c.jpg

    From the album: Fossil in Matchboxes

    Brachiopod A complete fossil Howellella elegans brachiopod which is approximately 425 million years old. Field Collection Place: Wenlock Limestone, Much Wenlock, UK Geological Complex: Howellella elegans Associated Period: Silurian - Wenlock

    © D&E

  24. DE&i

    Howellella elegan1b.jpg

    From the album: Fossil in Matchboxes

    Brachiopod A complete fossil Howellella elegans brachiopod which is approximately 425 million years old. Field Collection Place: Wenlock Limestone, Much Wenlock, UK Geological Complex: Howellella elegans Associated Period: Silurian - Wenlock

    © D&E

  25. DE&i

    Howellella elegan1a.jpg

    From the album: Fossil in Matchboxes

    Brachiopod A complete fossil Howellella elegans brachiopod which is approximately 425 million years old. Field Collection Place: Wenlock Limestone, Much Wenlock, UK Geological Complex: Howellella elegans Associated Period: Silurian - Wenlock

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