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  1. All these pieces are relatively flat or with some slight curvature, they are all porous from the side. I’m thinking possibly turtle shell fragments or something else. The size makes me think possible cetacean too. What do yall think?
  2. Large fragment found in Myrtle Beach, seems to straight to be a rounded rib section but because of its size I think it may be a part of a whale.
  3. Found this on the Beach in Myrtle, I’m fairly certain it’s a tooth but have no idea from what, it has a reddish orange tint to it, compared to most fossils that I find on the beach which are black. Any ideas are greatly appreciated thank you all.
  4. Found in Myrtle beach, black exterior white interior on all but 6, that said 6 is included because it is solid without the porous interior. 3 does not have the shape of a rib but has the same non porous interior as the others. 2 is interesting because it has some marks on the exterior that look like teeth scrapes. Any help is always appreciated. Thank you all and I can’t wait to learn more. I’m a novice at identifying but a pro at hunting fossils.
  5. Dnicewave

    Whale bone fossil?

    I found this on the Beach in Myrtle, I believe it could be a whale vertebrae or some other fragment I’m unfamiliar with. Any help is always appreciated.
  6. Found on beach in Myrtle rounded off top with flat smooth bottom it’s dense and heavy too.
  7. Dnicewave

    Possible tooth

    I have hundreds of fossils I’ve picked up along Myrtle Beach and I’m very interested in trying to identify the most interesting ones. Can anyone help with this? I think maybe a tooth it has a horizontal line that goes around the whole thing and it’s different above and below the line in size and texture
  8. madison2

    What is this?

    Found this in green mill run, I'm assuming it's not a shark. Is it a whale or mosasaur?
  9. Alioftheuniverse

    Whale vertebra

    Hello! I’m hoping to find more information about this beautiful bone I believe to be whale. I’m pretty sure it’s humpback whale based off of a Google search. Found it out off billings gate on cape cod on low tide. It was at once an island but over time it’s sunk into the bay and is only visible during low tide. I’ve been trying to clean it off, but it was completely covered in algae and sea moss. And even had a sea worm burrowing inside. Is there a way to find out how old it is?
  10. Daniel1990

    Whale vetebrae fossil

    What is whale it? Age Miocene/Pliocene Location North Sea Size 11 cm x 22 cm x 16 cm Wight 2900g
  11. Hi folks, I found this big bone at a remote beach at a philippine island. Does anyone knwo what kind of bone it might be? I thought maybe a whale head bone, but it seems bigger than that. It weights more than 100kg. Thanks for any tips and info! Best Alex
  12. Shellseeker

    Spade Toothed Whale

    https://apnews.com/article/whale-zealand-spade-toothed-beaked-stranding-conservation-643f3b1ad1acfba9bff73837a86a4ef1 A couple of photos. Unusual teeth of the rare spade-toothed whale (Mesoplodon traversii) - Male. Senior synonym for Mesoplodon bahamondi, Te Papa Museum, New Zealand (NZ), stock photo.
  13. Kim R

    Fossilized bone

    My son found this at fossil beach in Montross, VA. At first we thought it was petrified wood but now believe it is a whale bone.
  14. Shellseeker

    Hunting a Miocene Creek

    I had a chance to go out and chose a Miocene Creek in Bone Valley that has delivered for me in the past, but has had some extensive hunting by lots of others. I have 3 or 4 locations that are "special", the 1st was just OK (small teeth including a few sandtigers, but the 2nd and 3rd locations were basically cleaned out. My last location still had a few small teeth and Ray dermals but not what I was looking for... After 2 hours I had not found one of those wowzers. Then this screen or I should say shovel full. That is correct ... 1 Shovel full.. 40 mm Meg in center, 40 mm gold Hemipristis on the left, broken whale tooth upper right and a yellow Sandtiger lower right... Now THAT's more like it. Just a belief that , whatever else happens, I would find a untouched pocket of fossils... This tooth is unusual... because most of what I am finding is marine fauna I have my mind on Miocene and I see the cracked enamel, so I figure it has to be old... but finally decide it is Bovid, an upper tooth. May not be big enough for Bison.. Only leaves Modern cow, but what about that cracked enamel.. How long does that take? How old can it be.. 150 years ? Back to some Miocene Here is everything... A day that greatly exceeds expectations
  15. paradiseflorida

    fossil ID

    Please help with ID of this fossil from JAX Florida.
  16. Shellseeker

    Chasing the prize

    Great day hunting. My friend found a section of Baleen whale ear bone that he gave me because he knows I like whale. I return the favor in Megs. His find of the day was a light blue hand blown pickle bottle about 6.5 inches from the 1880s. Very pretty , I should have taken a photo.. This location was basically in the middle of nowhere and I wonder who was having a Picnic there 140 years ago. Another treasure from the Peace. Here is what I kept... 1st location we hunted in heavily Marine based Miocene. Found this whale tooth about 9 am so this was a great hunt right away. I was ecstatic !!! Harry has a couple but this is my 1st ever of this type. Similar teeth have come from Shark Tooth Hill, Chile, Italy. I'll try to track down a name. I also found what I think is part of a Whale Skull, and that is my Fossil ID request.. It is from a very large mammal and in this spot , most likely whale and then I started thinking not rib, not jaw, not even vert.. Process of elimination .. What do you think? Other finds: The coral looks like that from the Tampa Limestone, now called the Tampa Member of the Arcadia Formation. Probably either Stylophora silecensis or Acropora tamapaensis. MikeR, 2023 We moved down stream a little and now in the normal Peace River MioPleistocene fauna. All in all, One of those special days.. River depth up a foot , no issues... currents a little faster. Really HOT, mid 90s humidity, Having not hunted in over a week, and just beyond a cold/flu, I was bushed... We left early. Lots of smiles
  17. Shellseeker

    Patella Maybe

    I am home based with spouse up in SC and me dog _sitting. I am also home because we have taken 10-15 inches of rain the last two days with more coming. One of my other chores is to clean_out, (Greatly reduce) the collections in my Study / Fossil room. I can still have fossils there, just select the top 30%. I used to keep everything.. ( I have LOTS of dugong rib and unidentifiable bone) but hidden in ziploc bags with some nice fossils... Here are some of those "other fossils in the bag" Whale... mistreated by sand/water erosion: A horse Astragalus too small for Equus These were found 8-9 years ago... Those were the days. One of the bones I did not recognize. The top of this bone is a mound that flows down into a bowl. There is a ridge on the left dropping down to a plateau on the right. Note the "mound" dropping into the "bowl". This bone is approximately the size of many Horse/Llama carpals /tarsals that I find. The "bowl" may imply a patella. I have found a Hemiauchenia patella here but that is larger and does not seem similar, except for the mound and bowl. It is not Armadillo, not tapir... has some resemblance to cat patellas
  18. I’m fairly sure the crown is completely fake what do you think?
  19. Shellseeker

    Florida Basilosaurus

    I am searching the Internet for photos of Kentriodontid Dolphin teeth and this 5 inch whale tooth popped up. Had I been asked if Basilosaurus existed in the Florida Fossil record, I would not have known. Decided to share with TFF members. Imagine finding this...Do you have your eyes open, @digit
  20. ScottM

    whale tooth?

    Found this in the Bakersfield/Sharktooth Hill area. It does not look like the Allodesmus teeth I've found before so I'm guessing whale. Aulophyseter morricei perhaps? Thanks for helping! Bottom scale on tape measure is cm.
  21. Emilieluna

    Whale or Dugong?

    Hi, im new to fossil collections and I have a hard time make the difference between whale bone and dugong bone. can someone help me identify these 3 bones? thank you!!
  22. Over Memorial Day Weekend I was lucky enough to find this beauty in the surf off the New Jersey Shore. Judging by the size I'm thinking its a whale vertebra, but I'm no expert. Any ideas?
  23. Hello again! Went on my first planned fossil hunting trip with a local club, this was to Stratford Cliffs. And I got to say, I will be back again for sure. What an incredible opportunity this was, on a day that could not have been any better for fossil hunting. This was a refreshing pause to all of my Paleocene trips lately, as much as I love finding Otodus Obliquus teeth. This trip was out of my comfort zone, but a welcomed one! It starts out with everyone meeting at a local point in the park, signing waivers, and then we are unleashed upon the beach! There were large Tiger and Bull shark teeth everywhere I looked it seemed! Always fun to pick up one every few feet, however after a bit I was beginning to feel left out in terms of the truly large tooth department, a bit of a bummer in the moment. An hour went by until I noticed the “hump” of a tooth barely showing above the sand, I flicked it with my finger and out pops this incredible 1.5 inch lower hemi! Truly phenomenal find and I felt I was finally on the board for what I was expecting. 5 hours out in the sun, each seemingly better than the last, as I collected teeth, finding 3 out of 4 of the hastalis along about 10-15 feet of beach, was surreal at times. To top off a tiresome, but fulfilling trip, I found the dolphin and sperm whale tooth on my walk back! A crazy variety of fossils were found, I didn’t expect to stay as long as I did, but I barely was able to scrape myself off the beach! This trip was TOTALLY worth the money and then some. I would highly recommend looking up some trips with local clubs in your area. While results may vary due to weather or tides, the experience in itself, going to a new beach or site, meeting new interesting people, and the possibility of finding something amazing is worth it!
  24. JIMMFinsman

    Rock id?

    Wondering what type of rock this is? Not a whale rock 😂 😂
  25. Gary S

    Fossil or No Fossil?

    Discovered along the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States. I am told this is a whale vertebrae, but am interested in knowing any additional detail that can be provided - species, likely size of the whale, is it fossilized, rare etc? Measures approx 10” by 10”. Thanks in advance for any assistance!
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