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Found 24 results

  1. Dave J

    Brachiopod Identification

    Hi all. I found these today at the Wren's Nest in Dudley England. I understand that fossils found here are Silurian. I know this may be difficult to do but I was wondering if anyone could offer me any possible species names or other information on these? Anything is greatly appreciated 👍
  2. Dave J

    Crinoid Species

    Hi. Can anyone provide me with this species of crinoid? these were found at the Wren's Nest, Dudley, England. I understand them to be Silurian? I'm assuming they're all the same species.
  3. Dave J

    Coral Identification?

    Hi. I found these today at the Wren's Nest, Dudley, England. I'm assuming they're all corals, is that correct? Can anyone offer me any species names or other info on them? Anything is greatly appreciated 😊
  4. Tidgy's Dad


    Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are at last, into Adam's Silurian. Thanks for looking. First up is the Lower Silurian or Llandovery and I begin with a problem. I posted this one incorrectly in Adam's Ordovician as it had got it's label muddled up with an Ordovician Favosites I had that has vanished in the move here, but is being replaced by kind forum member @Herb Anyway, this, I remember now I've found the correct label, is from the greenish Browgill Formation, part of the Stockdale Group from a cutting near Skelgill (Skelghyll) in Cumbria, Northern England. It seems to be a tabulate coral, but I can't find any listed for this location, only mentions of small, rare, rugose corals. It has the star shaped corallites of a Heliolitidid, but seems to be tightly packed together like a Favositidid. A couple of species of Palaeofavosites seem to be close and are a bit star-shaped,, but anyone know any better? @TqB@piranha hmm who else? The coral bit, an external mold, is a maximum of 3.5 cm across and each corallite up to 2 mm.
  5. Happy birthday to me! Recently acquired this nice C. blumenbachii excavated in 19th C - early 20th C. by a Wren’s Nest quarryman when Wren’s Nest was active. Nice patina from 100+ years of being handled. Photos taken in sunlight & artificial light. The trilobite measures 50mm. Also attached - a nice paper “Legacy of the Locust - Dudley and its famous trilobite Calymene blumenbachii” detailing the history of this species. the trilobite was unique in that it was also featured on the town’s coat of arms. The specimen is ex John Page who was an avid collector of trilobites in the U.K .Legacy of the Locust Dudley & its famous trilobite Calymene blumenbachii.pdf
  6. GTS

    Calymene blumenbachii

    I’m interested in this C. blumenbachii “Dudley Bug” which is ex John Page Collection, collected from the Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wrens Nest, Dudley. Most fossils from Wrens Nest tend to have a dark grey appearance rather than the honey coloured patina seen here. Has anyone seen specimens with this honey patina from Wrens Nest before? I’m told that this patina has arisen from years of exposure to air and handling. Re John Page - I’m told that Page was a trilobite collector who specialised in trilobites from Wrens Nest. Can anyone provide any more info about Page or point me in the direction of any further sources of info (a Google search didn’t seem to provide much info). Thankyou
  7. Tidgy's Dad

    Wenlock Weirdies.

    Hello, everybody! I have been sorting through my wenlock limestone material, Middle Silurian and have a couple of personal problematica. I am wondering if any of you brilliant folks could help me out. Here is an object which seems to be an epibiont on a Favosites coral. 5 mm long and about 1.5 mm diameter at the widest. Is it a cornulitid ? Or a single corallite of Aulopora? Something else, maybe? And another one? On a solitary rugose coral. 3 mm x 1 mm. And an example of Aulopora from Wiki to compare : And a cornulitid that looks a bit similar : I would be very grateful for any help. Then there is this. Is it the worm Keilorites? Length 1.9 cm, width 2.5 mm max.
  8. Mochaccino

    Another Dudley, UK crinoid

    Hello, Here is another crinoid I'm curious about ID. It's Silurian-aged from the Upper Wenlock Layer of Wren's nest, Dudley UK. The plating makes me think this is a bit of crinoid calyx poking out of matrix, measures about 1cm. I do see a plate missing, but I wonder if it's possible there's more crown buried in the rock that's worth prepping out.
  9. Pleuromya

    Silurian Trilobites

    Hi, I have recently visited Wren's Nest, Dudley and I spotted this trilobite just as I was leaving. Could it be the trilobite Dalmanites? Another common trilobite from the area is Calymene blumenbachii, although it has a small spine, so I don't think it could be that. There's a few brachiopods surrounding it, I believe one is Leptaena? There's also this smaller one in the middle of this photo, is it a trilobite? It's 5mm across. All are from the Silurian. Thank you
  10. Tidgy's Dad

    Wenlock Weirdies II

    Wow! The first Wenlock Weirdies thread was three years ago. How time flies. These are all from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren's Nest, Dudley, West Midlands, UK. So Middle Silurian. 1. I thought machaeridian at first, but it doesn't seem to quite fit. Then a possible polyplacophoran? 2. Worm tube? Cornulitid? 3. I thought trilobite at first, but I don't think it is.......... 4. Bit of trilobite? Bit of gastropod? Crinoid columnal? 4b. Another bit of the same species? 4b. Another? Any suggestions gratefully received. @TqB @piranha Tarquin? Scott? Thanks, everyone!
  11. Enafter

    Wrens nest dudley

    Was out to Birmingham to drop off friend at the airport. Flights were cancelled so decided to go fossil hunting at wrens nest in dudley.
  12. Me and @DanJeavs recently had a trip to Wrens nest in Dudley, England. It's Alot older than what we're used to collecting and my first time collecting inland.
  13. susUrsus

    Fossils in Wren's Nest

    Hi. I visited Wren's Nest, Dudley, UK last summer. Just wonder if the fossils shown in the photos were corals or sponges. They were not uncommon but both were possibly damaged by diggers who attempted to excavate them. My apology the subject was a bit out of focus. Thanks. KS
  14. thelivingdead531

    Tiny trilobite pieces

    Hey everyone! I have some tiny trilobite pieces that I found at Wren's Nest in Dudley, UK while on a hunt last year with @JohnBrewer. I was wondering if they are identifiable. The tiny single piece is 5mm long, and the piece on the small plate is 3mm long. Age is Silurian. Thanks!
  15. JohnBrewer


    Any ideas on this guys? I guess it's some type of bryozoa/bryozoan (dunno if it's one beast or lots of 'em) It's like an undulating mat. The 'mat' varies in thickness from, I guess, 2mm -5mm. The round things are in relief not indented. Era: Silurian Location: Wrens Nest, Dudley, UK @TqB
  16. thelivingdead531

    Trilobite or something else?

    Hey everyone! During my trip to Wren's Nest, Dudley, UK with @JohnBrewer and @Barerootbonsai I stumbled across a hash plate with a peculiar specimen. John suggested that it might be a trilobite, but I should post it here. Does anyone else have an idea of what this might be?
  17. Had a great day out with Candace and Nick @thelivingdead531 @Barerootbonsai Friday 20th. Here are a few of my finds, I’ll post the hash plates when I’ve photographed them. We all got a great variety of finds, here are some of mine. I’m sure Nick and Candace will add to this thread.
  18. JohnBrewer

    UK group trip

    Any UK members interested in a group trip details here Moderators, I know this is a duplicate post but I think it would gain more exposure here. Please delete if you feel necessary.
  19. Hi I made my first visit to Wren's Nest yesterday. I still need to go through my finds but did well including some Dudley bugs (partial) and lots of coral and brachiopods. However this partial trilobite had myself and others stumped. If anyone can help with ID and cleaning up I'd be grateful (I don't have any professional prep kit like air abrader or air pen). Trilobite at bottom right of first pic. Thanks! Sam
  20. JohnBrewer

    More of a reccy really

    As the title says, more of a reccy for later in the year when I hope to meet Nick @Barerootbonsai again for a hunt. I went away to shoot several images for a cd cover/book for a quirky band http://ironbootscrapers.com/ using one of the Victorian methods of photography I practice. On the journey back back I decided to spend an hour at Wren's Nest in Dudley, West Midlands, UK https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wren's_Nest Wren's Nest is a productive Silurian site, particularly for corals such as favosites and rugosa. Here's a fine looking chap at the site
  21. JohnBrewer

    Calymene Blumenbachii

    From the album: Trilobites

    Calymene Blumenbachii, Silurian, Wenlock formation, Wrens Nest, Dudley, West Midlands, U.K. The first trilobite i found.
  22. JohnBrewer

    Wrens Nest slab

    From the album: Multi-slabs

    Don't know what this is yet. Slab from Wrens Nest, Dudley, The Midlands, U.K. Silurian Wenlock limestone formation.
  23. JohnBrewer

    Multi-slab from Wrens Nest, Dudley, uk

    From the album: Multi-slabs

    Another slab from Wrens Nest, Dudley, The Midlands, U.K. Silurian Wenlock limestone formation.
  24. JohnBrewer

    Slab from Wrens Nest, Dudley, U.K.

    From the album: Multi-slabs

    Crinoid slab from Wrens Nest, Dudley, The Midlands, UK. Silurian Wenlock Limestone Formation.
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