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  1. shark57

    Large Hemipristis serra Shark Tooth

    From the album: Fossils

    This is my largest Hemipristis tooth. At 2.001 inches it just barely gets me into the 2 inch snaggletooth club! I found it in Yorktown Formation sediments in the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina.
  2. Amber Thompson

    Mammal tooth ID Help

    Hey! Any ideas what kind of tooth this may be? I found it in a fresh water spring. It’s been broken on one side.
  3. This is something I just found out yesterday, but feel is amazing enough to share on the fourm (especially to all those who study Carcharocles (Otodus) megalodon)!!! I was researching shark diversity during the late Eocene when I came across some info on a fossil Shark rostral node specimens from the Zanclean Pilocene sections of the Yorktown Formation dating around 5.3-3.6 Million Years ago in what is now North Carolina. The Specimens USNM 474994, 474995, 474996, 474997, 474998, and 474999 belongs to juvenile sharks (with USNM 474998 belonging to an individual shark of about 1.46 meters (4.8 feet) in length). Originally believed to be rostral nodes of a Lamna sp., they were reanalyzed and discovered by Scientists Dr. Frederik H. Mullen and Dr. John W.M. Jagt to be from Juvenile Otodontidae Sharks. (also, USNM = National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., U.S.A.) Mollen, F.H. and Jagt, J.W.M. (2012). The taxonomic value of rostral nodes of extinct sharks, with comments on previous records of the genus Lamna (Lamniformes, Lamnidae) from the Pliocene of Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina (USA). Acta Geologica Polonica, 62(1), 117–127. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262142193_The_taxonomic_value_of_rostral_nodes_of_extinct_sharks_with_comments_on_previous_records_of_the_genus_Lamna_Lamniformes_Lamnidae_from_the_Pliocene_of_Lee_Creek_Mine_North_Carolina_USA Reconstruction by Tyler Greenfield, 2021 This research also strongly indicates/directly suggests these rostral node specimens might belong to fetal or newborn individuals of Carcharocles (Otodus) megalodon!!! If correct, it would be the one of the most significant finds in terms of non-tooth C. megalodon fossil material since the relatively recent discovery of specimen IRSNB P9893 (also known as IRSNB 3121), a pretty complete C. megalodon fossil vertebrae column from a Miocene Formation in what is now Belgium!!! Shimada, Kenshu & Bonnan, Matthew & Becker, Martin & Griffiths, Michael. (2021). Ontogenetic growth pattern of the extinct megatooth shark Otodus megalodon —implications for its reproductive biology, development, and life expectancy. Historical Biology. 33(12), 1-6. 10.1080/08912963.2020.1861608. https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10293771
  4. Found these in eastern NC river this weekend and could use some help identifying. It was in an area most likely Yorktown , found among great white teeth, a horse tooth, tilly bones, whale bone and some shell fragments. Lot of reworked material in the gravel. This item looks like the bones of the front of a lower jaw to me but these holes off to the sides confuse me - they are rounded inside like a tooth or tusk might have sat in them but the angles are odd - I could be wishful thinking here - just seemed out of the ordinary to me. Then the other is a bone it’s much lighter and the pores are much larger than the whale bone typical in the area and I can’t get the best photo of contours but it really looks similar to a foot or leg bone of a mammal I just don’t know what - but I’ll accept it could just be a worn whale rib bone - just gotta be sure, ya know? I don’t ever come across much mammal stuff so I’m struggling to say for sure and any help is appreciated! @bbostick your the main man I know can say if whale or not if you don’t mind sharing input!
  5. AshHendrick

    Front/upper Cow or tiger debate?

    Please help me on the id of this tooth - I have narrowed down to likely being tiger upper or cow shark upper - can’t decide which. It’s slightly worn and from aurora material about 6 years ago.
  6. Found this digging in greens mill run NC the other day - was in stuff that was a mix of the Yorktown and Cretaceous typical for that creek - so found with crow shark, great whites , giant whites , whale bone fragments and ear bones etc.. It reminds me in shape of the tooth root chunks I frequently find at gmr of the enchodus but obviously much much much larger than those and the bone on this is much more porous as well though I’m not experienced enough to know if that’s from aging wear or not, honestly. Anyhow if anyone knows what tooth root segment this might be from or if I’m totally off and maybe it’s something mammal , any assistance is greatly appreciated! Last photo is the stuff I found (and actually kept) in the same area and with a pen for reference of size.
  7. Fossil_Adult

    James River

    The James river was not what I had expected. I was hoping to find a meg the size of my hand, but that didn’t happen. No worries, I had a lot of fun. I saw a river otter, a lot of osprey, eagles, and more wildlife which was fun to look at from a distance. The first day of the trip, we went over the east over formation, I collected mostly whale bone from that day and nothing else spectacular. It was only when we went to a Yorktown exposure on the last hour of the trip that I found three stunning chesapectens, including what I think the biggest one to be a jeffersonius. Later that day, I went to a nearby creek in Williamsburg where I found the large red ecphora from. The third day, I found some beautiful Gastropods including another ecohora, a whelk, and a beautiful olive shell with a nice gleam on it (no I didn’t apply anything it’s naturally shiny). And besides the olive, the best finds of the day include the large coral and the large colonial wine bottle bottom, which is one of my favorite artifacts I have even though it’s incomplete. Anyways, enough talking, here’s some of the photos from that trip. the total haul: whale bone and gastropods: gastropods. The red ecphora was found in a creek and the olive shell is one of my favorite gastropods found that day. It’s definitely a stunner! here’s the chesapectens I found, including what I think is a jeffersonius on the top left. large piece of coral. colonial wine bottle bottom. This was found near nathaniel bacons castle so maybe nathaniel bacon and his posse of evil doers came through this area? It’s a stretch but that’s my hypothesis. Next week I’m taking some kayaks out and I’m getting a large megalodon tooth. I can’t keep festering in my squalor knowing that I don’t have a large tooth in my collection this year yet. It just isn’t right.
  8. ThePhysicist

    Carcharhinus obscurus

    From the album: Sharks

    "Dusky shark" Yorktown Fm., Lee Creek Mine, Beaufort Co., Aurora, NC, USA
  9. historianmichael

    Virginia Shell Hunt

    Last month my girlfriend and I took a trip to her parents' vacation house in North Carolina and on the drive down and the drive back we visited the Yorktown Battlefield and made a couple of fossil collecting stops in the Williamsburg area. These sites exposed the Late Miocene Eastover Formation (Cobham Bay Member) and Early Pliocene Yorktown Formation (Sunken Meadow Member). While we enjoyed weather in the low 50s during our stops on the drive down, we had to combat temperatures in the 30s and snow and frozen ground during our stops on the drive back. Though she did join me for some of it, to say the least my girlfriend spent most of the time on the drive back in the car while I collected in the field. I cannot thank @MikeR enough for his patience and assistance in identifying some of my finds. My favorite site we visited was actually our very first stop. We ended up visiting this site again on our drive back, so the photos are of our combined finds over both trips. The site is a shell bed full of Chesapecten middlesexensis and other cool shells dating to the Late Miocene. The fossils are preserved in life position so shells are simply stacked on each other, making this site just rich with fossil shells. On our walk back to our car we ended up speaking with a local property owner who said that he too has a shell bed on his property and has even found a whale vertebra there. Unfortunately no whale bones were found during our visits to this site. We were fortunate to find quite a few unbroken Chesapecten middlesexensis, including eight that have both valves I had a lot of fun searching for the largest and the smallest C. middlesexensis that I could find. Although I found one smaller, the smallest one that I was able to safely bring home is this one that is about 1.3 cm wide While the largest one that I found - and now proudly displayed in my house - is about 22cm wide! It is complete with both valves and has some barnacle pieces and a little bit of coral on the other side Here is a photo of the excavation of this behemoth scallop Some of my other favorite Chesapecten middlesexensis include these two shells covered with coral (Septastrea marylandica). The first one is my second largest find, measuring 20cm wide And this smaller one with barnacles (Balanus concavus) on it Some of the colors on the shells are amazing, including this one that I call blue jean blue Another highlight find was this partial Ecphora kochi covered with barnacles, coral, bryozoan and even a tiny tube worm Here are some of my other finds: Astarte cobhamensis Costaglycymeris mixoni (including one with both valves) Cyclocardia vautrotorum Dallarca carolinensis Dosinia blountana Isognomon (Hippochaeta) sp. Lirophora vredenburgi Mansfieldostrea geraldjohnsoni (with both valves) Marvacrassatella urbannaensis (with both valves) Fragment of C. middlesexensis with Septastrea marylandica and Balanus concavus Serpulorbis cf. granifera Spisula bowlerensis Turritella subvariabilis After cleaning my finds I decided to screen the excess material and search it for tiny gastropods and bivalves. Some of my effort is in the fossils above, but here are two of my smaller finds Epitonium humphreysii Parvilucina crenulata After a couple of hours driving around the Yorktown Battlefield National Historic Park, we made our second and last stop of the day - York River near the mouth of Indian Field Creek. This site is a well-known exposure of the Yorktown Formation, Sunken Meadow Member. When we arrived, I was astonished by the amount of shells just lying on the beach. Unfortunately almost all of the fossils on the beach were heavily water worn, so I decided to only keep a couple of things. A shark tooth of a requiem shark (Carcharinus sp.) A broken and worn Ecphora gardnerae Three large coral chunks (Septastrea marylandica) Some bryozoan (Tretocycloecia sp.) We ended up spending about two weeks in North Carolina, and while we worked remotely from the house, it was a nice change of scenery. Our first stop on the drive back was a different exposure of the Eastover Formation, Cobham Bay Member. While we found some of the same fossils at this site, the micro fossils were much more abundant. I had a lot of fun screening and picking through the excess material from cleaning my finds. Here are some of our finds from this stop: Chesapecten middlesexensis. By comparison to the ones above, the largest one we decided to keep from this site is only 3.3cm wide The number of isolated barnacles (Balanus concavus), including some barnacles on barnacles, was a real treat
  10. historianmichael

    Virginia Miocene/Pliocene Shells

    Last month I collected fossil shells at several exposures in Virginia of the Late Miocene Eastover Formation (Cobham Bay Member) and Early Pliocene Yorktown Formation (Sunken Meadow Member). While my intention was to focus on the larger fossils, when I got home and started to clean my finds, I thought it would be cool to screen the excess debris and see what else I had found. Although I ended up finding a lot of tiny shells and shell fragments, they require a microscope to see and the fine details have made identification challenging. I have consulted several publications on these formations and yet I am a bit stumped on these last ten fossils. Any help further narrowing these down would be greatly appreciated! Eastover Formation #1 #2- Gari sp.? #3- Nucula sp.? Yorktown Formation #4 #5 #6- Chama congregata? #7- Chama congregata? #8 #9 #10
  11. wellwellwell

    Virginia mammal tooth

    Hello! i recently found a small, broken mammal molar. The occlusal surface is worn flat partially, this maybe difficult to see from the photos, it seems small to be an older pig, but pig was my first guess. If that is correct I guess it would most likely not be a “fossil”, although it seems to have some qualities consistent with mineralization. Is it conceivably human, about the same size and in better shape than some of mine! Very curious find for me and probably obvious for some members. thanks for your time!
  12. OK. I spent Sat on the James River collecting. It wasnt a great tooth trip, only found one sand shark. But its NICE. LOL I did, of course, find plenty of Chesapectens. Jeffersonius is my favorite, so I snagged a LOT of them. I also picked up a number of Madisonius. I think. Thats the first question. These ARE Madisonius, yes?
  13. Greetings everyone! I'm hoping someone might be able to help ID something that is not in the best of condition/shape. It's quite unusual from what I typically see/find here in Eastern NC - at first I was thinking the root of a whale tooth but it's not like any I've seen/found myself before. So, I'm hoping someone might be able to give direction if this is a tooth root or maybe even a small tusk root, possibly? There is only a tiny bit of enamel present on the tip where the tooth would be and the texture on the "inside" is somewhat similar looking to what I'd see in whale or maybe even a sliver of mastadon tooth but not quite - I tried to get as clear of images as I could but if different angles are needed, just let me know! Any help is greatly apprecaited! Found: Eastern NC - outside of Greenville - in a River- items commonly found in this same area (within the gravel deposit)/around it are large chunks of whale bone (Ear bone, rib, skull and verts), Great White, Giant White and meg shark teeth, and some shell concretions. I've found nothing indicating there is cretaceous within this small area to date and cannot recall finding any other mammal material within this location, either.
  14. msomma12

    Yorktown Formation ID

    Two species from the Yorktown Formation along the James River in Virginia that I cannot identify. One a coral (if not genus name, family?) and the other what I presume to be part of a bivalve. Both are very common yet I cannot find them in any references. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  15. sixgill pete

    Interesting Yorktown Bivalve

    I found this bivalve in a clump of matrix that was attached to one of my other finds on a recent trip to the Tar River with @MikeR and @AshHendrick. I have never found one of these before nor seen one. Pliocene Yorktown Formation Rushmere Member. My best guess on this one is Pododesmus sp. It is 1.53 inch long (39 mm) and 1.42 inch wide (36.3 mm)
  16. SunnySmilodon

    Saturday at Aurora

    I had a pretty great day at Aurora yesterday. This was my third time there ever, and I managed to convince my boyfriend, father, and uncle (none of whom are as fascinated with fossils as I am) to tag along. I mostly stayed at the pile with my boyfriend, and was a bit bummed out because it seemed like everybody but me was finding decent sized megs and chubutensis left and right! I did find a nice snaggletooth though, and bought a few buckets to take home since we had to leave earlier than I expected. I'm so glad I did, because in the first bucket I found a pretty big meg tooth fragment. I also found a few more dolphin teeth and a nice cow shark tooth. I always seem to find the things I want to find, for the most part, because I remember remarking to everybody in the car that I wanted a few more dolphin teeth and at least one half decent cow shark tooth since the only other one I had came from Purse back in Maryland.
  17. sixgill pete

    Heart Clam

    These are rarely found at this locality, especially with both valves.
  18. hemipristis

    Cetacean? teeth from the Yorktown

    hi all, Here are three teeth from the Pliocene Yorktown at LC. When found, I was told "pilot whale", which hasn't helped much. I do believe that they are from a tooth cetacean though. Could anyone hazard a guess as to genus/species? thanks in advance
  19. hemipristis

    Mystery items from LC: Marine mammal?

    Here are a pair of head-scratchers that I found i at LC. The first is from the Pungo River Fm I thought was a bivalve steinkern, but it is not carbonate, which one would expect in the lime layers of the formation (that, or phosphate, and itisnt phosphate). There is still some matrix on it. So that leaves me with maybe some portion of the bulla/ear region of a marine mammal, but that's purely a guess. The second is from the Pliocene Yorktown Fm, and the material appears to be the same as that of cetacean tympanic bulla. But it doesn't look like one, or like anything Ive seen from a cetacean. Any ideas? thanks
  20. sixgill pete

    Cadulus or Polyschides?

    This Scaphopod is from the Pliocene Yorktown Formation, Rushmere Member. Found in some matrix from the inside of a large Ecphora from the Tar River in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. One resource I have at home (NCFC volume 2, Fossil Molluscs) calls this Polyschides thallus while every online resource I can find online calls it Cadulus thallus. I cannot find any resource showing a change in Genus from Cadulus to Polyschides. Does anyone have a resource showing this? Which one is correct?
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