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  1. Hello all. I have this one shark tooth from the London clay and I’m really stuck on its identity. I’ve already ruled out Striatolamia due to the lack of lingual folding and shape of the cusplets. The only two options I have are Hypotodus verticalis and Glueckmanotodus heinzelini, but it has features of both and also has features that both do not present. It’s from the London Clay formation at Walton-on-the-Naze, UK. The age is early Eocene (Ypresian). Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Othniel C. Marsh

    Ray tooth plates

    Below are three ray tooth plates, all of which are supposed to be from the Ypresian of the Ouled Abdoun Basin in Morocco. It may well be the case that ray tooth plates can't be identified to a genus or species level, but I thought it was worth an attempt. Thanks in advance for any proposed ID's Othniel
  3. oollisD

    Shark teeth ID help

    Hi. I'm a final year undergraduate student doing my dissertation on sharks. There are a few teeth I found which I feel I should be able to identify given some features preserved, and I don't want to just leave them as indet. They were found at Walton-on-the-Naze, UK, from the lowermost London Clay Formation, Eocene (Ypresian) in age. All photos show teeth in the best view that I could capture with me camera/have most of the specimen in focus. Scale bar on the right = 1cm. For all teeth they are in lingual (left), labial (middle) and mesial (right) views where applicable. Apologies for the lateral photos being so blurry, didnt get the chance to run them through focus stacking Thanks in adavance. Also, if people want to ask me any questions on the disso feel free to.
  4. oilshale

    Hypsiprisca sp.

    Juvenile Priscacara can be easily distinguished from juvenile Hypsacantha by their distinctly rounder body shape. Grande distinguishes two forms of Hypsiprisca: Hypsiprisca hypsacantha (originally described by Cope in 1886 under the name Priscacara hypsacantha) and a second yet undescribed, closely related form Hypsiprisca sp. H. sp. is more common than H. hypsacantha: H. sp. are mostly very small individuals less than 60mm long. Quotation L. Grande (2013): "The second species that remains undescribed differs from H. hypsacantha in being more slender-bodied and having a more convex posterior tail fin margin (H. hypsacantha has a very slightly forked tail margin)." References: Whitlock, J. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Eocene percomorph fishes †Priscacara and †Mioplosus Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Volume 30 – Issue 4, pages 1037-1048. Grande, L. T. (2013). The Lost World of Fossil Lake: Snapshots from Deep Time. University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 13: 978-0-226-92296-6.
  5. Hello! Over the past half year I have been collecting shark teeth on the Belgian north sea coast from dredged sand. I have gathered the ones that are complete and identifiable to figure out specifics but the mackerel sharks prove difficult. Luckily I have a page with multiple species from the specific beaches and deposits I visited. (Onderkaak = lower jaw, Bovenkaak = upper jaw). However, this does not include all of the possible species. Many are from the ypresian, the vast majority are eocene of course. This should narrow it down immensely already. My resources are limited though. I have front-back views of my teeth collected and have given them numbers for easy differentiation. I’ve also tried to sort similar ones together. I think most of them could be striatolamia macrota but there are subtle root shape and tooth size differences that I have 0 experience with. I hope more knowledgeable shark enthusiasts here can help with this. I also added some quick side views to showcase that no. 1 and 11 do have a curve to them whereas most of the others are either perfectly flat or pointing slightly up (when lying down with the flatter side underneath). With eocene shark teeth ID, my biggest issue is always not knowing if tooth differences are merely related to placement in the mouth, or if they are actually differences between species. I will provide closeup sideviews of specific teeth if necessary for ID.
  6. Othniel C. Marsh

    Crocodilian Teeth

    Below are 10 crocodile teeth from the Ypresian age of the Moroccan Phosphates, none of which have been identified. I've numbered them to make it easier to keep track of them as they all look rather similar. Thanks in advance for any proposed IDs Othniel
  7. gremlinshow

    Turtle underside with associated bones

    From the album: Sheppey, Eocene, London clay Turtle (Most likely Puppigerus sp.)

    The underside of the turtle is equally well preserved and exposed.
  8. gremlinshow


    From the album: Sheppey, Eocene, London clay Turtle (Most likely Puppigerus sp.)

    The complete fossil with associated bones layed out on a 10mm square scale.
  9. Marco90

    Striatolamia macrota

    From the album: My collection in progress

    Striatolamia macrota Agassiz 1843 Location: Morocco Age: 56-48 Mya (Ypresian, Eocene, Paleogene) Measurements: 1,8x2,8 cm Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Chondrichthyes Subclass: Elasmobranchi Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Lamniformes Family: Odontaspididae
  10. oilshale

    Atractosteus simplex (Leidy, 1873)

    Atractosteus simplex and A. atrox occur mainly in Fossil Lake deposits where they are relatively rare (less than 0.05% of the fish fauna). The long snouted gars are much rarer in Lake Gosiute and Lake Uinta deposits. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Emended species diagnosis from Grande 2010, p. 471: “†Atractosteus simplex differs from other species in the genus by the following characters A-E. (A) Having a lower number of lateral line scales than any other species except for †A. messelensis sp. nov. (Table 184). (B) Having a lower number of abdominal vertebrae than any other species except for †A. messelensis sp. nov. (Table 182). (C) Differs from †A. messelensis sp. nov. in having a shorter premaxilla relative to head length (Table 180). (D) Differs from †A. messelensis sp. nov. in having a shorter head relative to standard length (Table 180). (E) differs from A. spatula and A. tristoechus in that the dermosphenotic forms part of the orbital margin as in A. tropicus." Line drawing from Grande 2010, p. 475 : Identified by oilshale. References: Grande, L. (2001) An Updated Review of the Fish Faunas From the Green River Formation, the World’s Most Productive Freshwater Lagerstätten. Eocene Biodiversity, 1–38. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-1271-4_1 . Grande, L., Kammerer, Ch. & Westneat, M. (2006) Comparative and Developmental Functional Morphology of the Jaws of Living and Fossil Gars. // Journal of Morphology, Vol 267, Issue 9, 1017-1031. Grande, L. (2010) An Empirical Synthetic Pattern Study of Gars (Lepisosteiformes) and closely related Species, based mostly on Skeletal Anatomy. The Resurrection of Holostei.// Copeia, 2010, No 2A, 1-863.
  11. A few months back I recieved a bucket full of material from the (now closed) Tielt Formation, Egem, Belgium (Eocene, Ypresian, 53 mya) The material should be rich in shark teeth (I am waiting for the spring weather to go through it all) but there were some very nice Gastropods and Bivalves in the mix as well. Unfortunately Bivalves and Gastropods are far from my speciality, especially Cenozoïc ones... So I was hoping someone here might have some more experience with these critters here to might ID them. 1: Some Bivalves 2) A block with some bivalves, a gastropod and a Rotularia below. 3: A nice Gastropod 4: A gastropod 5: Another Gastropod
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