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  1. C2fossils

    Unknown sacrum

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Found in east Kansas
  2. From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    Nice maxillary skull section of an American Beaver. Nicely mineralized, teeth were more blue when found; however they have since faded to what is seen in photo. E Kansas, glacial deposits #VL60 6/30/24

    © CC BY-NC

  3. Found this recently in glacial till material in E Kansas. What I find unusual is the rather thick neural process- I’ve personally never seen anything like it. Any ideas, suggestions, or corrections are greatly appreciated; I’m trying to learn more about iding vertebrae. Measurements in cm/mm As always thank you everyone!
  4. Huntwi

    Fossil identification

    Hi everyone I’m very new to this and recently got two fossils that I’m hoping some of you may be able to help recognize. The first is a black bone found I believe in the ocean off Florida. I was told it was a deer humerus but looking at a modern deer humerus I’m not so sure. Could be deer just different bone? The other was one is the lower jaw bones of what I was told may be from a rabbit or rodent. Looking in a fossil book I’m thinking it’s possibly a beaver based on teeth. Old but not a fossil I’m thinking since it’s not stone? Regardless of what they are I think they’re pretty great so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Sebassie

    Small rodent tibia?

    Found this mineralized tibia at the Zandmotor beach in the Netherlands. This beach is known for Pleistocene fossils. I don’t know much about rodents, but it was suggested to me that it might be Arvicola amphibius. It is probably a bit too large for mouse or mole. I would love to hear thoughts/suggestions on what it might be.
  6. PeaceRiverHistory

    Peace River rodent jaw

    Hello all, I found this rodent jaw near Wauchula in the Peace River last Winter. I finally sat down with some books and I believe it is pocket gopher of the genus Orthogeomys, can anybody confirm the genus or add a species? Thank for you any help! The photo reference is O. propinetis, late Pliocene found in Citrus County from the book The Fossil Vertebrates of Florida by Richard C Hulbert Jr.
  7. Jef Heyndrickx

    Small recent skull found

    Hi everyone, Today I was working in the garden and found a small, recent skull. I tried to identity it but after an hour scrolling through skulls I gave up. I think that it most resembles to a rat skull but this one is shorter and has a wider top part. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
  8. Guest

    Mississippi Pleistocene Jaws

    These are from the Pleistocene of Mississippi
  9. ParkerPaleo

    White River Prep - Rodent

    I was inspired by another WR post and thought I'd share what I was working on today. I had a small rock with a sliver of rostrum showing (white bone). Poked at it a bit with a microjack and it just kept going. All scope work so far. Was hoping for a cranium but no such luck. No nasals either. Now I'm trying to decide how it should display and how I was to expose the cheek teeth. Here it is sitting flat. And I'm thinking I will stand it on edge for display, like so. Will have to remove the matrix on top and prep out the cheek teeth to identify. My initial guess is Paradjidaumo though based on the short incisors and size.
  10. diginupbones

    Tiny jaw with teeth

    My best guess is rodent. Hoping one of the experts can narrow down a bit.North central Nebraska. Miocene Thanks
  11. vietnamfossil

    Rodent bone from Niah caves need ID

    These bone from ex-collection of Tom Harrison which excavated in Niah from the 50s - 60s. The location is Lobang Hangus which layer 30” dated to 12500BP. I know those bone could be from rodent but I don’t know if it is squirrel or rat or any rodent. Please help me to get it identify! Thank you
  12. SawTooth

    Summer travels

    I went on a fossil hunting trip a few weeks ago but have not had the time to post it until now. It was a very successful trip, I got my first complete tapir teeth some nice deer teeth,and a few other strange fossils. Any ID help is appreciated. sorry about the picture quality, my camera is not the best.1. bobcat, maybe raccoon tooth, it looks predatory, but it's pretty small.2. other strange tooth and fragment that appears to be from a similar animal.3. predator, maybe worn Coyote, not much of an enamel pattern. 4. Rodent, any chance of a specific species?5. Weird thing that appears to have enamel.6. claw core, maybe tortoise.7. vertabre, gator maybe?
  13. Hey all, I have another bone identification I need help with. I have these odd looking rodent skulls (I assume rodent because of the large incisors). I have seven of them total, the smallest being 2 inches (5cm) in length, and the largest being 4 inches (10 cm). All of them have that exposed sinus cavity and rounded orbital. Any idea what they could be? Best bet is a rabbit but I would like to be sure.
  14. SawTooth

    bone and rodent jaw

    Hello, I am new to the Fossil Forum but have been looking for fossils for about a year. Yesterday we went Fossil hunting and found these two fossils (along with many other Miocene age fossils) one is some sort of bone, and the other a rodent jaw but I was wandering if anyone knew the specifics? The jaw is from a creek, and the bone is from a land site. They were found in the same city, and are from the Miocene.
  15. TyrannosaurusRex

    Rodent Tooth?

    Hey all! I’ve got a really strange piece I’d love to get identified. It’s owned by my school, and I’m trying to help identify things that don’t have ids so they can be cataloged. Any help is appreciated! It’s out of Kleburg county which has a lot of Pleistocene Beaumont formation. Mammals are pretty far out of what I know. I didn’t have much time to take these photos, and didn’t see a chewing surface. (Granted I only had a couple seconds to take a photo, I had to run to my next class) Thank you!
  16. PaleoNoel

    Pocket Gopher Femur, SD

    Hi everyone, I was just browsing @PrehistoricFlorida's website and my eye was caught by what was labelled as a pocket gopher femur (trust me there were many more impressive fossils that caught my eye as well). Reason being, I found a very similar bone on a hunt in South Dakota's Hell Creek formation back in 2019. I kept it, hoping in my heart of hearts that it was fossilized, but keeping my expectations low. The rusty staining on the bone made me think there was a chance it was just a beautifully preserved Cretaceous limb bone, but I knew it was most likely recent. It's about 2.5 cm long and .7 cm wide at the proximal end. I'm interested in your opinions about whether or not I can confirm this bone as modern/recent. Floridian specimen. Dakotan specimen.
  17. ParkerPaleo

    White River Prep - Rodent

    I've been in the lab this fall/winter but preparation has taken a back seat to the plastics/replicas operations. As things start to wind down with plastics around this time of year, I'm embarking on my next prep project. This specimen is from the same Wyoming locality as the Herpetotherium I posted about recently but was found many years ago(~15?). It appears to just be an upper skull of a small rodent but there is some hope for lowers. I pulled this piece out of its field packaging in April but just now starting preparation in earnest. So far, all I've done is rough prep around the boundary to remove the bulk matrix surrounding it. It was attached to a larger block but there is no evidence of any additional bone fragments in the other block. The bulk removal was done with my trusty ARO but all prep going forward will be done under magnification with a Paleotool's Microjack-3 or pin vices. Identification will take a while but we'll talk about the process as I get the specimen uncovered. If I had to guess at this point, I suspect it to be Paradjidaumo. Time will tell if I'm correct.
  18. Brandy Cole

    Rodent teeth in matrix?

    So I picked up a small piece in the sandy, South Texas Pleistocene gravel the other day because it looked like there might have been some tooth enamel, but it was so covered in a sandstone matrix that I wasn't sure what it might be. The sandstone wouldn't come off with water, but when I dipped it in vinegar last night, it started to melt away. I pulled it out quickly and rinsed it with water and realized it looks like a set of top and bottom front teeth. Maybe rat? My problem is this: the matrix is hiding a lot of detail here, and I'd ideally like to clean it off completely. But it may also be the only thing holding the upper and lower halves together. Any suggestions?
  19. Rubykicks

    Rodent jaw

    I found this mandible (I think) near Bloomington, Indiana over the weekend and was wondering if anyone could give me an ID on it. I believe it's the mandible of a rodent, but that's about as far as I get. Seems to large for a mouse or rat, but maybe a muskrat, shrew (if those are bigger?), or squirrel? And I'm guessing it's more recent rather than fossil?
  20. Good morning! Found this little interesting tooth in my Post Oak Creek matrix. Did a bit of online research and have concluded (tentatively) that it is a vole molar, possibly Pleistocene? I don't think it's modern because of the coloration. I have seen that fossil rodent teeth have been found in POC matrix. What do y'all think? Size 4mm
  21. With my last project wrapping up, this small skull was sitting on my desk and needs to get done. Way too much of my collection is in a half done state. Eumys is a cricetid, which includes modern voles, hamsters, mice and rats. When identifying one, the primary character I use is the shape of M1 and the fact it has no premolars. It's the only White River rodent I'm aware of with 3 teeth in the maxilla, most have 4 or 5 (I am prepared to be contradicted ) . M1 is very distinctive in that it has 5 cones. My plan is to remove the matrix from the side of the skull and expose the zygomatic (if its fully there). Will leave matrix in the orbits for stability. Then cut the base of the block below the occiptals and have the nose pointing in the air. I have been doing alot of pin and vice work to get it to this current state, I'll use a MicroJack-3 to get rid of the majority of the block. Not the greatest skull, and I have some better ones, but definitely something that you don't see every day.
  22. PaleoNoel

    Peace River Incisor?

    Found this on my 2018 trip to Florida, I believe it is a rodent incisor and I would like to confirm that. And if it is, does anyone have any indication as to what variety it belongs to? It's about 2 cm long.
  23. Found these little fragments when looking around in Post Oak Creek near Sherman, Texas. To me they resemble rodent teeth, and I've certainly found non-fossilized ones out there, but these are definitely fossilized. Any idea what they could be? Largest fragment is 16mm long and 4mm wide. Close up shot is the wider end of the fragment, which shows a really cool cross section of the piece.
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