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  1. Hi everyone, My last hunt of 2018 was incredible. And quite surprising too! For Xmas, we went to Middelburg in Zeeland to visit my mother's family, which is always a huge load of fun for me because I get to hang out with all my cousins, that I don't see very often. Anyways, one of the days, they all wanted to do a big walk on one of the beaches. At first they wanted to go to Dishoek, but I managed to convince them to go to the Banjaard instead. Once arrived, we split into 2 groups: one was my mother, my eldest cousin (18), my 2nd-youngest cousin (6), and I. All the rest went to the other group. The other group just walked, but our little group did something much more interesting... You guessed it: fossil hunting! As soon as we got onto the beach, we almost immediately found our first fish vertebra, but after that we seemed to have hit a small dry spell for nothing really worthy was being found. A few common fossil bivalves here and there, but nothing more. For my two cousins, it was their first time fossil hunting, and we had to give them a few examples to show them what to look for. I told them to focus on the fish vertebrae, because these were the easiest to recognize. The smaller one also did a lot of shell-hunting on her own, always picking up the most colorful ones and saying this one was Mama shell, this one Papa shell, this one Sister, etc until she made one giant family of orange shells Then after about an hour or two of hunting with rather little success, we finally hit these little shell banks on the beach. And there, BINGO! Gastropod after gastropod, we couldn't stop finding an incredible amount of them. On the Dutch shores, fossil (and modern too) gastropods are generally much less common than fossil bivalves. So the amount we found here was very surprising!
  2. Max-fossils

    Banjaard beach hunt

    Hi everyone, Last month, as I stayed a weekend at my grandparent's house, we decided to go to the Banjaard beach for some fossil hunting. I had asked Bram Langeveld (Natuurhistorisch Rotterdam) and Ronald Pouwer (Naturalis) which one of the "Zeeuwse stranden" (beaches of Zeeland, a province in the south-west Netherlands) was currently the best to hunt at. Both said that they were hearing some good stuff about the Banjaard beach recently, which has mainly Pleistocene fossils (including Eemian shells). Seeing that I can also find Eemian shells and other Pleistocene stuff at the Zandmotor, my usual hunting spot, I was a little reluctant at first, but still ended up going there. Good thing I did, because it was a rather successful hunt! The weather was really nice, bright blue skies and fresh (but not cold) temperatures.
  3. Max-fossils

    Bone piece from the Banjaard

    Hi everyone, I found this bone piece on the Banjaard beach in Zeeland, Netherlands. It is most likely Pleistocene in age, but could be a little older. Seeing the structure in the inside I think it's part of the skull of some kind of big mammal, but I'm not completely sure. Do you guys agree with cranium piece? Any clues as to which animal it might have belonged? Let me know if more pictures are needed. Thanks in advance, Max
  4. Max-fossils

    Tooth (?) from Zeeland

    Hi all, When I saw this specimen on the beach of Banjaard (in Zeeland, Netherlands), I picked it up thinking it was just a small piece of bone with a weird shape. But now that I've been looking at it more closely I am almost completely convinced that it is in fact a worn out tooth from some kind of mammal (perhaps dolphin or seal?). There are some small bits of enamel left on the (thinner; right side on the first photos) tip of the tooth. The Banjaard beach has mostly Pleistocene stuff, but older things can wash up occasionally (the same day I found a Pliocene and an Eocene shell, so there's a real mix of stuff). So this tooth has a possible age of pretty much the whole Neogene. I tried to capture the enamel bits on camera but it's pretty difficult. This is my best attempt, hopefully it is good enough to see the separation between normal bone and enamel. Do you guys think it is possible to say anything more about this little fossil? Thanks in advance, Max
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