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  1. Took me a little while to post this trip report, I'm always a busy person. This trip is from October 3rd, 2020 in Ellsworth County, Kansas at a reservoir. The predominant formation at the site I visited is Kiowa formation; which is known for marsh and delta environments in the early Cretaceous (Albian). I found some interesting things and I'll show below. Possibly some carbonized wood materials. Lignite or coal? It was flaky and would crumble if touched. It left some black powders on my hands after handling it. I found several large pieces of them together and partly encased in concretions. Putting them together would make them about a meter and half long. Piece #1: Piece #2: Backside of #2. Notice the clutches of concretions. ...continued on the next post.
  2. Can fossils be found inside the cone-in-cone structures? I have few kilograms of matrices from Kiowa Formation; which, is loaded with cone-in-cone structures. The shell coquina is found on the top and bottom of the cone-in-cone structures, like a cookie sandwich, and I am breaking it down with ultrasonic cleaner and occasionally with my hands. I have not found any fossils inside it so far and if there is no possibility for it to be found, I'll be happy to remove these unnecessary extra matrices and speed up the process to search for hidden fossil shark and fish teeth.
  3. I found these that resembles burrow or root cast in Ellsworth county, Kansas, USA from my previous trip. The formation these came from are most likely Kiowa formation/Kiowa Shale and the age is Albian. Here's the link to my previous trip. I'm just catching up with the prepping and sorting my fossils from my previous trips. I am wondering if it is some sort of ichnofossils. Is it burrow, root cast, or something else? Also, is it possible for it to be from geological origin rather than a true ichnofossil? This one is the largest I found. The center is poorly cemented sandstone and can be easily brushed off with a toothbrush while the outside layer is hard. Notice the winkles around the interior bend. The measurement is in inches (I know I need to get a metric system badly, my apologies!)
  4. The past two weeks I have made three trips to hunt for fossils, particularly from Kiowa formation/Kiowa shale here in Kansas. The first trip were local: the outcrop in my hometown, Salina. The next two trips were in Ellsworth county, Kansas; which, is only about 30 miles/48 km away from Salina. My first trip to the local outcrop were not productive: I knew it is relatively non-fossiliferous and never found any fossils there despite of growing up in this town and visiting this area all of my life. It wasn't until two weeks ago (March 25th, 2020) that I have found my first fossil from there and I'm pretty certain it's planolites burrows. The second and third trips in Ellsworth county were quite productive! I have found mostly plant and shellfish fossils but also found few trace, vertebrae and tooth fossils. The area where I found these would be underwater when the reservoir level is high. I have so much to do the basic prep for the next several weeks... My first trip to the local outcrop in Salina, Kansas, and found a fossil containing planolites-like burrows.
  5. Darbi

    Interesting fossil

    I found this very interesting fossil yesterday and I do not know what it is. Found it in Ellsworth County by Kanopolis reservoir. It's from Kiowa formation/Kiowa Shale and age is Albian. Dimension is 5/16 inches wide and 3/8 inches long or about 8 mm wide and 9.5mm long. I have never seen anything like this before and I hope somebody else have an idea what it came from!
  6. missingdigits

    Plesiosaur Tooth?

    Hello everyone. I found this in the Kiowa formation at Kanopolis Lake in Kansas (cretaceous -100mya). For those of you that don't know there is a thin layer of mostly Turritella shells and bivalves along with a few fish scales, teeth and vertebrae in a thin layer at this location. I mostly have just big chunks of turritella embedded in rocks. This piece has a small vertebrae in it along with what looks like a fragmented reptile tooth. I read on Oceans of Kansas website that plesiosaur remains albeit fragmented, are common in the Kiowa shale and thought I might have found a tooth in the matrix. It's too long and narrow for a crocodile and I don't know what else it could be. It is 2cm long End view of tooth Close up
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