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  1. Philosoraptor

    Post Glacial Bivalves from CT

    I've recently found several marine bivalve fossils that have washed ashore on a beach in south-central CT. These specimens appear to be similar to post glacial fossil-containing concretions housed at the Yale Peabody Museum that are described in the paper I've attached to this post. Even though these specimens all seemingly belong to species of bivalves that can still be found in our waters today, I find it fascinating to see first hand evidence of how long they have existed in this region. This is the first time I've found anything like this in my years of combing our local beaches, so I figured it may be of interest to others out there as well! Post-glacial fossils from Long Island Sound off West Haven Conne.pdf
  2. On a recent trip in Perú, near the coastal town San Juan de Marcona, I saw several middle to late Pleistocene marine terraces. In this one, fossil fragile clams and stout scallops are well-preserved, separately packed in thin strata. I think they are Anomia peruviana and Argopecten purpuratus. clamsscallops Also found one unidentified gastropod Photo shows clam stratum just below scallop stratum.
  3. RuMert

    Big Fili Scallops

    From the album: Late Jurassic bivalves of European Russia

    Moscow, Fili park, Volgian, Subditus zone
  4. Boy have I been away for a good bit. Quite a lot has happened since! Hope everyone's doing all right all things considered! Seeing the calamity the world is in the throes of, I decided to head out Saturday before the zombie apocalypse truly took hold here in GA. With social distancing and whatnot in effect, the options are quite limited as far as recreational activities. Thankfully, everyone's favorite activity, finding the rock-encrusted remains of life long gone is something that can be done away from prying eyes, particularly the Tivola Limestone site in Perry GA that I visited last year that produces those gorgeous Periarchus sand dollars and Chlamys scallops. After a quick pit stop at a hazmat-ified Chick-fil-A and a nice drive to Perry, we found ourselves at the site for the second time. After a short walk through mild vegetation, the abandoned quarry came into view: The rock that made up the walls seemed to be significantly darker than what we observed our first time around, a result of extended exposure to the elements. After a few early finds on top of the pit's edge, we made our descent inside via a small and less steep slope hugging a portion of the wall. In the pit, 2 hours were sunk into searching. The result: a decent haul, with a lot of prep-ables. The first thing I picked up was perhaps my favorite: an in-situ Periarchus pileussinensis that was mostly whole, with a number of small cracks visible that served to put a kind of emphasis on its age.
  5. Hello again, my fossiling friends! It has been quite some time, between graduation, moving, and preparing for a vacation to Sicily to watch active volcanoes do their thing, schedule's been pretty loaded. Since the last time we talked, I was able to fit a visit to Dalton/Chatsworth before school ended, but I never got around to posting it. Ever since I was able to talk to Thomas Thurmon at my last PAG meeting, we were looking to hit the Tivola Limestone in Perry GA as he has had experience with it before. After a rain-induced postponement the week prior, we were able to make the trip this past Saturday, and boy did the Tivola not disappoint. We arrived on the roadside to pleasant weather and a short hike to the main area. Loggers had recently been in the area, as evidenced by a number of downed trees lying around. As we hiked, it didn't take long for Thurman and I to start finding Periarchus bits to take with us (while my step-grandpa was bewildered by how quickly we could spot them ). After emerging from what was left of the forest, we had a view of our destination: Being a long since abandoned quarry, the area was huge and quite a sight to behold. Thurman guided us to an access point where we could climb down to the best of the Tivola goodness, picking up Pectens and Periarchus along the way. The inside of the pit had a huge array of goodies, with Pectens, Periarchus and more in good supply. Cont.
  6. @clay@caldiggerHad a very interesting 3 weeks in Nov/Dec beach hunting at North Myrtle Beach, SC. Every year their are different finds along with the old dependable stand-bys. Many I am familiar, some I believe I know what they are but would like confirmation from TFF members and others I have no clue. I try and be there during a high tide as I believe that it stirs up more material. This year, a KING tide occurred-a new term for me-but it occurs a few times a year when the moon is the closest to the earth. Unfortunately many homes were re-flooded after recovering from the hurricane due to this 8+ foot tide. While i did not hunt every day some days i went out morning and evening. Trying to catch (mostly not successful due to timing) a falling tide. Well here without further ado are the pictures. Starting with shark, then other fish, drum fish tooth, skate barb, sand dollar, inter casts clams, snails, complete (both sides) scallop shell and complete ark shell cast with some shell remaining, actual ark shell (only one I found the entire period). I will do a part 2 that focuses on mammal fossils I found. Edit Need help with id for 1st pic 3rd tooth in. Looks like a Carcharocles but cusplets flow into the root without making a distinct cusplet.
  7. Over the course of this year learning about the Tivola Limestone, the more I've inexplicably wanted an in-situ Eocene scallop. I've seen before that scallops with both valves attached at the hinge have been found, but how rare is such a phenomenon? Something like this:
  8. Last week I went to a doctor appointment in Naples, and on my way home I happened to pass a newly excavated pile which contained oysters large enough to be seen from the road I was driving on. The site had just started, ( in fact two days later the pile was gone) so I parked nearby and walked along the outside edge. I am glad I did. I found 5 kinds of pectens or chlamys. The two I have laid out are Nodipecten Collierensis, and Euvola Hemicyclia....three complete bi valves of each. Now I just have to figure out how to lay them out in a ryker box. Fossil hunters, take advantage of those new piles...glad south Florida is in another building boom. But I also feel terrible about all the cool things that are being destroyed, covered over by concrete...and it is unusual for a construction site to allow collecting...At this site, the boss happened to be there, and allowed me to walk it in the rain..."my guys can't work in the rain, so you may as well check it out, just this once" he said. Was I fortunate or what?
  9. dalmayshun

    Chlamys and Pectens

    Hi everyone, I am hoping to be able to grab someone's attention with a couple of questions. I am a fairly new fossil hunter, (2 years now) and try to identify the fossils I find by comparing them to other images through the forum, or from some of the internet images, such as from the Florida Museum of Paleontology. Sometimes I am successful, often I find two or three differently named fossils that look alike, so my next step to to see where they come from and if my were from the same geologic layer or time. From my latest trip I found wonderful scallops and find myself with a few questions which I am hoping someone will be kind enough to answer. 1. When the ears of a scallop or bivalve are unequal, is the longer one always to the left when looking at the shell surface, and is that always the bottom half? 2. Is there an easy visual way to tell a pecten from a chlamys? or does it have to do with interior structure? 3. Can the differences between a Carolinapecten, a Chesapeakepecten, a Christinapecten be easily discerned? 4. What is up with those unusually named fossils, in my case I am wondering about the Dimarzipecten crocus? Thanks to you bivalve and scallop experts out there for aiding me. Rod
  10. Hello again! Surprsingly, there's a part 2 to our fossil hunting! This is just as much a surprises for us than for you. Yesterday we went to visit some beaches recommended by the reception. The first one we went to was Benagil. This beach is famous for its huge cliffs, and especially for a special cave only accessible by boat. Unfortunately there was no boat to take us, so we just rested on the beach. That's when I noticed that the cliffs were exactly like those that we saw at Oura (see previous post on the Formação dos Olhos de Ãgua), so I started to look for fossils. And of course, there were plenty! Unfortunately I still didn't have a hammer, as I didn't know we would go fossil hunting again, but I found another way to carve out the fossils from the cliffs. I took a piece of a big (modern) Pectens (scallop), which was shaped like a knife, and scratched around the fossils I saw to carve them out. I was surprised by the softness of the matrix around them: it easily went away with the "knife". As you can see in this picture, there were some recent landslides that occurred. No wonder there's a "Warning: Rock Falling!" sign!
  11. I bought this shell fossil from a rock shop at the CNE because today they had free entrance for youths. It doesnt come lablled from what formation it originated from, but it said the locality was Chesapeake Bay and from the label Im assuming this is Pleistocene? I find this an interesting fossil to sit beside my Ordovician clams.
  12. From the album: Tertiary

    Baranus concavus [fossil barnacles on Chesapecten nefrens (scallop shell)] Miocene Calvert Formation Anonymous beach/Chesapeake Bay Calvert CO., Maryland
  13. From the album: Tertiary

    Chesapecten nefrens (scallop) Miocene Calvert Formation Anonymous beach/Chesapeake Bay Calvert CO., Maryland
  14. rwise

    Need Help With These Scallops

    I picked up these scallop imprints in Hood Co., TX in the Comanche Peak formation, and i need help with identification. The first intrigued me because of the perpendicular lines in the imprint. The second because of the different size dots in the lines of the imprint. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
  15. theoriginalrods

    A Good Day At The Scotia Bluffs

    I'm fairly new to fossil hunting and I live in Humboldt County, Northern CA. I took a trip out to the Scotia Bluffs for the first time yesterday and found some marine fossils. First I came across countless cockle shells which eroded off the sandstone cliiffs right next to the trail. The trail is on abandoned railroad tracks and it takes you to a bridge which was missing some boards and scary to cross. My dog was not happy but did cross with me. After that, I found a moon snail and some clams including a razor clam. After getting bit by and removing a bunch of ticks I recrossed the bridge. I then found a side trail leading up to a muddy ridge where I found the scallops. I also found what I think is petrefied wood (last picture) sitting on the trail. I forgot my bag in the car so I had to carry everything out and I don't have a rock pick yet so everything was found out in the open. Overall I had a good day and found some nice fossils. I will definetely be back with a bag and a pick!
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