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Found 19 results

  1. Raysun

    Possible sea dweller?

    Found on my family's ranch in Southern New Mexico. I found the pair together and thought they could be something. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Raysun

    Possible seabed?

    Found near the Black Range Mountains in Grant County NM. Not sure what it is if nothing but a rock. Was worth picking up either way.
  3. Brendan dura


    I have found a awesome thing my name is Brandon and I have a 5-year-old named Austin we have been digging up whatever you want to call it in my yard we have made it a journey for every time we get together to go find some for what he calls it dinosaur bones we have not yet got to figure out what it is or what's going on we would like a little bit of help for me and my little boy it could be just a pile of rock or it could be something unique thank you very much for y'all's time and have a good day
  4. davidpickavance

    I have no idea what this is

    My daughters teacher bought some fossils online and my daughter brought home the one in the attached photos. We don't have any information on what it might be or where it comes from but she wants to know what it is. Any ideas? IMG_8236.HEIC IMG_8237.HEIC IMG_8238.HEIC IMG_8239.HEIC
  5. Is this the inner whirl of an ammonite or something else? This was found in Northern Minnesota Coleraine Formation. Sorry limited photos as it was donated to the Hill Annex (mine) Palaeontology Project
  6. Found on the banks of the Rio Grande in Messilla Valley NM. I believe the area is around 36 million years old.
  7. Raysun

    Another bin find

    This has a very strange texture and it's heavier than it looks. Looking for answers please.
  8. Raysun

    Unsure if this is a fossil.

    Really not sure if this even qualifies as a fossil but here it is. It was wrapped very well inside a bin. Any thoughts? pictures may not show it but it has gorgeous color .
  9. ChrisSarahRox

    Ocean dwellers?

    Was found in Hidalgo County NM and the area is from the Maastrichtian epoch. Curious to know more about it.
  10. ChrisSarahRox

    Hoping this one brings up my average.

    This one was found near a small village called Palayas in Hidalgo County NM and from my research the areas age is from the Maastrichtian era. It is likely just a rock ( maybe calcite?) But worth the keep.
  11. Ben_M

    What on earth is this?

    I found this strange looking rock along the cliffs of Maslin Beach, South Australia. The beach is a fossil hotspot for shells but this doesn't look like a shell to me... Any idea what these strange lines are?
  12. Sinestia


    I unearthed this monster over 3 years ago while digging for a foundation. I luckily struck it with my shovel and not by backhoe. It was a very bland looking rock at first glance then I looked again and have been picking at this 38 lb rock since . I find something new every time I pick it up. So any help with what it is would be great.
  13. Aaron McKay

    New from Washington DC

    Hi All, What a wonderful resource! I am one (like so many) seeking to ID a fossil and happened upon this site. Whoever put the love and energy into this to make it what it is today should be congratulated. I'm excited to become part of the community and share what little I know. I'm new to the DC area - happy to hear of any good places to hunt for or explore fossils (besides the Smithsonian!). I'm originally from Utah/Idaho. Aaron
  14. Leesaa

    New Mexico fossil

    I found these today northwest of albuquerque. They were near an area small shark teeth can be found. I have no idea what it is. They were near each other with other pieces, broken up. So I believe they are pieces from the same creature. I will try to post more pics later.
  15. awb8432390

    Small imprint

    Hi all Found this small stone amongst the gravel on the driveway with an imprint from (I'm guessing) a sort of little sea creature. Any ideas?
  16. UndercoverN

    My agatized "knuckle bone" fossil

    Hi everyone, I was given this fossil from a friend. It came out if a collection that was given to him by a friend. I'm assuming it is a form of sea life as there were other shell fossils with it. If you hold it up to a flashlight the light passes through it and illuminates it. My friend does not know anything about it. Can u please help me identify it? Thank you!
  17. Trailgetter

    ID please

    Found today. Huge oyster and coral?
  18. MatthewS.Paleofan

    My Colorado Trip

    I had a great time in Colorado over the past weekend, got to see a lot of geological sights but my favorite part was going to this place by the mountains called the Garden of the Gods were there was all these lovely red rock formations and I was even able to get myself a really lovely red rock which is about 8 pounds and about the size of a flattened Milk gallon. Along with that I found this old sun bleached peice of curly wood that was also orange, must have been at least a few years old. Don't worry I checked With the Park Ranger if I could keep them. Also while I was visiting, since I did not bring any brushes or drainers I did not find any fossils though Fish, clams and ammunites are common there. I did however by a little 2 dollar assortment of those. Along with that the Garden of the God's sight is the home of the only partial skull of the "Theiophytalia kerri" A dinosaur described by Marsh himself. I found it out it was a single individual from a new genus of ornithopod that lived during the Aptian period of the cretaceous. I don't know about all you folk if this is the reason you love fossils but For me it's because I just like to Imagine what It would be like to live back in that time era, When Theiophytia roamed were Colorado springs would form. Not only that but at one point in time it may have been home to Acrocanthasaurus that would view it as pray. It may have also been home to Tenontosaurus and Gastonia. Maybe even a game trail at the point when the Garden of the Gods was once a thick with ferns and cycads that out looked out over an expanding in-land sea. Basically what I am saying here is it was fun, It's very sad how many Brush fires are happening to the areas as I passed by it. It's the beginning and end of an era. And traveling through time to see what Geological and ecology presided and changed as the ages went on, It only leaves me to Wonder what the next step in the planets history will be. Perhaps a Second age of Dinosaurs or a perhaps Colorado will become a desert like most of Western America. No matter what happens, Life will adapt.
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