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Registration Terms

Welcome to The Fossil Forum! Our community is a platform for individuals who share a common passion for fossils, science and prehistoric life. To ensure a positive and respectful environment, we've established some guidelines that we kindly ask you to follow. These guidelines are designed to promote constructive discussions and maintain a science-based focus.

Respectful Dialogue

The Fossil Forum requires respectful and courteous interactions. Keep in mind that it's possible to disagree without resorting to insults or sarcasm. Avoid derogatory comments or ad hominem attacks. Negative characterizations based on factors such as ethnicity, religious beliefs, political views, or profession are not acceptable.

Clarity in Communication

In the absence of physical cues, clarity in online communication is crucial. Since tone and body language are absent, make an effort to express yourself clearly. Use emojis when necessary to convey meaning, and try not to misinterpret others' intentions.

Personal Responsibility

The Fossil Forum is a service provider and is not responsible for the content you or others submit. You are solely accountable for the material you post. Ensure you have the copyright or permission for any text or image you share. Opinions expressed are those of the individual expressing them, not the administrators or moderators.

Prohibited Content

Certain types of content are strictly prohibited on The Fossil Forum. This includes pornography, obscenity, illegal activities, flaming, offensive or discriminatory remarks, political or religious discussions, threats, defamation, spamming, and nonsensical posts. Additionally, do not post links to prohibited content.

Moderator Actions

If you have questions about why a moderation action was taken, refer back to these community standards. Contact a moderator or administrator if you still have questions. Discussion of a moderator's action should be confined to private messages.

Member-to-Member Sales

Commercial activities, including sales, are restricted to the "Member-to-Member Sales" forum. Participation in this forum requires a level of established engagement in discussions. Buyers and sellers are responsible for their transactions, and disputes should be resolved privately. Commercial activities may not take place in any other public part of The Fossil Forum. The Private Message system may not be used to solicit unprompted commercial offers.

Forum Terms & Rules

By registering on The Fossil Forum, you agree to adhere to the stated rules. You understand that we are not responsible for the content of messages. We have the right to remove objectionable material and revoke memberships for any reason. Users are not allowed to post knowingly false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive or otherwise prohibited material. By submitting content, you grant The Fossil Forum a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, nonexclusive right and license to publish any such material for display on The Fossil Forum or social media pages managed for The Fossil Forum.

Thank you for joining The Fossil Forum. We look forward to your contributions!

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