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Hugh says hi

Hugh Mongous

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Hello all, I am Hugh Mongous.


I registered here today in the hopes that someone can identify one of my finds.


But since this is the introduction section, I’ll start with that.


I’m not really called Hugh and my last name is not Mongous. But you figured that out by now I guess.

My birthplace and place of residence is the Netherlands, I’m currently 36 years old and to be honest, not really a fossil hunter.

I am mildly to very interested in anything old, depending on the day and my mood.

My main interests being geology, paleontology and archaeology. Tho it has to be said my knowledge of them is somewhat lacking as I never really did anything more than read about them occasionally. Probably forgot at least half of what I red because I’m a scatterbrain…



My best friend and I were digging around in a pile of dredged up shells a while ago and found something interesting. At least, I hope it is.


So I’m going to go ahead now and make a topic in the appropriate section and see if anything comes up.



Edited by Hugh Mongous
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Welcome from Illinois, USA.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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Hello and welcome! :) 

The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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Hello, and a very warm welcome to TFF from Morocco. :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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On 7/27/2020 at 4:12 PM, Hugh Mongous said:

am mildly to very interested in anything old, depending on the day and my mood.

I’d described myself in the same way!


Welcome to the forum from Maryland, USA!!

Happy hunting,


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17 hours ago, Caseetoms said:

Welcome Hugh Mongous. Lol.  Is that a fossilized bat? 

Thanks and welcome to you too Caseetoms!


And no, unfortunately not. I thought it was a fossilized wing of some sort, but the kind people of TFF burst my bubble and ID'd it as a fish bone that is not particularly old. :DOH:

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