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First Meg and Croc Teeth Finds at Matoaka


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Went out to Matoaka Beach this past wednesday for a sunny but pretty chilly day of fossil hunting. While I do enjoy chatting with other fossil hunters, having the beach pretty much to myself for the day was really nice.


After a couple of hours pretty close to low tide, I spotted a sizable crocodile tooth rolling in the surf. I was already stoked about that, but the best was yet to come. Maybe about 30 minutes later, I was sifting around with my shark tooth sifter, and my breath caught, spotting this small but complete and terrific looking megalodon tooth. My first one! As always (at least for me), I found both pretty close to the bigger cliff falls further down the beach, for those of you familiar with the location. 


While it was freezing, it was my best trip to Matoaka to date, finding two uncommon and great quality fossil teeth. I also found a small but great quality hemi and what I think might be an aquatic mammal tooth (I'll post pictures separately for some opinions in the ID forum), as well as a few Ecphora shells.


Matoaka can sometimes be hit or miss as those who frequent the location know all too well. I usually find at least something small there, but these finds show you can really find some great stuff if you look carefully enough. 






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Thanks! Sometimes it does pay to go out in the dead of winter. The Meg had a slant height of about 1.75”, likely a juvenile animal from some of the opinions in my separate ID post.

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