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Is this an egg? If so, does anyone know what kind?


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Hello!! I’ll get right into the backstory. I bought these together, labeled as “Tyrannosaur Eggshells”! Unfortunately they came with no other information :s_confused:

They are (as you can see from attached photos) pretty small chunks. I was taken aback by how cheap they were, I’ve never bought dinosaur stuff before though so I’m not sure if that’s a normal price.


What you can’t see in the photos:

-has glittery and small crystal-like structures that shine in the light. Mostly on the sides of the shell.

-Not particularly heavy. Seems to be lighter than what a rock their size would weigh. 
-makes a “clink” sound when tapped that is similar to how fired clay/pottery sounds

-both have a slight curve


The photos are in no particular order. Thank you all so much in advance!! 






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It does look like dinosaur eggshell to me, but without provenance and at that price I think Tyrannosaurus would be very unlikely. 

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I've seen these cheap eggshell pieces from China, Argentina, and France; from what I have seen they're always sauropod. I've never seen one described as Tyrannosaurid. It would seem unlikely to me unless they can prove it

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Me neither tbh LOL! I had a pretty strong feeling it wasn’t true off the bat just based on how cheap they were, but wanted to mention it just in case! Thank you so much for the info!!! 

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They may actually be Titanosaurus (saurid) Eggshell fragments. There are, some might say unfortunately, places where large concentrations can be found. 

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Yep, as said, titanosaur (sauropod) eggshell. You often see them being sold, even in museum-shops. I haven't seen any that were labelled as having come from China or France - but, then again, I'm not paying close attention, and these countries have yielded sites with huge amounts of sauropod eggs and egg shells, such as Argentina's Auca Mahuevo...

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The eggshell is a megaloolithid sp. type shell typical of Titanosaurid type sauropods.  You find these from multiple sites from Patagonia in Argentina and are the most commonly sold but ones from France and Spain are also seen on the market 

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In addition to what Frank said, you will commonly see these sold as "Saltasaurus eggshells" as well

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