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Dinosaur egg

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Hi team!

I would really appreciate some advice on some eggs. Apologies if pics of the eggs aren’t high enough quality. 


Listed as Elongatoolithidae eggs. 
Any advice would be great. 








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I thing this is 100% fake. 100% man-make work. There are a lot of authentic eggshells attached one to each others.


Please follow this advices:

1) If it looks perfect stay away from it.  Real Dinosaur eggs have shells material that is typically cracked, missing pieces far from perfect.  It's a very very old. :)

2) Most eggshells not all have some type of ornamentation on the shell.  If it's very smooth "caution"

3) Look for detail.  Eggs are not one dimensional they have character.

4) Look for unnatural or different matrix around base of the egg.

5) Be very suspicious of clutches.  Most are fake

6) Only purchase from Domestic dealers

7) Post your interest on the forum for input.  We have LOTS of experts in this area.

8) REAL eggs are out there be patient in looking for them

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I strongly disagree with the statements above these look 100% real

Would be a great buy if you can get them for cheap

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I am also more inclined to believe that this clutch of eggs is authentic. This matrix does appear to match those from the Jiangxi region in Asia, likely Nanxiong formation which is known for producing thousands of eggs in rather good condition. The texture of the eggs seem consistent in this piece, and they don’t look like they have been set/glued in place. They are rather fractured but placements like these are pretty common for the locality, they were likely part of a larger nest but have been broken apart. Since it is highly illegal to send fossils out of China, eggs like these that are in the open market are rather hard to acquire. The quality on the shells do appear decent but the piece almost looks like it’s been doused in water which is a pretty common practise among some sellers who try to make the eggs appear better in pictures which can sometimes damage the eggs and the matrix. 

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Life started in the ocean. And so did my interest in fossils;).

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Wow thanks guys now I’m really confused haha!!! I don’t want a fake. Is there anywhere that sells legit fossil eggs that people know of? Maybe someone could message me? Cheers

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I want to remind you of my comments that was added to you're other identical post



"The eggs look real and are described properly other that providing you a proper provenance.  A concern is that one of the eggs may be composited if that bothers you.  Difficult to be sure with photos.  An oddity is the sellers first comment on the listing due to vibrations during transportation, the fossils may crack from the original crack, so I applied a thick layer of B72 to avoi d this, but if this happens, you only need to use a high concentration B72, just stick them back on.   Thats a red flag to me, what does he know that is not being communicated.  A thick layer of B72 does not harm the eggs but it does reduce the detail in the ornamentation of the eggshell.  But if the egg cracks putting eggshell back together is not a trival task."





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I agree with Troodon. Looks authentic with an area of composited shell added. 

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These are authentic - but maybe one is composited- Troodon said it already and there is nothing to add - I would rather question the origin/legality

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3 hours ago, HowrdJns899 said:

Looks like a fake, but it still looks cool in the photo!

Why does it look fake to you 


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