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Possible Icthyosaur fossil tooth from Aust, UK

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Hi, I found this tooth- like fossil in a piece of bone bed in Aust, by the Severn Bridge in Bristol UK. 

I think it is an Icthyosaur tooth but I would like an expert opinion as I am a complete amateur.

When I first found it I thought it was a bit of bone and stored it away in my shed. When I rediscovered it last week, it was crumbling badly so I did apply a bit of super glue to it to stabilise it and that's why it's a bit shiny. I know that's probably a bad thing to do but otherwise it would have disintegrated. Please could someone also advise what I should have done to stabilise it for future reference.

Thank you,






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Can not tell if ichthyosaur as looks like mostly root need photo top left side to show enamel.

the super glue is not that big an issue as will dissolve in acetone or finger nail polish remover ( scented acetone).

The acetone will thin and help the superglue to penetrate the specimen and will take the shine off surface.

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Unsure if it is an Ichthyosaur. For the moment I would assume it is not.

Does not have grooves or "ribs", looks too smooth on the surface to be an Ichthyosaur-tooth

But, not easy to decide. Could you take some pics with light from left or right side?


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Thank you everyone for your input. I really appreciate your knowledge. I also posted this on another site and it was identified as either as a marine rib bone or possibly a Pachystropheus rhaeticus bone which I found very exciting!

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