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Hey everyone,


I'm very new to fossil hunting and collecting, but the collection is growing, and I'm really wanting to get out hunting a lot more.

Iv'e looked around North wales and mostly found carboniferous fossils such as coral and also had a few trips to the east coast of England (mainly Whitby and Norfolk) but haven't had a lot of luck there yet except parts of ammonite and the odd belemnite.

So anyway, my collection so far. My main interest in ice age animals, especially European and British. But also a keen interest in prehistoric marine life.

Fossils so far:

Steppe Bison (Bison Priscus) cranium

Irish Elk (megalocerous giganteous) cranium

Partial Irish Elk (megalocerous giganteous) Left Antler

partial Juvenile cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) Jaw
Partial Cave lion (Panthera Spelaea) Jaw
Partial Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Right side of Jaw with M2 Molar (and M3 Molar Erupting)
Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Hair sample

Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Fecal sample

Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta antiquitatis) hair sample
Fossiled Whale Rib bone that has been eaten by a Megalodon (Otodus Megalodon)
Megalodon (Otodus Megalodon) Coprolite

British Clactonian/Acheulean Bitface Flint Handaxe

Lots of smaller pieces of ammonite, Belemnite, carboniferous corals and shells.

But lets start off with my most recent purchase. Very happy with it!

[removed seller name, as per forum rules]

A Half Lower Jaw with M2 and M3 Molars of a Woolly Mammoth.


Latin Name: Mammuthus primigenius
Site: North Sea, ‘Doggerland’ area

Age: Approximately 40.000 years old


[removed seller verbiage as per forum rules]




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That mammoth jaw is stellar. Hope to find one myself someday :thumbsu:

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Every once in a great while it's not just a big rock down there!

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Pretty sure that’s my dream collection. Mammal fossils are my favorite especially mammoths. 

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Hey thanks you guys! I feel very lucky so far Iv'e been able to add all these too my collection. I don't earn a big wage, and I certainly haven't found anything of any worth while hunting as yet. But I'm enjoying it immensely! There's something very 'vast' and 'mysterious' about staring into the past like this. It swells the imagination, and it gives me a big thirst for knowledge. Mammoths have to be one of the most sought after fossils in anyone's collection! Surely? I totally agree! Very excited about my next big hunt. But I don't think that will be for a little while.

Anyway, here's a few photo's of my Irish Elk Cranium. I'm about to move out into a new flat, so I'm hoping to get all of these mounted and displayed very soon.


Decent cranium belonging to an Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus).


The location of the find was approx 12 miles off the coast of Zeeland, (Netherlands) in the North Sea. 'Doggerland'

It’s weighs just under 10lbs and is from the Pleistocene era dated at around 40,000 years old.





Edited by SteppeJim
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