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Coastal Find


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Good morning all! 

I've had this potential fossil for a number of years, but am uncertain of it's origin as it was sold to me by a roommate for pizza money. He didn't remember the exact location he found it, but said it was from a beach in the south east. Potentially Alabama, Florida, Georgia or the Carolinas. 


He gave me a long bone and what appears to be a flat bone chunk that were found in the same area, but that may not be from the same creature. I had these pictures already with a lighter for scale, but can take pictures with a ruler when I get home from work.


I've done a lot of googling, but as I'm an amateur I don't know that I can draw any real conclusions. Excited to hear what others think and if it confirms what I suspect!










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Turtle humerus is a good guess.  They have that recurved shape.  The other bone may be a partial turtle coracoid.

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