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Bothrodendron Punctatum


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These are very nice, Roman.



   MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg    VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png  VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015  

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Roman.... Well spotted.... Its a very clear scar to.... Well done great specimen....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Hi Roman, loved seeing the specimen and the details in the photos. Yours and others have caused me to seek to do better so I took down most of my photos down from the gallery awhile back--hope to redo all of them. Some were really poor...I'll blame it on my skills and eyesight--couldnt be the cameras. What I found was my sheer inability to be consistent! Good to be critical and laugh at myself! Gosh, some were really bad and others were almost very good...

Keep showing me how to do it! Best Regards, Chris

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One more excellent find and exemplary presentation!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

Thanks very much for sharing, Roman ;):)

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Hi Roman, loved seeing the specimen and the details in the photos. Yours and others have caused me to seek to do better so I took down most of my photos down from the gallery awhile back--hope to redo all of them. Some were really poor...I'll blame it on my skills and eyesight--couldnt be the cameras. What I found was my sheer inability to be consistent! Good to be critical and laugh at myself! Gosh, some were really bad and others were almost very good...

Keep showing me how to do it! Best Regards, Chris

Chris! Do not be very hard on yourselves, some from your pictures are really good, Macroneuropteris for instance. Thank you for you kind comments. I really went through the Bithrodendron specifics deeply enough last couple of weeks using some available at Internet articles to tell Bothrodendron punctatum from B. minutifolium. :) Regards, Roman

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Chris! Do not be very hard on yourselves, some from your pictures are really good, Macroneuropteris for instance. Thank you for you kind comments. I really went through the Bithrodendron specifics deeply enough last couple of weeks using some available at Internet articles to tell Bothrodendron punctatum from B. minutifolium. :) Regards, Roman

Hi Roman, thanks for the encouragement...I think I got this nagging obsessiveness from my parents, got to blame someone :Pboth were hard workers, both with much better eyesight than I have! Both are still doing well and still have the drive to always do better. I think my wife has it too. She told me yesterday that some wooden hand carved Christmas blocks that she was pulling out of storage and putting out for the holiday that I created 22 years ago without any pattern needed one more block today...who would have known that I goofed so long ago on my own pattern, but now I know! She's too funny!

Back to fossils.....Nice to see what that microscope keeps uncovering and making more clear! Reviewing those specimens we all have stored away and reviewing the literature can pull out of the some real hidden gems. I was just reading they have that just announced finds in the past week of a Tanzanian Triassic dinosaur Nyasasaurus parringtoni, a labroador-sized creature with a 5-foot tail, which is some 10 to 15 million years older than any other dinosaur fossils found thus far and they've had the bones from a couple of specimens in two different museums since the 1930's and just recently spent the time reviewing them. Now I have a new reason to use (science takes a really long time) for having not cleaned up the garage and for not having put the fossils away next to my bedroom dresser---I'll try it on the wife this weekend! I'll let you know how that goes.. :) You and Bruno keep looking and researching I'm waiting for a new discovery from one or both of you! Got to be there....Regards, Chris

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