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Keasey Formation Trip Planned For The Weekend


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Hi all,

I will be heading out on my first of what I hope will be many adventures on Saturday or Sunday. The Keasey Formation (Oregon) is close to where I live so I thought we would try our luck. I have been able to piece together through threads here, web searches and some calling around, a place that I think should be fruitful. I called the land owners and they were thrilled to have us come out. They said it had been years since they had been asked and that in the past an 8th grade class found something fairly rare, although they could not tell me what. The pretty much gave me free rein and welcomed me anytime.

My plan is to head up mid day with the kids, hammer, chisel, some food and water and spend an hour or so looking around. Now for the questions. What am I looking for? I know that is probably the dumbest question out there on this site but regarldess. I figure exposed bone or shell and concretions, right? If I find some concretions, am I using that right, a solid whack with a hammer to see whats inside if anything? I figure there must be something I am missing but when I watch youtube vids it seems like that is all people are doing, just whacking with a hammer? As you can see, advice would be great.

Any form fo advice would be helpful and I promise to report back should we find anything.



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Not being familiar with the area, I have no site specific advice, but some general advice.

Make sure to spend some time talking with the land owner on the way in, ( introduction, and find out what others have found there and where!) and on the way out (to thank them for the opportunity, and to secure future permission!)

Be sure to show them what you have found, (if anything) and also make sure to offer first choice of the fossils to them, if they would like some of what you have found.

Remember, it's their land you are hunting on. This shows respect for the landowner, and can seal future return visits.

Also, make an effort to pick up and pack out any trash you may find while out and about on the land.

This will also endear you to the landowners. A little good deed goes a long way, in my experience.

Also, make sure to close any gates behind you (assuming there are any, if necessary) and try not to make a huge mess. Pack out what you pack in, and be sure if digging to refill any holes made, and not to block any streams or waterways with rubble or fill.

These actions are a fair trade (better than fair, in my opinion) for the privilege to gain access to private land for fossil hunting, and anything you can do to cement a good working relationship with the land owner just makes good sense.

Go out and have fun. Good luck.

I hope someone else has better site specific advice for you.



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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Thanks Tim! I will be sure to all of your suggestions. I had already planned to pick up trash. I was a boy scout and my daughter is currently a girl scout and we geocache as a family so we are always on the look out for trash to pack out of places. But I never would have though to offer them fossil choices should any be found. Fantastic idea and I will be sure to do so!

Thanks again,


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Be sure to look out for any vertebrate material! Giant pelagornithid birds and basking sharks have been published upon from the Keasey Formation. Keep an eye out for cetaceans! Bobby

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Not being familiar with the area, I have no site specific advice, but some general advice.

Also, make sure to close any gates behind you (assuming there are any, if necessary) and try not to make a huge mess. Pack out what you pack in, and be sure if digging to refill any holes made, and not to block any streams or waterways with rubble or fill.

Yes. Regarding encountering gates, I think the rule of thumb, unless told otherwise by a property owner, is to leave a gate in the position where you found it: so, if it's already open, leave it that way after passing through.

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Well some important lessons today.

1. Go with a plan

2. I should only bring my kids (mine are 5 and 10) if you want to stay for an hour.

3. Get a bit more knowledge under my belt before I venture out or go on a local club outing to see the big guys in action.

I went out to Vernonia as planned. Took my kids and dad. Got there and realized I didn't know what I was doing. Look for concretions is what I kept telling myself but they were not just poking out of the hill side as I had envisioned. I only found 2, one by luck. I spent an hour on site before the kids declared they were hungry. I found 2 teeny tiny items. I'll keep and enjoy them as I found them but they would be things you guys would throw out I'm sure. So with that said, I'll be doing a lot more reading, joining the NARG club and going on a club trip as soon as one comes up.

I will say it was fun, even for just an hour. Fresh air, dirt between my fingers, my kids laughing, and my dad smiling.

Here is what I found, try not to laugh...



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Mark, congratulations! BTW, take lots of pics on your outings; kids, family, fossils, scenery, etc. Joining a club is an awesome idea, one I would have suggested if you hadn't already thought of it. Here's a link (caution: might be outdated) that might give you an idea as to what is available in your state. Use it to do more web research etc. <Oregon fossil locations>

Good luck!


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