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Molar Tooth Fossil Or Something Else? Id Needed


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Hello! I am new to this and unfortunately fairly uneducated on the subject. This was found near Nashville, TN and I have no idea what it is. I have been trying to find photos of similar looking fossils or objects and have not seen anything like it. I'm much more familiar with coastal fossils and this doesn't appear to be the average early sea creature fossil (my terminology is deplorable). To my uneducated eye, it most closely resembles a tooth (perhaps a molar as I put in the title). It could just as easily be something entirely different. Again, please forgive my ignorance.

Underneath the dirt it appears to be a milky-white/gray color.

Across the top as pictured below, the object is approx. 3.3cm



On each projection coming down from the top, there are ridges that form into a ring almost resembling a fingerprint. This side, the longest point of the object, is approx. 3cm.


Thank you so much for your help! I love a good mystery and a good round of discussion!

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Hi! and welcome to the Forum. You have found a top half of a Horn Coral. :)

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Thank you all so much! That was a lot of help and also an exceptionally fast response! Hopefully this bodes well to me finding more fossils in my usual nature jaunts. :)

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...Hopefully this bodes well to me finding more fossils in my usual nature jaunts. :)

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