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Is it a real Keichousaurus?


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Hi everyone! I'm wanting to purchase my first Keichousaurus and found one online I like. I know that buying online from China is VERY risky. This seller has 100 percent positive feedback and communicates well so I am hoping it's real.  Can anyone tell by these photos if this specimen appears authentic? I don't mind a little paint as long as the fossil is real. 








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Welcome I am not an expert in Keichousaurus and it is hard to say with out more photos and a size reference helps. It does looks good too me can't see much wrong hear . Their are more knowledgeable people on this site so hold on for a little bit and see what they say. 

Kind regards Bobby 



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Perfect symmetry, incomplete skull (or at least its upside down, which fakers dont forge), a few disarticulations, spine looks contected but not one, all signs of it being real. Great catch!

If you're a fossil nut from Palos Verdes, San Pedro, Redondo Beach, or Torrance, feel free to shoot me a PM!




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Wow I'm so happy it "looks real"! When I receive it I'll post close up photos.  If it's real then there's a genuinely honest seller in China selling these at under $200 bucks. Ive read that one can sell without legal repercussions from Hong Kong. And thank you Booby for sharing a photo of your beautiful Keichousaurus. Looks like a great find!

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It's a good one. This a ventral position and dorsal positions are more desirable because the top of the maxilla is exposed. With a little more searching you could probably find a better dorsal specimen for the same money, but this one is real. 

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Hi Steelhead! Thanks for your reply. Very helpful. May I ask to clarify however if you were responding to the photos I posted at the very beginning of the thread versus the nice Keichousaurus example Bobby posted after my post? :)

I was just hoping your reply that "it's a good one" as in not fake, applied to my fossil, which I purchased online and will soon receive. ( I will keep a look out for another one that shows the maxilla so the head is much more interesting to look at.) Thanks!

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Hi Anngottesman sorry if I have confused matters by my last post. But your keichousaurus looks really good to me. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your only problem is where you going to display it. Bobby 

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The body, fingers and ribs look good. The dis-articulation and missing fingers is a great sign. The head and neck is suspicious however, as I have seen quite a few composite ones with the same head.


Chances are, you have a real body and a composite head.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Thanks for your replies. May I ask for opinions on this potential purchase?  From the research I've done it looks good to me but I'm no expert. This would be purchased from a seller from Hong Kong. I don't mind a little paint but don't want a fake or composite. Would love to know what some of you think. Thanks in advance for your expertise and knowledge! :) I'll post a few pics but need to post one at a time apparently. 



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Did you take those screenshots? It would be helpful to see the original photos, rather than screenshots from a phone, because the resolution is too low to say anything definitive.

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Yes it's a screenshot from photo seller posted online. Im trying to post better pictures right now but I'm getting a message that I'm exceeding max size. Ugh. If you zoom in a little so you can see more details but I realize they aren't the best photos. 

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If it was me and you are right been very careful in choosing a Keichosaurus . I would not rush into it ,hold on look around and maybe save a bit more money and get the one you really won't. I myself don't like this one so much. I think theres better specimen available. Maybe head painted I can't tell but I don't like the matrix or the posture of the keichosaurus . Sorry 

Regards Bobby 

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Can you get the seller to photograph it in bright sunlight?


The "look" of the skull is correct. I have real ones with similar skulls. But I can't tell if there's any depth to yours. Depth would help tell us if it's actual bone or painted.


The body looks good though.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Thanks Bobby and Andy. I'd rather know the odds are good or bad before I purchase. They aren't very expensive from what I can see...about $150 to $300 from Hong Kong since so many are found in China so I don't mind if the posture or detail is not that great as long as it's a REAL fossil with decent detail. I'll try to get more pics from seller with more light. If the consensus is that it's fake or the entire head is fake then I won't bother purchasing even though I can get a full refund since it's a hassle to ship back. I think your right that there are better ones. I'll keep looking but still welcome feedback. 

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10 hours ago, Anngottesman said:

Thanks Bobby and Andy. I'd rather know the odds are good or bad before I purchase. They aren't very expensive from what I can see...about $150 to $300 from Hong Kong since so many are found in China so I don't mind if the posture or detail is not that great as long as it's a REAL fossil with decent detail. I'll try to get more pics from seller with more light. If the consensus is that it's fake or the entire head is fake then I won't bother purchasing even though I can get a full refund since it's a hassle to ship back. I think your right that there are better ones. I'll keep looking but still welcome feedback. 


No problem.


I am not making a judgement on the skull of yours, merely pointing out it does look correct, and that some sunlight+shadows would help us conclude how real it is.

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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I like those teeth. Even though there are many helpful and well-informed folks here; it is very difficult to make a judgement via photographs. In hand with a 10X loupe, most mischief would be revealed. The only real guarantee is the ability to return after you and as many first-hand folks as practical have checked it out. For what it's worth, I believe fears over absolutely fake Keichs are overblown. Horrendous prep is the real bugbear.

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So a Keich I took a chance on and ordered has arrived. I can get full refund if I'm not happy. Can't figure out how to post more than 2 pictures! No matter what I do it says I've exceeded the amount of data. Of course I'd love to hear this is likely real even if bad prep job and even if some tiny parts are carved stone or paint and not part of the actual fossil. If it's mostly a genuine fossil then I'll be quite pleased!  

If any of you live in the Los Angeles area, I'd be happy to pay for your time in taking a look at this in the flesh. The stone looks like a shale-clay type of stone the on the sides looks like is somewhat layered or striated. Is that normal? 


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10 minutes ago, Anngottesman said:

. Can't figure out how to post more than 2 pictures! No matter what I do it says I've exceeded the amount of data.

You can add more pictures in a new reply. If that does not work try refreshing the page.

Sorry I can not help with the fossil.

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