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Hey all,


I haven't posted in a while, but I've been on two more trips recently. On the day after Christmas, my dad and I headed back to Brownie's Beach for my second (and his first) trip there. Although we were pretty wiped out from Christmas Day, we were determined to arrive early in hope of some good finds. We ended up getting to the park just after sunrise. The sunshine over the horizon of the Bay is always a beautiful sight. We weren't quite the first people there, but we got right to work as soon as we put our bags down.


My dad stayed near the entrance and got a chance to try out his new shark tooth sifter on the sand bank. I made my way south, and combed along the base of the cliffs. The tide got really low this time; the lowest I've ever had on a trip. There were a fair amounts of fellow hunters there, and I was able to chat with the ones that I crossed paths with while searching. At one point in the afternoon, I patted my pants pocket to feel for my cell phone, and nothing was there. Of course, my heart skipped a beat and I thought maybe I had put it somewhere else in my vest or something, but it was really gone. I turned around and went back to where I had been hunting just before to see if it had fallen out, and looked for it for about half an hour (wasting precious hunting time!). Eventually I found it dangling from the lanyard attached to the waterproof case I had it in; the branch of a fallen tree in the water had snagged it out of my pocket when I climbed over it. My phone was halfway in the water, but thanks to the case suffered no damage. How's that for a scare? After that episode, I tried sifting for a bit and didn't find all that much. But while I was out on the sand bank, I found my first ever upper Hemi! It was pretty small, but in good condition with serrations intact and all. I was thrilled with this because Hemipristis teeth are my absolute favorite. I also tried my hand at searching in cliff falls. I found a few small teeth in some clay-like falls, along with a complete small shark vert and a really big porpoise/dolphin tooth. For the last few hours, I wasn't finding all that much until in our last hour of hunting, as the sun began to set, I found three really nice teeth: a Mako, a Tiger, and my first ever Cow Shark tooth! On our way out, we got to see what has got to be among the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen, with all sorts of crazy colors. Overall, it was a fantastic trip that fully restored my faith in Brownie's Beach as a productive fossil site after a not-so-successful first trip. 


My finds this go around had some amazing variety. I found a handful of really nice Tigers, both Physogaleus and Galeocerdo. Also got a ton of Sand Tigers, many of which had some really killer cusps, which look totally awesome. It was a decent day for Hemis as well; I got a couple small uppers and one decent lower that is quite complete (lower Hemis seem like they're always broken). I of course got a ton of the small common teeth like Lemons and Carcharhinus sp. and some ray plates too. I managed to find four porpoise-like teeth, including the one really big one I talked about earlier. I'm thrilled with the Mako and the Cow, of course, and also found a couple near-complete Chesapectan, and a fish and shark vert. 


That sums up my trip on the day after Christmas. I've decided to include something new in these trips reports of mine: The Hop 5! (Hoppe Top 5) For each trip report, I will now also post what I personally think are my top 5 finds for the day, with pictures and descriptions included. Be sure to let me know if you agree with the Hop 5 or if you think some other finds deserve a spot instead. Also, please feel free to correct me if you think I may have incorrectly identified one of the finds. Hope you all enjoy! Hoppe hunting!






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The Hunt for the Hemipristine continues!

~Hoppe hunting!~

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Hop 5:


1. Physogaleus contortusThis Tiger is in perfect condition, with some really nice colors to it. I love the smooth and slender look of teeth from this shark.


2. Odontaspis reticulata: This was the largest Sand Tiger I found. It has four super sharp cusps that make it look evil and awesome.


3. Odontocete tooth: Although I'm not sure what genus it is, this is by far the biggest tooth of this kind I've found. The root is huge, and I actually found it by seeing the root sticking out of the clay-like fall. It looked like some weird type of claw at first. It may even be a small whale tooth, which would be cool.


4. Isurus desori: This is my first Mako. It may not be a nice one and it's a bit damaged, but it has a really cool color pattern throughout the crown, as well as a nice cutting edge.


5. Notorhynchus primigenius: My first Cow Shark tooth! I believe it's part of an upper, but I don't think it's complete. Nice orange-ish colors.






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The Hunt for the Hemipristine continues!

~Hoppe hunting!~

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Great report! Glad that you had quality time with your Dad. Nice finds!

Dipleurawhisperer5.jpg          MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png

I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Nice day on the water!

The exposures I dig shark teeth in it is extremely rare to find a shell and vise-versa when getting shells. no teeth.


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When I was there (22nd of December I believe) it was all frozen up, you got it timed perfectly! All the ice melted so all the teeth are there for the taking! Nice! If you like Chesapectans nefrens  you get a ton of them (big, small, many complete and some with both valves) at Matoaka beach (worth the 5 bucks admisssion) its choptank formation, so sharks teeth are less prevalent but still present, last time I got some decent physos and a nice hemi along with a patho carcharhinus and a shark vert. The teeth take a sharp eye there, but the chesapectans almost coat the beach!

Happy hunting,


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On 1/26/2018 at 10:03 PM, WhodamanHD said:

If you like Chesapectans nefrens  you get a ton of them (big, small, many complete and some with both valves) at Matoaka beach (worth the 5 bucks admisssion)

Ah yes! I've read about Matoaka. It sounds really cool, and definitely a bit different than what I'm used to. I may give a shot at some point because I would love to find some bigger Chesapectan and my first Ecphora that I believe are common there. And like you said, the teeth are present just less common. I even saw a picture online of the one of the property owners (who I believe passed away, sadly) holding up a massive Meg tooth! So it's definitely on my list. Thanks

The Hunt for the Hemipristine continues!

~Hoppe hunting!~

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Nice finds and a very good report with great photos. 

Thank you for sharing.:)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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1 hour ago, HoppeFossilHunting said:

holding up a massive Meg tooth!

I was told by an experienced hunter that searching through fallen mud can and has for him yield 6”ers. To be honest my only two ecphoras came from brownies but they are apparently more common at matoaka (they are just hiding from me:P), and I haven’t found any megs (there or otherwise) but still a worthy location. 

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Happy hunting,


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