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Lots of Echphora in Eastern NC on a river Trip


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I went river collecting one weekend in early April this year, the water dropped pretty darn low for this time of year allowing me to get to some spots that usually I can only access June through September. I found more echphora than I've ever come across in a single trip, a couple of them are HUGE and a few were near perfect/complete! Also found my first larger (2 of them!) Welch (or conc? still trying to ID it) from this site along with a great array of other items. My personal favorite from this trip was the echphora with a barnacle attached - I always love to find barnacles attached to bivalves and gastropods and this guy even had some worm tubes attached with it! . 


PM me if you want some higher quality images to zoom in on - I only had the four photo's and file limit size restricted what I could put that would allow you to really zoom in on each item clearly. 


Don't ask me WHERE I found these, I will tell you exactly what the title says, Eastern NC on a river. :)  





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A good collection. 

Echphora is a very nice gastropod and some of those are beauties.. 

Nice finds. :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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Excellent haul Ash! :wub: :wub: Bet I know where they are from!

Have you made progress on that find from last year?



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I love those!  Such fragile beauties, some big ones there!

Happy hunting,


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:dinothumb: :fistbump:

Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about science books.........

Sam Cooke - (What A) Wonderful World

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   Ive always had a soft spot for the gastropods and have always loved the Echphora's!  NIce one's man!



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@Fossil-Hound is going to cry like a baby when he sees this thread! Really great finds!:dinothumb:

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Dipleurawhisperer5.jpg          MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png

I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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You really hit the jackpot on Echphoras. Never saw so many fine ones found on one trip. They are definitely one of my favorite gastropods too. Big congratulations. Your Turritellas, conches, and bivalves are almost as impressive. Did you surface collect these? Thanks for sharing your amazing finds with us.

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Thanks everyone! I was overwhelmed myself having found so much in one day - and I love when I get home after a trip and start to clean everything, un wrapping the foil I put to protect them, it's like Christmas morning all over again! 

The one on the bottom left of the first photo has been the DEVILS work as they are VERY fragile in this area and generally always turn into this powdery/milky substance as soon as you touch them. But, after 3 years, I finally managed to get one out  - it got quite a lot of stabilizer put on it and a dome while it dried with me hissing at my curious cat's attempt to thwart my efforts  (who usually ignore my fossil finds/cleaning sessions) - it was quite the scene in the kitchen, haha! 


Don, yea you know lol and I just haven't had the resources/time to do more than admire the other piece in it's current home - winter was hard on it, real hard - super brittle now so it will stay put for now. 


Jeffrey, I did surface collect for all of these - the site isn't one to do digging at  - wouldn't produce much and everything except the pecten there are not well fossilized/very delicate - so I go through a roll of foil each time I collect there - but the bivalves are solid and every once in a while I find one that is (I spoke with Dr. Ward to ID them) a C. palmyrensis, they are really cool - they have just a few of these big wide ridges on them. I'm still trying to get a really good  bivalve of one from there! 

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I’m not much of a shell collector but those ecphoras are pretty darn sweet:D I’ve only found two of them over the years:fistbump: Congrats!

Every once in a great while it's not just a big rock down there!

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Remember to send us expandable pics of the ecphoras please.  And a big thanks for sharing with us.

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Hoo mama! THAT's what I'd call a success if I ever saw one!

Every single fossil you see is a miracle set in stone, and should be treated as such.

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Your images are SWEET!!!!! I have always loved Echphora's .. they look so ancient.  Yes, I would like to know GPS coordinates, but I do not think it would help me.  NC is not exactly a hop skip away, and I have so much fossil work to do down here in Florida,:D


The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Yep, very nice finds! Looks very similar to some of the stuff from down here in Florida, but for the life of me the Ecphoras which are documented to be here are alluding me. A ton of other different gastropods which are fascinating but I know they are out there. Dang them--they will be found! :zen:


Thanks for showing us. Continued hunting success! 

Regards, Chris 

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Jeez! And to think I still haven’t found my FIRST Ecphora...bravo sir.

The Hunt for the Hemipristine continues!

~Hoppe hunting!~

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