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Wow! A Great Trip!


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  Just got back from our (my youngest son and self) trip yesterday.  It was a buying and hunting trip with me doing most of the buying and he doing most of the hunting.  Right now Im in a bad way and feel as if I been beaten up!  along with all the shocks I have everyday and having a hard time walking, but the thing is,,,, Im all smiles.  :)  It was an all day drive to get into South Dakota and our first stop was a guy who sells White River fossils.  After loading up some BIG Tortoise's and lots of the oreodont stuff, my son also bought some just for practice, we then went and found a campground.  Had some wiskey, good food and good times around the campfire.  Very cold that night.  Got up early and took off to stop number 2.  We arrived at our 2nd stop about noon and made small talk for a short while and then took off to the middle of nowheresville.   Very bumpy road for miles.  Thats what really beat me up.  But then we arrived at our destination.  a little small creek but cuts right through some Fox Hills formation.  I did make it down to some rocks and I did find a few small ammos and then had to sit and rest but the son took off and headed for a big cut bank and Tom was over a ridge at another site.  Once we realized it was getting late,  we went and picked up my son, he had found about 4 big packs worth of ammo material.  It was all wrapped up so I could not see any of it.  I still have not seen most of what was found.  He just kept telling me, " your gunna like this stuff dad".  We then went and picked Tom, he also had 2 heavy packs worth of ammo material.  Went back to my freinds house, had some wiskey, traded stories and such, had a cheese burger fest and went to bed, (back of my truck).  Very cold that night.  The next day we went back to that little creek and my son and Tom finished up the last two  cut banks and we headed off to one more cut bank. I made it down to this cut bank, found a couple of really nice rocks and then had to rest.  It was always cold!  and yet, my son was in the middle of the creek pulling out concretions, throwing them onto the bank and whacking them open.  Most were junk, but some were SUPER NICE!  Made it back to camp, (my freinds house), and was invited for dinner.  A beautiful roast, mashed tatos and gravy, home made rolls, peas, corn and green beans and polished off with some homemade chocolate cake!  Wow!!!  I slept good that night, but again, it was very cold.  once we loaded up all the rock into my little trailer, I then realized just how my material we had.  I had no get up and go left in my truck! but i was all smiles on the trip home.  Most of the ammo material we brought home i have not seen so its really gunna feel like christmas once I get started on this stuff.  Oh, but I do have one rock for sure that I found that I think is going to be worthy of 'Fossil of The Month'.   Woooooooop!!!  Wooooooooop!!!









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Glad you could get out!  It looks like it was a great trip!  And wow, that ammonite in the last pic looks great! :envy:


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Sounds like a slice of heaven, Ron! 

Can't wait to see you work your magic on these beauties!  :) 



   MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg    VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png  VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015  

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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What a great time with family. Make sure to post pics after prep!

Dipleurawhisperer5.jpg          MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png

I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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41 minutes ago, RJB said:

  Oh, but I do have one rock for sure that I found that I think is going to be worthy of 'Fossil of The Month'.  

Sounds like a wonderful trip.

Looking forward to seeing what came of it.


(Good luck!)

Darwin said: " Man sprang from monkeys."

Will Rogers said: " Some of them didn't spring far enough."


My Fossil collection - My Mineral collection

My favorite thread on TFF.



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Thanks for sharing this great trip! I can feel your pleasure and excitement! Nice area, great fossil(s) - and the best of all: your fossil-son :)!
Franz Bernhard

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Except for the cold it looks like you had a great, fun trip. I like what can be seen in last photo. Looking forward to seeing the rest nicely prepped, as you are well known for.

Good luck, Ron.



"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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Kids are great.  My son and I spent Saturday picking up rose quartz (100lbs) and some very deep blue translucent aquamarines. Conasauga next week.

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Nothing really stops you, does it, Ron! Great trip! 

Here's one for you:



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Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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29 minutes ago, Pagurus said:

Nothing really stops you, does it, Ron! Great trip! 

Here's one for you:



better make it two ;)

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I'm so happy to hear that you had a great time out with your sons, and I'm anxiously awaiting seeing what these ammonites look like post-prep... :popcorn:


(By the way - I just brought in that Fox Hills Formation ammonite that I bought from you last year into school last Friday to show my teenage students - they were in awe of how beautiful and colourful it is (as I still am!) :wub:)

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  Thank you one and all.  If I was in better health I would already be started on this stuff, but i needs lots of rest nowadays.  My son will help me go through this stuff when he gets time.  We will have lots and lots of saw work to get rid of a ton of unwanted rock and then I can start preppin.  Im really excited to see all the stuff I didnt see.  and  even excited to see again the stuff I already know is going to be some really nice ammo's. 



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3 hours ago, RJB said:

Im really excited to see all the stuff I didnt see.  and  even excited to see the stuff I already know is going to be some really nice ammo's. 

Me too!



It is always exciting to see what treasures You uncover with Your fantastic prepping.

Darwin said: " Man sprang from monkeys."

Will Rogers said: " Some of them didn't spring far enough."


My Fossil collection - My Mineral collection

My favorite thread on TFF.



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RB, thanks for the latest. Always love hearing about family outings! Looking forward to seeing what you all have there. 

Take it easy! 

Regards, Chris 

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Thanks all.  Took me 5 days of rest to be able to get back out into the garage though.  Today, besides some yard work and firewood work, I was able to do a little bit of orginizing in this mess and get 3 White River tortoises ready for prep.  Part of my winter projects. 




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