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  1. ThePhysicist

    Dinosaurs of the Hell Creek Formation

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    A few of the dinosaurs present in the HCF, as represented by their teeth. These fossils mostly come from Montana and South Dakota. Most are self-collected, others were purchased. Silhouettes taken from Liam Elward, Fred Wierum, and PNSO.
  2. ThePhysicist


    From the album: Hell Creek Formation Microsite

    Acheroraptor; “dromie” teeth usually aren’t all that large.
  3. ThePhysicist

    Dromaeosaurid teeth

    From the album: Hell Creek Formation Microsite

    Dromaeosaurid teeth showing range of morphology (which may or may not represent distinct taxa). A) indeterminate dromaeosaurid with a spalled tip; B ) indeterminate domaeosaurid with a mesial carina that twists onto the lingual side, dromaeosaurine?; C) Acheroraptor temertyorum; D) dromaeosaurid premaxillary tooth (likely A. temertyrorum); E) indeterminate dromaeosaurid, anterior tooth?
  4. ThePhysicist

    Hell Creek Theropods

    From the album: Hell Creek Formation Microsite

    This fun family photo emphasizes how ridiculously outsized T. rex was - the tip of a tooth is larger than entire teeth of contemporaneous theropods! T. rex was a highly unusual animal, especially in the context of its own ecosystem.
  5. Hi TFF, I am a Dromaeosauridae enthusiast and have been collecting online for a little while now. I want to thank the members here for getting me educated on so many aspects of fossil teeth identification. I want to share my small collection in the hopes this is helpful for some of you in the future. Your critical input is highly appreciated, as always! #1 First up, one of my treasures, a robust Deinonychus antirrhopus tooth from the Cloverly Fm. A big thanks to @StevenJD for letting go of this one – much appreciated! Note the asymmetry in the placement of the carinae, best noticeable from the top view. #2 Representing the Judith River Fm., a cornerstone of my collection, a 1st left premaxillary tooth of Dromaeosaurus albertensis. I just love the way the mesial carina ‘folds’ onto the lingual surface. #3 Another premaxillary tooth from the Judith River Fm., a Zapsalis abradens with prominent ridges. The mesial carina has a nice twist, the cross section looks rather symmetrical, so likely not a 1st or 2nd premax. Distal denticles are hooked towards the tooth tip, but no mesial denticles are present and the tooth is not recurved. So, for now it is labeled as cf. Zapsalis abradens after Currie and Evans 2019, but could eventually be re-labeled as Saurornitholestes langstoni.
  6. ThePhysicist

    Acheroraptor tooth

    From the album: Hell Creek Formation Microsite

    Acheroraptor was a small theropod (dromaeosaurid) "raptor" that lived in the same paleo-ecosystem as T. rex. Its blade-like serrated teeth possess diagnostic apicobasal ridges.
  7. Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a long time as I've been busy with a toddler but have recently made some fun additions to the humble collection. I've been searching for years for a killing claw from a dromaeosaur from Hell Creek and recently stumbled on what could be a killing claw but from what's being identified as a dromaeosaur from Judith River. It's listed as 0.6" which is fairly small. Can anyone provide any more insight into what it could be? Whether they see any extensive restoration? Could it be a troodontid given it's small size? The seller is also offering what I can only guess is a walking foot claw of a dromaeosaur from Hell Creek. 0.8" It's the paler claw. These would be some of the last fossils on my life long dream list to have. I appreciate any help anyone can provide and I'll try to also post more as things settle down cheers Marcus
  8. ThePhysicist

    Acheroraptor tooth

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    A small Acheroraptor tooth with diagnostic longitudinal ridges. Found in a channel deposit.
  9. Howdy all, I've read a lot of articles saying that Acheroraptor belongs in Velociraptorinae, but also some that says it instead belongs in Saurornitholestinae. Which is correct?
  10. ThePhysicist

    An ecosystem on my desk

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Microfossils are the means by which we can most fully appreciate the diversity of a past ecosystem. From salamanders to Tyrannosaurus, an ancient river captured and preserved dozens of species that lived in Montana 66 million years ago, at the terminus of the time of dinosaurs. In this small collection alone, I count at least 27 species of dinosaur, lizard, crocodile, fish, shark, salamander, turtle, mammal, and mollusk.
  11. Fast. Intelligent. Deadly. The "Raptor" is perhaps one of the most famous dinosaur today thanks to Jurassic Park. To many people's surprise however, raptors are heavily feathered and nimbler than movies would have you believe. The Jurassic Park Velociraptor was merely the size of coyote in real life! In fact, their proper family name is 'Dromaeosaurid'. The largest species was Utahraptor, and it grew to the size of a grizzly bear! Dromaeosaurid fossils have been found all over the world. They first appeared during the Cretaceous, though isolated teeth have been found in the mid-Jurassic. Allow me to present my humble collection of Dromaeosaurid teeth. First up, from Cloverly Formation, one of my pride and joy from @hxmendoza A dromaeosaurid from Aguja Formation. I am seeing more Aguja fossils showing up, but dromaeosaurid teeth are still rare. Now, for the dromaeosaurids from the famous Hell Creek Formation. Some of them probably lived alongside T. rex. A big shout-out for @Troodon for getting me started on dromaeosaurids with this very first Acheroraptor!
  12. ThePhysicist

    Paravians of Hell Creek

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Even in the final years of the non-avian dinosaurs, the paravians remained diverse, with many species represented in the famed Hell Creek formation.
  13. David Evans who described Acheroraptor shared this photo and information on a few notable Dromaeosaurid's. Thought it would be of interest to the Dino guys and others. I also show a hand next to an adult Velociraptor skull which gives a real life size comparison, since a lot of depictions and replicas sold are well oversized. Acherorapter is from the Maastrichtian of Hell Creek/Lance Formation Saurornitholestes shown from Campanian of Canada/Montana Velociraptor from Campanian of Asia David: How big was the Hell Creek dromaeosaurid Acheroraptor temertyorum (top)? It’s about 25% bigger than Saurornitholestes (middle) and 66% bigger than Velociraptor (bottom). For reference it’s about 15% smaller than Deinonychus
  14. Hello dear all, after a long and stressful time I finally was able to acquire some new teeth and to try to figure out (to my best ;-)) what they are or might be… After reading these really helpful guides on the Hell Creek teeth I tend to label this tooth as Acheroraptor temertyorum The serration count is between 17 and 21 (actually i counted 17, 19 and 21, depending on the location +-1 inaccuracy)on a length of 5mm The length (CBL) is approx. 1.1 cm According to the seller it is from the Hell Creek Fm, Montana. Would you agree on Acheroraptor?
  15. Hello, I found this listed as a 0.31” Acheroraptor tooth from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. I messaged the seller asking about the locality/specific area it was found in and am waiting to hear back. Does it look like a genuine raptor tooth?
  16. ThePhysicist


    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Dromaeosauridae (Cf. Acheroraptor temertyorum) Hell Creek Fm., Carter Co., MT, USA Acheroraptor's dentition is known incompletely, so it's possible this tooth is from Acheroraptor. Until more material is described, this tooth will remain indeterminate. There may be slight facets, but I'm not confident that's what I'm seeing.
  17. ThePhysicist

    Acheroraptor temertyorum

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Acheroraptor temertyorum Hell Creek Fm., Garfield Co., MT, USA A Velociraptorine tooth with the diagnostic longitudinal ridges Acheroraptor is known for. This tooth has some wear on the tip and root etching at the base. Art by Emily Willoughby
  18. ThePhysicist

    Acheroraptor tooth

    Identification A. temertyorum is characterized by the typical Dromaeosaurid traits (compressed, recurved, differing mc/dc serration densities), and longitudinal ridges/facets on the crown face. Notes This tooth was found this past Summer ('21), and in the same county as the holotype specimen.
  19. ThePhysicist

    Acheroraptor temertyorum

    From the album: Dinosaurs

    Acheroraptor temertyorum Hell Creek Fm., Garfield Co., MT, USA Note the diagnostic ridges.
  20. ThePhysicist

    Hell Creek Dromaeosaurid

    Hi y'all, I picked up this gorgeous Dromaeosaurid tooth. It was listed as Acheroraptor and I bought it thinking it was one. However, upon receiving it and taking some measurements, I believe it may be a candidate for Dakotaraptor steini, as it virtually matches one in @Troodon's collection in every metric. It has a semi-oval base, with no ridges or facets commonly seen on Acheroraptor. The mesial carina is straight, and terminates almost 1/3 the CH from the base. Dromaeosauridae Hell Creek Fm., Carter Co., MT, USA CH: ~ 10.5 mm CBL: ~ 6 mm CBW: 3 mm Mesial denticle density: 8 / mm Distal denticle density: 4.5 / mm Distal serrations: Mesial serrations: Base: This is the other tooth I'm referring to:
  21. My Hell Creek Microraptorine sickle claw that I traded for a larger Hell Creek Dromaeosaur sickle claw. Probably Acheroraptor. The Microraptorine sickle claw after full restoration. It is related to Hesperonychus. I will miss it:
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