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  1. Eve


    Hello I hope someone could help me to identify these, I thought they were Roveacrinids but the fossil is to big in comparison to the Roveacrinids length, these don't look microfossil but not sure From the late Albian Muhi quarry at Zimapan Hidalgo Mexico 1 centimeters
  2. Krauklis

    Crinoid fragments

    From the album: Novgorod Oblast

    Buregskaya or Rdeyskaya Formation of the Ilmen Klint in Novgorod Oblast, Russia. Frasnian (Devonian).
  3. mighty micraster


    From the album: Cretaceous echinoids.

  4. mighty micraster


    From the album: Cretaceous echinoids.

  5. mighty micraster


    From the album: Cretaceous echinoids.

  6. mighty micraster


    From the album: Cretaceous echinoids.

  7. Collector9658

    Cleaning some old finds

    Some of us prefer to clean up fossils, while on the contrary, many like myself would rather be out on the hunt. Perhaps it is an addiction, but I would rather look through rocks, wether it be an adventitious adventure, or a well planned and read-out outcrop that those before me had done such work on. A switch from focusing on collecting crinoids to local trilobites fauna has also led me to collecting more than I'll ever clean. My current vehicle is out of commission, so I figured what better chance than now to go ahead and scratch away at some stone I've got sitting around. I lack proper tools and confidence to clean trilobite finds, and have much more experience cleaning echinoderms, so that is probably what I'll share mostly. First here is a common, but favorite of mine. I found an Azygocrinus calyx exposed after flipping over a large slab of limestone back in April. I trimmed the block down to size with my grinder, then proceeded to pick away at it slowly. Air tools are packed up, so I use a small box cutter and a nutcracker I had taken apart to pick away at the limestone. Rock can be sticky, but it's all about using the blade at the right angle and pressure. After a few hours, I cleared it out of the rock and removed all the limestone away from the calyx. To remove the iron oxide staining, the specimen will need to be abraided in the future or chemically bathed. It is too easy to scratch the calyx plates trying with hand tools.
  8. Found in glacial till on top of Ohio Valley knobs in southern Indiana.
  9. Odd Rocks

    Highlands Glacial Till Site 5

    I didn’t put this one with sample 4 because the projections are different and there is no view of stacked columns, but it could be the same. The toothy “face” in the first pic is pretty cool looking even though it’s not a real critter’s face! Like the others, these come out of a layer of glacial till found near the top of the Ohio Valley Knobs (~920’ elev.), Indiana side, near Louisville. I’m sorry I don’t have layers to date any of these. If you’d like different angles or magnification, please ask.
  10. Odd Rocks

    Highlands Glacial Till Site 6

    There is clearly a stem-end, but there is no mouth or anus and the substance of the gut is gone, replaced with these crystals that sparkle as you rotate the piece, but I can;t seem to get the discoloring off of them. This was found in a seasonal creek bottom below the till site. Like the others, these come out of a layer of glacial till found near the top of the Ohio Valley Knobs (~920’ elev.), Indiana side, near Louisville. I’m sorry I don’t have layers to date any of these. If you’d like different angles or magnification, please ask.
  11. Odd Rocks

    Highlands Glacial Till Site 4

    I’m 99% sure these two odd rocks are the same species. My guess is some kind of Rugosa coral based on the size of the mouth opening, but that’s just a noob’s guess. Like the others, these come out of a layer of glacial till found near the top of the Ohio Valley Knobs (~920’ elev.), Indiana side, near Louisville. I’m sorry I don’t have layers to date any of these. If you’d like different angles or magnification, please ask.
  12. Odd Rocks

    Highlands Glacial Till Site 3

    Found in glacial till on top of Ohio Valley knobs in southern Indiana.
  13. Odd Rocks

    Highlands Glacial Till Site 2

    Found in glacial till on top of Ohio Valley knobs in southern Indiana.
  14. Thomas1982

    Devonoblastus leda

    From the album: Mahantango Formation

    Devonoblastus leda Perry County, Pennsylvania

    Turonian echinoid

    I recently found an echinoid in the Prionocyclyus hyatti ammonite zone of the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Turonian) Semilla Sandstone Member of the Carlile Shale. These creatures are not common and until now... ...I have only found fragments. After a quick clean and some photos, I wonder if there is enough diagnostic material left on this crushed and eroded specimen. scale= 1/4" I do not know much about echinoderms, but I am very much interested in learning more. Is there enough of this creature to label a genus? Thank you for your help.
  16. Dean Ruocco

    Undet echinoderm, Cystoid?

    From the album: Mahatango Formation

    An interesting echinoderm caylax from the Niss Hollow member.
  17. Hi, appreciate any ID help on this one from Chivo Canyon in Southern California. About 4-5" in diameter found inside of a roughly 1 foot diameter rock. The area is known for Eocene and Oligocene period fossils. Guessing this may be a sponge, coral, or possibly echinoderm like a Sea Urchin. Stumped on the ID so far. Most of the other fossils in the canyon are mollusks and gastropods. Thanks! -Chris.
  18. Just posting some pics of some finds from Chivo Canyon from 2020 and 2024. Would really appreciate any ID inputs on the Unknown Fossils especially the roundish one with many circles in it. It was roughly 4-5" in diameter in the center of a roughly 1 foot diameter rock. Guessing Sponge, Coral, or may an Echinoderm like an Urchin. The Chivo Canyon area is known to have fossils from the Eocene, and Oligocene periods. There are also a couple other unknown fossils which could be bones but not sure. The Tower Snails or Turritellas are probably mostly Turritella Uvasana. I don't know what the other Gastropods are. Thanks in advance for any ID ideas! -Chris.
  19. Posts of my trip to Oklahoma this week had some unidentified fossils shown. Hope was that someone would mention the identity of the specimens. Since no one did, today I am attaching photos of unknowns from the Viola Formation, Ordovician found south of Sulphur, OK. Maybe @crinus is knowledgeable! Could they be something like Evactinopora?
  20. Does anyone have a drawing where you can understand what a Coronoidea (Echinoderm class) looked like in real life (i.e. brachioles)?
  21. Dean Ruocco

    Lepadocrinites gebbardi

    From the album: Mahatango Formation

    Rare cystoid from the Mahatango, Niss Hollow member, Schykill county.
  22. SharkySarah

    ‘Sand dollar’ Abertella alberti

    From the album: Miocene, Maryland and Virginia, USA

    Calvert formation Calvert co. Maryland.
  23. SharkySarah

    A close up of A. alberti

    From the album: Miocene, Maryland and Virginia, USA

    A close up of ‘sand dollar’ detail. Calvert formation. Calvert co. Maryland.
  24. Thomas1982

    Megistocrinus depressus

    From the album: Mahantango Formation

    Megistocrinus depressus (left) and an unidentified calyx Perry County, Pennsylvania
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