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  1. Fullux

    "Isotelus Site"

    Howdy all, This is a snippet from a record I'm keeping while I pursue paleontology as a career and I'm wondering what y'all think of it. I have had several opportunities to find fossils in many different deposits of the Drakes Formation within the Broad Run Park area. I have particularly been interested in the genus isotelus, a gargantuan trilobite and what is in my opinion one of the more fascinating of Kentucky’s paleofauna. On July 13th of this year (2024) I stumbled upon a site I had not seen before. What stuck out to me about this site was the size and quality of dozens of isotelus molt fragments, many of which were diagnostic. In contrast, the other deposits I have visited in the area bear few, tiny fragments which cannot be assigned to any particular part of the trilobite’s exoskeleton. I have visited this site four times since I found it (Today being July 23rd) and have continued to find excellent specimens. On today’s expedition, I found my second and most complete hypostome to an isotelus, and before today have managed to find pieces of the cephalon/pygidium, thorax segments, and yet another hypostome. Another thing that has more recently stuck out to me is the sessile benthic fauna. At this site, I have found countless rugose corals and bryozoans, but there is no evidence whatsoever of tabulate corals. In contrast, at another site I have visited, I found small, half pound tabulate corals all the way up to giant twenty five pound ones. I have managed to find only a few, very small, fragmentary pieces of isotelus in this site. Considering all these things, it makes me wonder if, either this represents different “biomes,” or if this shows how the environment of the Drakes changed over time, assuming these sites are of different layers. For example, the biome at the “isotelus site” would persist of a flat, mostly open seabed covered in rugose corals and bryozoans, where isotelus would frequent, and the “tabulate coral site” would persist of a reef environment with a diverse community of corals and bryozoans where isotelus would not frequent. It is worth noting that nautiloids are present in both sites. Not surprising, as nautiloids have been shown to be very adaptable over the course of their existence on this planet. Another interesting thing I have been thinking about, in regards to the aforementioned hypostomes, is the fact that there is a great variation in the length of their prongs. The first one I found is not a good example, as it is missing one prong and the other is missing its tip. The other I found today, however, preserves both prongs, which are quite long when compared to others I have seen in other people’s collections. I am curious if this could represent different ages in isotelus, where the prongs get gradually longer as the trilobites get older, or if this could represent social behavior/sexual dimorphism and or implements. Perhaps males had longer prongs than females, which would be used for sexual combat, or vice versa.
  2. Bgkyfossilguy

    Need help!

    Found this little guy in a creek. The photos really don’t do the detail justice. I’m new to this, and really appreciate the insight/expertise. Thank you so much.
  3. Fullux

    Isotelus structure

    Howdy all, Had some great luck fossil hunting in the Drakes Formation today, particularly in this piece here. This is a chunk of matrix with several isotelus molt fragments and this particular one pictured here is the largest I've ever found. The reason I'm making this post is because of a structure I found on the underside of the piece. I at first took it for a brachiopod, but after cleaning it off and looking closer, I wasn't so sure. One surface of it looks like the typical grooves you'd see on brachiopod genera such as hebertella and rafinesquina, but looking over on another surface of the structure, it looks like typical isotelus remains, which confuses me. The structure also continues into the matrix in a very un-brachiopodish way. I'm curious if this could be a hypostome from an isotelus or some other structure from that genus, or if it could be from another arthropod entirely. I'm including a video to give a better view of all the angles. 20240714_022412~2.mp4
  4. Today I went solo to Maysville, KY to take a peak around. Went to a few surrounding road cuts in the area, and here are my finds. Isotelus Fragment, unknown (to me) trilobite. I don't know if his head is there or not. And lastly, I found a 'rolled' trilo, but he has seen better days. Next up are some trilobite fragments. If anyone could tell me if there is a possibility of the first 3 pictures have the possibility of being complete? I don't know what to look for, so if anyone could help me out, that would be awesome! And last but not least here are some assorted finds I found throughout the day. And could anyone tell me what this is? I believe it's a gastropod, but have no idea of an ID.
  5. So excited to find this forum! I don't know anything about this except that it was found in Indian Creek, in Frenchburg, KY. (Red River Gorge area) It was in the middle of a wet creek bed. I did some Google image searching but couldn't find anything helpful. Hope someone here can give some guidance on what this is. TIA!
  6. Fullux


    Howdy all, This is an odd looking rock I found in my usual deposit of the Drakes Formation here in Louisville, Kentucky. It looks to me to be pumice, added by the fact that it's very light, but after doing a quick search, I found that igneous rocks are extremely rare in Kentucky, and out of the few mentioned, pumice was not one of them.
  7. David A K

    Dinosaur claw or toe?

    Can anyone identify this for me? I've been rock hunting my entire life and this is my prized possession. I found it in a creekbed in Kentucky. I'm pretty sure it's a toe but it could be a claw . No idea what species it's from either. Anyone? Buehler?? PXL_20240619_034550491.mp4
  8. Crinoids

    Silurian starfish?

    I found this earlier in the Louisville limestone, was wondering if it could be a starfish? Or maybe more likely a peclypod
  9. Papa Rick

    Kentucky Rock

    I found this in Western Kentucky in Lyon County and it was ID'd as petrified wood. Comments
  10. LoneRanger

    Kentucky fossil -- sponge?

    I bought a number of invertebrate fossils from a Kentucky agate collector. These came without identification or info on specific site where found. I'm not familiar with Kentucky fossils but I believe this is a sponge (Porifera). Any confirming or alternative identification is appreciated. First and last photos are side views, second and third are top and bottom.
  11. Hi all! I was referred to this forum by the fossilID subreddit. I picked up this hefty specimen from a rock shop last week. The seller had it labelled as a Stigmaria and also a "palm tree root". I'm no expert but I don't believe that it's either of those -- the closest thing I could find to it is the pith of a Cordaites (Artisia), but I haven't seen any quite this large, and the texture is different. It's got a vein of coal running through the middle of it too. The whole specimen is 26 in (66 cm) long, and has a diameter of ~2 in (5 cm). Up close pics of the texture: There are very faint, offset lines of raised ridges, which do remind me of the texture of a Stigmaria a little bit. Here's a section of the first image with those ridges highlighted: Any ideas? /r/fossilID seemed to think it was an Artisia specimen too, but I'm curious to hear other opinions. Thanks!
  12. ntloux


    From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    This Pennsylvanian specimen is from an abandoned coal mine on a private farm in eastern Kentucky
  13. ntloux

    SF Sphenopteris spinosa (?)

    From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    This specimen is from an abandoned coal mine on a private farm in eastern Kentucky. The species ID is less certain.
  14. ntloux

    Mariopteris nervosa(?)

    From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    This specimen is from an abandoned coal mine on a private farm in eastern Kentucky. The species ID is less certain
  15. ntloux

    Laveineopteris rarinervis(?)

    From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    This Pennsylvanian seed fern is from an abandoned coal mine on a local farm in eastern Kentucky. There was some debate as to its ID.
  16. ntloux

    Eusphenopteris rotundiloba (?)

    From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    This Pennsylvanian specimen is from an abandoned coal mine on a farm in eastern Kentucky. The species is less certain.
  17. From the album: Pennsylvanian seed fern fossils

    Obtained from an abandoned coal mine on a private farm in eastern Kentucky. The genus is solid but the species ID is less certain
  18. Kaden

    Shale splitting

    As I have learned more about fossil collecting I have been limited to surface collecting. But I have wanted to learn how to split shale and what to look for when searching for various cross sections of trilobites, crinoids, etc... in my area. Are there any books or articles I should look through and read, about shale splitting for the Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky area.
  19. I am fortunate enough to have such a huge amount of Middle Devonian Givetian material that I thought it best to put the older Middle Devonian stage, the Eifelian, in its own thread. There are some spectacular fossils here as well though! I thought a good place to start would be in the Formosa Reef, which I believe is quite early Eifelian. This tabulate coral and stromatoporoid reef continues similar complexes found from the Middle Silurian, see my: https://www.thefossilforum.com/topic/84678-adams-silurian/page/3/ thread from page three onwards for details. All these Formosa Reef specimens come from a delightful gift from my good friend @Monica who is a tad busy with life at the moment but is fine and still thinking of the forum. This outcrop can be found on Route 12 near Formosa/Amherstburg, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. This beautiful-looking specimen came to me with only a third of it revealed but I managed to get it this far after nine days of painful pin prepping. Monica found another one and posted it for ID here: https://www.thefossilforum.com/topic/105528-weird-circular-imprints-formosa-reef-lower-devonian/#comment-1172285 The specimen was identified by another Canny Canadian @Kane to be the little stromatoporoid sponge Syringostroma cylindricum. Hardly a reef-builder, but gorgeous nonetheless. It does have a little thickness to it, but not much. Beautiful! Pretty thin, actually. I love this Monica, thank you!
  20. Hello, I am new to the forum and trying to educate myself on my home state's paleontology and geology. I am wondering if anyone knows of a site that contains a list of all fossil species that have been found in Kentucky. I read on University of Kentucky's website that 4,000 species identified in the state, but cannot find a list. If anyone could help me out or point me in the right direction, that would be amazing. Thank you!
  21. I was finally able to get out again this weekend to fossil hunt! I found 3 complete trilobites including a lage flexicalymene that was prone. 2 of the trilobites came from Maysville, Kentucky, and the other came from Ceasar's Creek on the way back. I'm not sure what is on the plate I have never seen something like it before. Any information would be appreciated.
  22. Fullux

    Coal Fossils

    Howdy all, Found some plant fossils inside some coal plates eroding out if a creek in Edmonson County. This one is pretty clearly a stigmaria and I've labeled it as Lepidodendrales indet. This next one I'm pretty sure is a wood fragment from a cordaites, though, I could be wrong. To my knowledge, cordaites is the only woody plant in the area. I compared the grain to that of some cordaites petrified wood and it looks pretty similar. this next one is on the same plate as the previous one. I'm not entirely sure what it is but it looks similar to the grain of palm or bamboo wood. I want to say this is pith from a Calamites but I'm unsure. . This appears to be a leaf impression, I'm guessing a species of calamites, though possibly some sort of pteridosperm. I also found some large calamites stems in the same site in a coal plate but I was unable to take them with me, as they were very brittle and falling apart. I unfortunately do not have any pictures, but they did have visible nodes.
  23. Fullux


    Howdy all, I've got quite a few fossils I found in McNeely Lake Park and I'm curious if the age is correct and if any of these could be given an ID.
  24. Fullux

    Edmonson Kentucky

    Howdy all, Does anyone know the names of any formations in Edmonson? I recently found fossils from two in the same area, being Nolin Lake. One was Pennsylvanian, and one was Mississippian.
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