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Found 4 results

  1. The other day I bought a set of ammonites from a dealer who was selling off specimens from an old collection. Two of the ammonites were labeled, probably correctly, as the Triassic species Ceratites nodosus and Acanthoceratites spinosus. A third specimen was also labeled as a ceratitid, but it is clearly different. For example the suture line is not at all ceratites-like, and is definitely an ammonite. To my eye several features suggest Placenticeras, a late Cretaceous genus. These include a flat venter with alternating clavi (elongated nodes), nodes at about mid flank, possible faint umbilical nodes, and a very complex suture line. If it is a Placenticeras it doesn't exactly match the species I am familiar with, and the preservation is also unfamilar. Note that there is a lot I don't know about the genus. However it occurs to me that various species of Placenticeras are found in Europe. Of course, it also could be something else entirely. I am asking the community, and especially my fellow ammonite aficionados ( @rocket @Ludwigia @PFOOLEY et al) if they recognize the species and/or the mode of preservation. General aspect: Flank with nodes: Venter showing flat edge with clavi (elongated nodes) on either side: Suture line: I forgot to get a photo of the profile with the aperture, I will add that this evening when I get home. Don
  2. Fossildude19

    Misidentified prep project

    From the album: Fossildude's Purchased/Gift Fossils

    I came upon this very inexpensive fossil on an auction site. It was misidentified as a Knightia eocaena. I could see it was actually a Diplomystus dentatus. (The thickened post cranial bones, the upward facing jaw, and the pectoral fin position were my clues.) I will be prepping this out shortly. I have a larger example that was given to me by Peat Burns, but I wanted something to practice on, first. This will be my first true Green River Fish prep. Wish me luck.

    © 2020 T. Jones

  3. Hi folks! I'm a little late to the party here, but this was posted on a popular fossils website. I apologize for the delay in posting, but I couldn't take a photo without having the website's name exposed. This specimen was listed as a very elusive T.rex hand claw, at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, it is an Anzu wyliei foot claw and not a T.rex hand claw. Misidentifying these two claws is a very common mistake. The second photo is the Anzu wyliei toe claw from my collection. If any of you purchased this claw, please contact the seller. Information came to me last night by member @Troodon, who knows I'm always snooping around the Internet like a hound dog for T.rex material.
  4. A lot of misidentified material from a single source: Description: Pachycephalosaurus Vertebra Fact: it's Thescelosaurus not Pachycephalosaurus Description: Theropod Vertebra Dinosaur Fact: Not dinosaurian probably Crocodile Description: Theropod Vertebra Dinosaur Fact: Not dinosaurian looks like a Champosaurus vert. Description: Theropod Finger Bone, Raptor, Dromaeosaur Fact: Not dinosaurian looks like turtle Description: Theropod Vertebra Dinosaur Fossil Fact: Not dinosaurian not sure may be Croc. or reptilian Description: Large Theropod Vertebra, Raptor Rex Fact: Don't believe it's Theropod or Raptor Rex looks more like a Thescelosaur
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