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Found 16 results

  1. I found a tooth in Lance Creek during the paid dig. I thought it was from Nanotyrannus. But my friend told me it should be from a juvenile T. Rex’s front jaw tooth. Those are the pictures. Please let me know what you are thinking about. Thanks everyone.
  2. FF7_Yuffie

    T-Rex or Nano

    Hi, thoughts on this? The base looks Rexy, but the tooth is quite thin rather than fat, so I am thinking it might be Nano, not Rex? Any thoughts would be great. 1.2 inches, from Powder Rivery County, Hell Creek
  3. LordWampa

    Tyrannosaurus Rex / Nano tooth?

    Hello, this tooth is listed as Tyrannosaurus Rex / Nano tooth. It measures 2cm and it comes from Carter County in the Hell Creek Formation. Is the id correct? Can it be either a nan o or a trex tooth? I will tag you @Troodon as you are the expert in this matter! And this other tooth from the same place measuring 2.2cm. And this third tooth 3,2cm same location.
  4. Dino Dad 81

    Rex? DR? (nano?)

    Hi, This one is a real kicker for me and I'm eager to hear what you think. Before studying it, I thought it might be a small T Rex, but the serrations are too fine. I don't believe it can be Nano for a few reasons, base shape being a big one (zero pinch). But it'd be unusual for a DR I think too, mostly for the mesial carina, but not sure. I wonder if much of the oddity is due to it possibly being an anterior tooth...? It's: From the hell creek formation CH: 16.6mm CBL: 8.8mm (1.88 ratio) Mesial serration density: about 6 per MM Distal serration density: about 4 per MM Serration shape: Hard to tell with the level of wear, but the stumps are perfectly round--not boxy or rectrangular, as I'd expect if chisel Base cross-section: Oval, no pinch whatsoever Mesial carina: Here's a tough part--it's very offset to one side and it hard for me to tell whether that means twist or not. Both the distal and mesial carina are fairly extremely to opposite sides (anterior?). So the mesial can look like it has twist, but, from the right sideways view, the two carina are both visible and parallel from top to bottom--they don't seem to converge with a twist at the lower mesial portion. THANK YOU!
  5. FF7_Yuffie

    Small Hell Creek tooth

    Hi, anyone able to narrow this down. Its a small tooth, I assume raptor. But could it be baby Nano? No serrations. 3mm. Hope pics are ok. It was tricky. Garfield County. Hell Creek
  6. FF7_Yuffie

    Rex or Nano

    Hi, Seller doesnt know if this is Rex or Nano. He says its worn by feeding and rubbing on other tooth and is complete. It is from Hell Creek, Montana. Ive asked for a county/town. Thanks
  7. ThePhysicist


    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Tyrannosauridae (Nanotyrannus-morph) Hell Creek Fm., Powder River Co., MT, USA A classic Nanotyrannus Tyrannosaur tooth: compressed and blade-like. Exceptional preservation, with a minor wear facet near the tip on the lingual side (indicating it's from the left maxilla). I really like the color.
  8. Nanotyrannus35

    Show us your tyrannosaur fossils!

    Show us your tyrannosaur fossils! My only tyrannosaur fossil is a small fragment of a tooth, but it has some really cool patterns. I can't post pictures right now but will later. So show us your fossils!
  9. lone5wolf117

    Nano or trex tooth?

    Hello I recently got this tyrannosaur tooth would it be nano tooth or trex tooth ? it's form hell creek formation and its about 2.6 inches
  10. Hi there! I recently purchased this online, could you please help identify this? the seller was unsure if it was a juvenile trex or a nano. It was found in Hell creek dawson County east of Glendive Montana Thank you :)
  11. I just obtained a Nanotyran tooth that is 2.2 inch. It's beautiful but wanted to know what causes the unique difference in the color of the teeth between the nano teeth or any tooth for that matter. Golden brown vs Chocolate brown vs black vs the variant that I have. Thanks in advance.
  12. Dracarys

    Nano vs T. rex?

    I have two similar sized teeth that were both from Hell Creek. One is a large nano tooth (left) but the other may be T. rex? The one on the right certainly is fatter. Thoughts? Thanks
  13. I have been working hard lately on all of our programs and we are very close to having the dinosaur presentation I want us to have. We have a name for this program, Dinos Rock. Yes it is not super creative but for 2nd graders, this is a geology themed program. For 3rd graders, it is adaptation based but the name works. We have added some pieces that gives us more than a few teeth. Nothing museum quality or anything but a few bones help the visual factor. I have been studying the biology, geology and ecology of dinosaurs so the science will be good. my son is working on the art but we wont have any done soon, he has school projects a head of this. We are close to being ready a full 6 months before I thought we would be. Hell Creek was going to be a focus for us because the fossils are available and this is the fauna that most kids will recognize. If you are willing to look hard, you can also find some real bargains from this formation. We turned a lot of early attention collecting attention to Hell Creek dinosaurs and I am actually really happy with where we are at with the fossil material we have. There is a lot of room to add and maybe upgrade in the future but this is a good start. This is the famous T-Rex and Triceratops fauna and we started our collection with those critters. Very early on, we were able to get a few Hell CreekTriceratops teeth. I am very happy that through a purchase from TFF member, we added two frill pieces. They are Lance formation but we are not covering the Lance formation yet so they will be used here. I also added a frill piece from Hell Creek. The kids will get to touch the largest frill piece which is a great bonus. An iconic dinosaur and I think well represented. Also early on, we stumbled into a great bit of a luck. A TFF member saw a post of ours and passed it on to another TFF member who sold us a beautiful Tyrannosaurus Rex partial tooth and gave us a really nice Nano too. It was very affordable and a generous gift was added that gave us nice pieces from the most famous dinosaur ever. The rock star really. I was not sure we would be able to get a decent example at all but to do it right off the bat was HUGE. This would not have happened if not for the members that decided to help us out. We are extremely grateful The first dinosaur fossil we got were two Hell Creek Edmontosaurus teeth that were a gift. We acquired a nice jaw fragment in a trade. I am a bargain shopper with a limited budget so I LOVE our Edmontosaurus as it has not cost much at all. I named this display Eddie I like it so much lol Hadrosaurs are important dinosaurs to talk about and I think a fair amount of kids may not know about them. I would like to add another bone later too. They seem attainable for us. Acheroraptor was behind only T-rex on the my list and we got a really beautiful tooth and it was another bargain pick up. I will talk a lot about this species and I will get deep into the biology/ecology of this awesome dino because I love Dromaeosaurids. Raptors are also an iconic dinosaur that kids love and this is a relatively new species which is another fun thing to discuss with the kids. We will also be introducing the kids to a theropod they have never heard of, Richardoestesia gilmorei. I have told me son to envision a toothed Cormorant type dinosaur as I lean toward them being a fish eater. It is pretty cool to get a Hell Creek dino that they will not know anything about. We have yet to add a Thescelosaurus fossil but we will before we start presenting. I want to add another piece of the fauna and it seems this is the most inexpensive option we will have. It will also give the kids another dinosaur they probably do not know and it will round out the basic Hell Creek fauna. There is no shortage of dinosaurs that we can add either. An Anky or Nodosaur scute is way up on the program list of fossils for me and hopefully we can find one from this formation. Dakotaraptor is #1 on my personal list and I will get one eventually. A Troodontid is also very high on the list as well. I know eventually i will also pick up an Ornithominid too. All three of these are more expensive so we will have to save and wait but each one would also make awesome educational dinosaurs. I also really want to add an Avian fossil. I have not researched this but my guess is they are very rare. Leptoceratops is another species I would love to add at some point too. They are really cute and kids will dig them. Anyway, here are some of the fossils. I think we have a good start going to our Hell Creek collection and I am looking forward to taking these to work with me very soon. Pic 1- Triceratops teeth and Eddie Pic 2- T-Rex, Nano, and Hell's Thief. I am so happy to have these fossils. Pic 3- One of the frill pieces. This one will end up in a larger Trike display with more teeth and another frill. Plus we will have nice frill for kids to check out too.
  14. Haravex

    Rex or nano

    So the tooth along with a few others I bought from a popular auction website the tooth in question measured 1.51 inches and defo a pre max tooth.
  15. terrybrown

    Nanotyrannus or t-rex?

    Hi again, Just picked up a small collection of teeth for for a wonderful price. Included was this tooth, the owner wasn’t sure whether it was a nano or t-rex. Top profile shape is very hard to work out on this tooth. Tooth is around 2 cm in length. No ideas on location/state so super helpful that was! Any ideas?
  16. On a popular internet site is this absolutely gorgeous tooth out of the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota. The tooth is perfect and the colors are stunning! The problem is that it is being sold as a juvenile T.rex tooth, and it is clearly a Nanotyrannus tooth. If it were priced at $300, I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat. Description says that it is too robust to be a Nano tooth. . Notice no picture of the base of the tooth is shown in the listing, so it's difficult for one to be 100% certain. Size is only 1.26 inches.
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